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China is a large developing country, with the population of 1.3 billion and 0.8 billion of them for labor supply whose increase is fast. Strategy of economic development and path of industrialization had resulted in lots of super and surplus labor force both in state-owned enterprises and country. With the deepening of market economy, traditional employment system has been broken, and marketed employment mechanism is coming into existence. To make it worse, the apparent unemployment which used to be hidden in the formation of lay-off is recently exposed by the reform in Chinese enterprises, especially in the state-owned enterprises. With the broken of the division between urban and suburban, the speed of the transfer of countryside surplus labor force is increasing. Theunemployment problem is becoming into a long-term and tough task. So we should research the unemployment issue from a strategy view, make the promotion of employment, alleviate the tense situation of employment.This paper, first, makes an overall review of all kinds of unemployment theories and compares employment policies in different countries, which help to build up a strong theoretical basis for the analysis of China's unemployment problem. To follow the rule of combining theory with the practice, this paper researches the unemployment problem in every period since the subsistence of P.R.China, and systematically illustrates the present employment situation and characteristic. On basis of that, this paper analyzes the cause of the present
    unemployment problem. Finally, it comes to some recommended policies, full of creativity, aimed to solve the unemployment problems with the goal of economic development.This paper could be divided into four parts:Part one--the section of theories. In this part, the author makes an overallreview of the employment theory of Marx, the popular western employment theories and the primal employment policies in the west.Part two--the section of present situation. The author, clue on the historicalcause of China's employment problem, describes and analyses the situation of China's employment issue in every period. And he focuses on the primary characteristic and the primary contradiction indicated by the employment problem since deepening the socialistic market-oriented economy.Part three--the section of analyses. By means of the systematic analysis andthe dynamic research, the author analyses the logic cause of the present serious situation of China's employment problem.Part four--the section of solution. From three aspects such as the developingprogramming, the strategy countermeasure and the relative measures, the author offers the relative policies and suggestion to solve the serious employment problem.This paper, by making use of the relative theories and the researching methods of western economy, quantitatively and qualitatively analyses the prominent contradiction and problem of China's employment issue in this period. This is one of the features of this paper. And the qualitative analysis mainly includes: first, historical analysis; second, international comparison; third, systematical analysis. In addition, there is some quantitative researching methods adapted in this paper, which includes: first, diagrammatic analysis; second, elastic analysis; third, model analysis. To realize the goal of the research, the author builds up the functional models through the historical data and the regressive method, attempting to explain the cause and the developing trend of the employment problem more correctly.Because of the limited knowledge of the author, for example, the insufficient
    quantitative describe of the unemployment situation, the unpersuasive argument and the shortage of the theoretical analysis of the unemployment problem, this paper is far from perfect. I will try my best to consummate it in the continuous research.
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