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Production levels of northern Japonica rice steadily increased in China, but the quality showed stagnating trend. In order to achieve the combination of high yield and quality, a rice recombinant inbred population (referred to as RILs population) derived from two Japonica varieties which have significant different yield and quality related traits was selected as experimental materials, evaluated15quality related traits and10yield related traits, analyzed the correlations between the various quality traits, studied the relationship between quality and yield related traits, mapped yield and quality related QTLs. The main results are as follows:
     1. For processing quality, BRR, MRR and HRR all presented significantly positive correlation; which also presented significantly or extremely significantly positive correlation with NPP and TNSP; and showed no significantly positive correlation with SF and GW. In addition, Processing quality presented extremely significantly positive correlation with NBPP and extremely significant negative correlation with PL. QTL mapping results also confirmed the above conclusions, qMRR-7-1, qHRR-7-1, qNPP-7-1, qTNSP-7-1, qNBPP-7-1and qPL-7-1were mapped to the same location-RM5426-RM22109on Chr.7, and the contribution rate was18.46%、54.92%、6.33%、8.11%、9.56%and13.46%, respectively.
     2. For appearance quality, RMLW presented extremely significantly negative correlation with PGWC and DEC, showed significantly negative correlation with processing quality, and also presented extremely significantly negative correlation with TNSP and GW. PGWC and DEC presented extremely significantly negative correlation with NPP, and presented extremely significantly positive correlation with GW. QTL mapping results also confirmed the above conclusions, qWMR-6-2, qRMLW-6-1, qPGWC-6-1and qET-6-1were mapped to the same interval-RM5850-RM494on Chr.6, the contribution rate was33.49%,29.30%,34.27%and22.98%, respectively.
     3. Tasting and nutritional quality presented extremely significantly positive correlation with TNSP of Yield components, presented extremely significantly positive correlation with SF. Tasting presented extremely significantly positive correlation with processing quality and appearance quality. TV presented extremely significantly negative correlation with PC of nutritional quality. Meanwhile, this study also found DMRE has no significantly correlation with TV, which indicates tasting and nutritional quality of rice are not contradictory. The locus which controlling TNSP, MRR, PGWC, PC, DMRE were mapped to chromosome7, contribution rate was8.11%,18.46%,40.08%,39.17%and32.81%, respectively.
     4. In summary, there are important correlations between quality traits and yield traits in rice. Considering the two main breeding objectives:yield and quality, this study proposed that improving NPP is helpful to improve the processing quality and appearance quality. Reducing TNSP and GW is helpful to improve the tasting and appearance quality. Increasing SF can improve taste value. Therefore, this study suggests that improving NPP and SF, controlling TNSP and GW is the effective way of improving quality on a higher yield level in Northern Japonica Rice.
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