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The core of the cultural heritage conservation is about the subject of value. Thecultural heritage conservation principle and mode will be changed when the cognition tothe culture heritage is changed. From1990s, the fact that more attention is transited tocultural value from historical value, which causes the great progress from simpleprotection to inherit and sharing, from the technical protection in the professional topublic protection in the social totally system. Under this condition, whether the culturalheritage can get more widely value identification and social participation is determinedby whether the value of heritage can be correctly and deeply understood. Therefore thecultural heritage value interpretation and communication have become the key factor inthe heritage conservation and utilization. It is also an explanation why that theinternational heritage conservation documents and organizations pay more and moreattention on such communication factors as heritage interpretation, exhibition and etc.Unfortunately, the research on this subject is still very poor which needs urgentlytheoretical research for the heritage conservation practice.
     Base on above viewpoint, this dissertation is mainly focused on the research ofthose subjects as the cultural heritage conservation's value delivery, interpretation andcommunication with communication principle, accordingly those professional fieldknowledge such as public archaeology, communication and etc are adopted forreference, and also those interpretation in international conservation documents andpractice of international conservation organization are combined in this dissertation.According to the research of two links as "encode"and "decode”, it is pointed that thecultural heritage conservation is mainly the "value encode"and "value decode”dynamically comprehend process.
     "Value encode"is a process of "value construction"which is achieved by constructkey knowledge and thereafter produce the cultural heritage significance. The discoursetransition is paramount important in this process. Both cultural heritage and its value areconstructed by different social value orientation under different cultural and valuebackground. As the stakeholders of different discourse body, they often constructdifferent sides of heritage value by adopting different strategy, which accordingly make not only cultural heritage become a brand and collection combined all kinds of publicvalue, but also cause the transition of heritage value cognition according to differenttimes and different discourse, thus the contemporary heritage value system isconstructed.
     "Value decode"is a process of heritage value delivery which can interpret anddeliver the heritage significance by analysis of heritage key knowledge. There are threeinterpretation methods in the value delivery process: academic interpretation,demonstration interpretation and public media interpretation. Among them, academicinterpretation is the first interpretation procedure; the other two are about the popularityinterpretation. In addition, the value interpretation under crisis communication is aspecial interpretation mode which has important effect for rescuing the heritage value.Therefore, distinguish the level of heritage interpretation, mobilize public involved ininteractions, and fully utilize those vision media and etc will be helpful to improve theeffect of heritage interpretation and value delivery.
     Finally, those related problems in the cultural heritage conservation and valuedelivery in China are indicated in the dissertation.Those potential resolutions forrealizing the interpretation target as from "understand public"to "understand by public”are also proposed in this dissertation after concretely analysis of the available situationand subjects in the popularity interpretation because that the popularity interpretation inthe value delivery is most important now in China.
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