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Driven by the development of computer science, communication and spatial technologies, modern geomatics, whose kernel is 3S technologies, is developing towards digitization, automation and real-time with high speed. In the aspect of data acquisition, technologies of acquiring digital images with high-resolution and multi-band are becoming more and more mature and have gotten extended application. Especially, the development of digital photogrammetry greatly facilitates spatial information extraction and of the real world objects to a great extent and further promotes the construction and development of Cyber City. But the theory and algorithm of data processing and analysis based on images are lag correspondingly and feature extraction based on images is the main barrier of faced by information age. 3D reconstruction based on image is one of the core tasks of photogrammetry, and also is one of the basic missions of computer visualization research field. Therefore, 3D extraction and reconstruction of manmade
    objects has gotten international attention in photogrammetry, remote sensing and computer vision and research on it is significant in theory and in practice as well.
    This paper mainly focuses on theories and methods of 3D extraction and reconstruction of manmade objects based on stereo image pair and integrated platform implementation. Based on the integrated platform, mis paper attempts to research 3D extraction and reconstruction methods of several different kinds of manmade objects based on stereo image pair and corresponding methods and algorithms that are valuable in practical application thoughtfully. Main research and concrete works can be concluded as five aspects as follows:
    1. Developing of integrated platform for data collection and 3D modeling
    A common default exists in current software of 3D reconstruction is the disjointedness between data collection and 3D model reconstruction. The process of manual data collection, topologicai relation building and editing is the main reason of low efficiency. This paper presents a strategy of 3D data acquisition and reconstruction and develops an experimental platform that can integrate data collection and 3D modeling together. The whole procedure, from original image data acquiring, automatic interior orientation, automatic relative orientation and epipolar image sampling to stereo image pair generation, combined with automatic and semi-automatic extraction and reconstruction can be realized by an integrated platform. A main idea of this strategy is using SUSAN operator to perform the relative orientation and the reliability is validated through experimental results. In a word, this integrated platform provides an excellent environment for the following research and work.
    2. Establishing of 3D reconstruction data model
    In GIS, one of the most important role of data model is to describe entities and objects in real world as true as possible. 3D data modeling is the base of 3D reconstruction. Based on summarizing state-of-the-arts of 3D data model, this paper studies the problem of 3D reconstruction data model for manmade objects. 3D topologicai data mode presented in this paper provides an abstract outline model design for following 3D reconstruction.
    An important function of spatial data model is the ability of spatial relation description and representation and an important aspect of spatial relation is topologic relation. In 3D space, the study of topological relation is lag, which restricts the development of 3D GIS to a great extent. This paper summarizes the role of topological relation in 3D reconstruction based on the study of topology. After analyzing 2D topology, this paper focuses on the study of 3D topology from the angle of 3D reconstruction. In this paper, 3D topology of manmade objects is classified into interior topology and outer topology and several important concepts including topological chain and 3D topological connection degree are presented and defined to describe the 3D topological relation between manmade objects. Then a new topo
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