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Based on the development of the backfilling coal mining technology with solidmaterial, this paper adopted integrated research methods of laboratory test, theoreticalanalysis, numerical simulation analysis and physical simulation to do the research.Firstly, we analyzed the source, classification and basic characteristics of solidmaterial. Then we proposed the feeding vertical technology with the efficient andcontinuous transportation of solid material from the ground to underground andstudied the key factors that influence the vertical feeding size of solid materials theborehole. In the meanwhile, we further studied the movement characteristics of solidmaterials in vertical borehole and the flow field distribution characteristics, iMPactproperties and the buffer mechanism of the solid materials. Finally, we took theWugou coal mine (in northern Anhui electricity group of china) as an example to dothe industrial test, and achieved some research results, which mainly performed in thefollowing aspects:
     (1) According to the actual feeding characteristics of solid materials, weestablished the motion model which took the ventilating rate as its parameter, andstudied the wind drag characteristics of the solid materials in vertical feeding processon condition of the vertical feeding size of solid materials to the borehole by windtunnel test method. The motion control equation of solid materials and the motion lawof fillings on different launch conditions were obtained.
     (2) We analyzed the distribution law of airflow velocity field and pressure fieldin the vertical feeding borehole by using the FLUENT numerical simulation software.Combined with field data, this paper revealed the principle of gas-solid two-phasemovement of the in the channel of solid materials vertical feeding. We studied theeffect of pressure discharging function to air field distribution and obtained theairflow pressure discharging mechanism.
     (3) Based on the basic principles of the collision mechanics, we established thedynamic collision model and analyzed the iMPact properties during the verticalfeeding process. We obtained the dynamic response law of the bufferon differentiMPact conditions by using the ANSYS numerical simulation software and proposedthe buffer mechanism of the vertical feeding, which provided an important theoreticalbasis for the buffer equipment design and development in the vertical feeding process.
     (4) For the importance of the borehole’s installation and use in vertical feeding process, we studied the influence factors of installation and established the dynamiccontrol equation. And the falling movement law of pipe was obtained. Furthermore,we put forward the pipe material selection requirements.
     (5) This technology have successfully applied in Wu Gou coal mine, the systemoperated well to obtain good application effect, with vertical transmission capacity of550tons per hour and waste rock handling of220,000tons in total.
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