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Due to the flight height and the pose of the aerial photography's limit(vertical or small angle photography), satellite remote sensing with the fixed orbit, the median altitude aerial photogrammetry and fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle only can fetch part of height information and roof texture information. It’s difficulty to meet the demands of three dimensional city buildings construction.
     Aimming at acquiring three dimensional information of buildings quickly to meet the demands of current three dimensional digital city, a low-altitude UAV-airship photogrammetry system that take the low-altitude UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle)-airship as flying platform carrying the wide-angle and combined camera is designed to support precison aerial triangulation and building 3D construction. On one hand, camera self-calibration based on auto-matching of four cameras overlap images to form a precision equivalent project image for aerial triangulation.on the other hand,building profile images can be acquired using four self-calibration oblique cameras at one flight.
     In order to meet the demand of UAV’s low loading, one kind of self-calibration wide-angle and light small combined camera with soft and steady platform is designed. The error of the large format image seamed by the processing of self correcting can control in the range of 0.2 pixel.
     With the demand of low altitude large scale three demisional measurement, a self-calibration land marker is designed to improve precision of photogrammetry, that error of land marker image detect can be rectified using error triangle. After aerial tiangulation, mosaic image has precision absolute exterior orientation.So, absolute exterior orientation of oblique camera images can be acquired using precision relative exterior orientation with mosaic image.
     According to the existing building geometric constraints in object relations, the establishment of structures with constraints measurement model, and the formation of typical semi-automatic roof of the building measurements. It puts forward the quickly fetching method of the city buildings’multi-surface subtle measure and vertical texture based on the integrated wide-angle camera’s multi-view images. The city buildings’3D model is made quickly and automatic based on the triangulation.This paper analyzes the state of the building 3D model not be matched with the topography and puts forward the solution.
     Large scale mapping and 3D building construction test in Shandong University of Sciense and Technology with high precision control points and application in Weihai city using unmanned airship equipped with wide-angle and combined camera system, provide authentication model for construction of 3D building based on wide-angle and combined camera images from UAV.
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