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In this paper, the wheat (Lin feng NO.3) roots as materials, todetermine the suitable for wheat root extraction method andappropriate treatment days, eventually find out after UV-B radiationin root of Wheat Differential Proteins and analysis of its function.Setting the normal light group (CK) and enhanced UV-B radiationgroup (B).First, the wheat roots were treated with phenolextraction-methanol/ammonium acetate precipitation, TCA /acetone precipitation and urea thiourea extraction, compare thethree extraction methods, to find a suitable method of proteinextraction wheat roots. Then the protein by different treatmentdays (3, 6, 9) in wheat seedling roots were extracted, determinationand SDS-PAGE analysis, select the appropriate treatment days,provide the basis for subsequent experiments. On this basis, we usetwo-dimensional electrophoresis technology, differences in proteinprofiles obtained by PDquest8.0 software analysis, looking fordifferences in protein spots before and after radiation.At last weuse MS to identificate and analysis the diffierences. The resultsshow that:
     (1) Using urea thiourea extraction of wheat root total protein, both in the number of protein bands staining depth, etc are better thanphenol methanol / ammonium acetate precipitation and TCA /acetone precipitation method, and after two-dimensionalelectrophoresis analysis of urea, thiourea extraction to proteinsamples the protein spots more favorable follow-up experiments,inthe subsequent differential protein analysis with urea thiourea rootprotein extraction.
     (2) Compared with experimental treatment for 3 days and 9 days ofwheat roots, experimental treatment for 6 days in root of wheat CKgroup and B group in the total protein content changes obviously,and the extremely significant difference (tck:B=2.145, P<0.01), so wein the follow-up of the two-dimensional electrophoresisexperiments using radiation for 6 days of wheat root as theexperimental material.
     (3) By comparing the normal group and the treatment group 2DEmapping, found a discrepancy of 2 times more than 15 protein spots,one of 2 new protein spots, 3 for the expression amount to addpoints, 10 for the expression quantity drop point.By in-gel digestionand MS identification of further to determine the differences inprotein function.
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