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Research of visual attention is one of the important domains of psychology and neurophysiology. In recent years, with the development of brain function detecting technology, the research of visual attention has improved from the stage of qualitative analysis to that of quantitative analysis under different functional conditions by utilizing variety of neurophysiologic signals. However, there are still certain defects on the feature parameters selection and attention levels classification in this quantitative research. To seek new parameters which can reflect the levels of attention accurately and objectively, and to establish a stable and reliable biofeedback system to monitor and control the operator’s visual attention levels dynamically will not only be helpful in revealing the mechanism of visual attention in the psychology and neurophysiology field, but also could be useful to diagnose and treat the brain diseases related to the attention. In this way, it can promote new technology, such as brain-computer interface (BCI) etc, and application in neural and rehabilitation engineering.
     In this thesis, there were two electroencephalogram (EEG) feedback experiments to measure the different levels of visual attention. In these experiments, following flash stimulus displayed on the screen, all subjects were required to finish different imaginary motor tasks corresponding to multi attention levels and EEG was recorded for further research. In order to assess different visual attention levels, the next step was to process EEG data with nonlinear dynamics parameters based on sequence complexity, such as approximate entropy, sample entropy, multiscale entropy,δ- sample entropy. According to the statistics analysis of entropy parameters of EEG signals of 14 subjects, there are significant differences in attention intensity in most of the electrodes in the frontal regions, such as F3、F4、F7、F8、Fz, and some of the electrodes in temporal regions, such as T3, T4. The values of entropy show a declining tendency with the level of attention declining and sample entropy has the highest sensitivity when discriminating different levels of attention. To realize attention levels quantification, a classifier based on support vector machine was optimized and was used to recognize the levels of attention with recognition ratio of 85.24%. Thus, it can distinguish the different levels of attention. The last segment of this thesis is the analysis of relevance between attention levels and motor imaginary potentials. With the mentioned research methods and results above, it can supply the reference and technical support for the basic research in brain and cognition neuroscience, EEG biofeedback training system and BCI online system design.
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