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     首先对C_(20)H_(43)NO水溶液在循环系统中的减阻特性进行了实验研究。主要从C_(20)H_(43)NO水溶液减阻的最佳浓度、温度效应及抗剪切特性等方面进行实验研究。为了深入研究C_(20)H_(43)NO水溶液在实际供暖系统中的特性,在实验室模拟了C_(20)H_(43)NO水溶液在实际管路不同管径情况下的减阻实验。分别测试了这种溶液在DN50、DN100和DN150三种管径下的减阻特性;并且研究温度60℃时2500ppm C_(20)H_(43)NO水溶液在水泵连续运行工况下的减阻率随时间变化特性。
Additive drag-reduction is a technique in liquid transportation area that adding a minute amount of additives in turbulent flow of liquid can result in a significant reduction of frictional resistance encountered in the flow. Its application can decrease the energy consumption of flow systems, increase the flow velocity and reduce the diameter of tubes in the system. By a comprehensive characteristic comparison of different types of drag-reducing additives, the aqueous solution of zwitterionic surfactants (C_(20)H_(43)NO) is choosed to investigate the experimental properties of turbulent drag reduction.
     Firstly, an experimental study of drag-reducing characteristics of C_(20)H_(43)NO aqueous solution in a circulation system is conducted, including the optimal concentration of surfactant, temperature effect and anti-shear properties. In order to study the drag-reducing characteristics of C_(20)H_(43)NO aqueous solution in the practical heating system, the experiments with C_(20)H_(43)NO aqueous solution flow in different-inner-diameter pipelines are presented. Drag-reducing properties of this solution were investigated in the DN50, DN100 and DN150 pipelines, respectively. Meanwhile, the relationship of drag-reducing vs. time at temperature 60℃and concentration 2500ppm were researched, with the pump working all the time.
     Finally, the technique of additive drag-reduction applying in the district heating system is analyzed overall, meanwhile, some problems in the practical application are brought forward, such as: the poor time bound of surfactant, instabilities of drag-reducing effect and the inherent corrosion of additive itself. According to these problems, the corrosivity research of C_(20)H_(43)NO aqueous solution is also conducted using immersion method. The results show that: comparing with CTAC solution and water, C_(20)H_(43)NO is weakly corrosive for iron-based metallic pipe.
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