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With the reduction of the size of the integrate circuit and the advance of the speed of the signal, the transmission line effects (Delay, Reflection, Distortion etc) of the signal connection in the high speed VLSI circuit become the main cause of the restriction to the signal integrity analysis. Analyzing the transformation rule of the circuit transient response to the transmission line parameter and terminal load parameter, namely analyzing the sensitivity of the transient response, can find the key factors impacting the transmission line effect. This paper presents three methods to solve the sensitivity of the transient response of transmission line circuit. They are congruent transformation method, piecewise decomposition method and Chebyshev collocation method. The first two methods are based on the usual math model of the transmission line, and are developed from the NILT method. They are used in the complex linear transmission line circuit and. nonlinear transmission line circuit seperately. The last method applies the pseudo-spectral method to form the new math model of the transmission line, and then using the MNA method to progress the transisent response analysis and sensitivity analysis. From the comparison of the simulation wave and the SPICE perturbation method wave, the precision of the methods is good.
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