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     NKC-7、NKC-11、HY、NKC-12催化剂用于催化裂化/异构化实验来制备碳链个数在5~15的宽切割组分航空燃料。通过催化剂的表征及失活特性分析表明NKC-7具有较好的催化裂化稳定性。优化的催化裂化反应条件为:反应温度485°C,物料流量0.600mL/min,催化剂用量15g (质量空速为2.2h-1)。该反应条件下航空燃料组分的产率在90%以上。本文还建立了集总反应动力学模型并利用龙格库塔方程和非线性最小二乘法对催化裂化工艺进行了动力学参数的估算。
     本文以能源微藻等能源作物为原料,对可再生航空生物燃料进行全生命周期评价。结果表明:虽然以微藻为原料生产并使用1MJ的生物燃料所产生的二氧化碳当量值最低,但是仍达到0.285kg eq-CO_2/MJ生物燃料。开发废弃油脂资源作为我国发展可再生生物燃料的主要原料将会带来极大的环保效益和社会效益。
The world is changing and so is the aviation industry. Now with decliningpetroleum resources, shocking surge in the price of fuel, combined with the increasein political and environmental concerns, it is imperative for aviation industries todevelop clean and energy-efficient technologies of producing sustainable alternativebiofuels. In present study, an innovative but simple and effective method wasdeveloped for the production of aviation biofuels by Kolbe electrosynthesis coupledwith catalytic cracking reaction from fatty acid methyl esters (biodiesel) or saturatedfatty acids. The aviation biofuels produced showed good properties even at extremelycritical conditions.
     For the preparation of long carbon chain hydrocarbons by Kolbe reactions fromsaturated fatty acids. Several reaction conditions (such as potential, solvent, supportelectrolyte, reaction time, and electrode materials) were evaluated to optimize theKolbe electrosynthesis. The optimum conditions for Kolbe reaction were: thepotential higher than7.5V and20wt.%of KOH used as the support electrolyte withtemperature of45±5oC, while the methanol as solvent. Besides, the mechanism wasalso proposed according to the electrochemical tests (cyc1ic voltammetry tests, linearsweep voltammetry tests, and tafel tests). The results show that it is a very promisingchoice for the preparation of aviation jet fuel by Kolbe processes, which are energyefficient as the reactions are conducted mostly at ambient pressure and temperature.
     In order to get higher conversion ratio and higher jet fuel yield in the catalyticcracking reaction,15g NKC-7catalyst was used while the feedstock flow rate was0.600mL/min under485oC after1h when the catalyst has stable react activation. Also,a detailed lumping procedure for obtaining a kinetic model of catalytic crackingreaction is developed. The kinetic constants were estimated by nonlinear least squaresfitting method.
     In order to estimate the cost of producing aviation biofuel, technical andeconomic analysis on a conceptual design of an aviation biofuel production plant(with a capacity of10,000tonnes per year) was made. The estimated total capital costand annual operating cost were approximately RMB24.10million and RMB77.8million, respectively. The present results demonstrated that the industrial scale plant would be promisingly competitive in the market using waste cooking oils and animalfats as raw material.
     A life cycle assessment was carried out to quantify and compare theenvironmental impacts by producing and utilizing of biofuels derived from the bestfeedstock options available in the short and medium term (palm oil, jatropha oil, andmicroalgae oil) referring to China conditions. According to the well-to-pump (WTP)and pump-to-wheels (PTW) results, the total amount of CO_2emitted for both casescenarios is different, arranging from0.285kg eq-CO_2/MJ biofuel to0.730kgeq-CO_2/MJ biofuel based on the production of1MJ biofuel. The new generationrenewable materials (especially microalgae) and waste cooking oil appear to be themost likely feedstock for aviation biofuels in medium and long term of China.Considering the extensive application of microalgae and waste cooking oil forbiofuels production, new market will be opened up and there will be real andpotentially very promising impacts on ecosystems and on society.
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