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The vulnerable groups in the urban and rural areas of China refer to those who are at a disadvantage and need special care and help from the society because of the physiological, natural and social factors giving rise to their lack of basic economic, political and cultural resources, the insufficient capacity to subsist and self-develop, and the insufficient enjoyment of economic and social development. The vulnerable groups in China's urban and rural areas now mainly include the urban unemployed and laid-off workers, the low-ineome earners, the non-provided-for seniors, the non-cared sick people, the handicapped, the psychotics and disadvantaged in their material life, education, social and political status.The causes of the vulnerable groups in urban and rural areas are complicated. Some are identical in urban and rural areas while some are of great discrepancies. The common cause can be summed up into these points: natural endowment of resources, structural reform and fact6r of favorable policies. Natural endowment of resources comprises shortage of economic deficiency in politically participating ability and in want of cultural and educational resources. Cause formations of the structural reform are structural reforms on economy, medicine, treatment and education. The causes for favorable policies are favorable policies with regional development strategy, urban and rural development strategy and so on. Special forming reasons for the vulnerable groups in city and town are reform, transformation and reorganization of state-owned enterprises, transformation of traditional employment policy, commercialization of construction and sluggish development of welfare structural reform. The contributing factors of the disadvantage group in countryside are: bad natural condition, large population with high increase rate, insufficient funds on agricultural capital construction, treatment gap between urban and rural inhabitants, agriculture periodic fluctuation and low price of agriculture products resulting in farmers' economic losses.Nowadays, the large number of the advantaged group has negatively affected the development and stability of society because it is not in the interest of the country's stability, economy growth and social development. Therefore, we should care about and help the vulnerable groups in order to widen and consolidate the ruling basis and status of CPC.Firstly, coordinate economic development, strengthen the foundational position of agriculture economy and promote economic cooperation in different regions.Secondly, create job opportunities through a variety of channels and improve our job services system. Reform the census registration policy and give the rural inhabitants equal treatments as citizens.Thirdly, perfect distribution and regulation policy, implement "low salary guarantee" policy, standardize the distribution order and tax regulation, and intensify policy regulation function.
    Fourthly, amplify social guarantee system and consummate basic insurance policy ba^tu on employment insurance, old-age pensions, medical insurance system as pillar and improve ijcial welfare policies in the fields of people's residence, public health, culture, cJu:■£:::■.■; i~d environment protection so as to improve inhabitants' living quality. Carry out the -Uco s.cnce allowances" guarantee system and practice special succor policy.■" i-tri). develop social charities and foster social wealth quality.
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