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Purpose: the subject using MTT method to select the sensitive drug to lung cancer and breast cancer patients, and compare to the conventional chemotherapy. We wish to explore the relevance of the two and its clinical significance, with a view to improve cancer efficacy and survival rate of patients to avoid unnecessary side effects, and provide a theoretical basis for clinical chemotherapy individual. Methods: select 40 cases with malignant tumors, using MTT method to measured PBL’s sensitivity to eight kinds chemotherapy drugs, then choose the sensitive drug to "individuation" of chemotherapy. In another, select 48 cases of lung cancer and breast cancer patients as a control group, which does not take drug sensitivity test, but use the conventional chemotherapy. Finally, evalute the effect of the two group, whether there is statistically significance compared between the two groups.
     1. The chemosensitivity order for lung cancer, which is DDP, taxinol, Gemcitabine, carboplatin, vinorelbine, Cytoxan, fluorouracil, ADM; The chemosensitivity order for mammary cancer, which is Cytoxan, ADM, fluorouracil, taxinol, DDP, carboplatin, Gemcitabine, vinorelbine.
     2. The therapeutic effects of the test group is 87.1%,there is statistical significance compared with the control group(55%)( P=0.004).
     3. In the lung cancer group, there is significant difference between the two groups with different stages of treatment (P <0.05); for the different pathological types, the test group is also significantly higher efficiency than the control group (P <0.05). In the breast cancer group, we don’t find the statistical significance between the two groups (P>0.05).
     4. In the lung cancer group, select the joint programs according to drug sensitivity results, the clinical efficiency has increased significantly (P<0.05); in the breast cancer group, there is no significant difference between the two group (P>0.05), but in the test group, there is 25% choose other ways of drug selection compare to the control group, and the clinical efficiency has the statistical significance between the two groups.
     5.There is no obvious difference (P<0.05) between the two group about half an year and 1-year survival rate. We think it result for taking as a fewer example and shorter follow-up, so we should expand the sample size and increase a longer period of comparative study of survival.
     6. Choose all the patients whose clinical efficiency was 0(except the death of patients), for 21 cases, taken their peripheral blood samples, and use the MTT method to measure drug sensitivity, results were as follows: almost the patients choose the drug which sensitivity test showed that non-sensitive drugs.
     1. In this paper, the research about sensitive sequence of lung cancer to 8 kinds of commonly used clinical chemotherapy drugs basically consistent with previous research. But sensitive sequence of breast cancer was different from previous studies. We think that fewer sample and shorter study due to it. We should to expand the sample size and take a further, in-depth study.
     2. Select the chemotherapeutic drugs according to sensitivity tests result, can significantly improve clinical efficiency. Compare to the traditional chemotherapy, there is significantly different. The conclusions of the study in accordance with other scholars at home and abroad, once again verify the theory that PBL can be an alternative for tumor cells to take sensitivity test.
     3. Drug sensitivity test in vitro not only can guide clinicians to select drugs to enhance chemotherapy effect, but also can help doctors rule out non-sensitive drugs, to avoid/reduce the ineffective chemotherapy or the occurrence of drug resistance.
     4. We found the joint programs of drug selection in test group were more flexible, and had more targeted treatment. It illustrate that we achieve the individual chemotherapy under the guidance of the drug sensitivity test in vitro.
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    3 Levi F.From circadian to cancer chronotherapeutics[J].Chrvno- biology International,2002,19(1):1~19
    4钱晓蕾,彭芝兰,刘珊玲,等. ATP和MTT法在卵巢恶性肿瘤化疗药物敏感性试验中的对照研究[J].中华肿瘤杂志,2003,24(2):204~205
    6 Iwahashi M,Nakamori M,Nakamm M,et a1.Individualized adjuvant chemotherapy guided by chemmensltivity test sequential to extended surgery for advanced gastric cancer[J].Anticancer Res,2005,25(5):3453~3459
    7 Sargent JM.The use of the MTT assay to study drug resistance in fresh tumour samples[J].Recent Results Cancer Res,2003,161:13~25
    10管睿,崔英. ATP-CSA化疗药物敏感试验及在卵巢癌中的应用[J].国外医学临床生物化学与检验学分册,2003,24(5):291~292
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    12 Kurbacher CM,Greeu OM,Stier U,et a1.ATP chemosensitivity testing in ovarian and breast cancer:early clinical trials[J].Recent Results Can cer Res,2003,161:221~230
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    14 Ugurel S,Tilgen W,Reinhdd U.Chcmosensitivity testing in malignant melanoma [J].Recent Results Cancer Res,2003,161:81~92
    16 Tsuhei Kon Do, Tetsuro Kubota, Hiroshi Tanim Ura, et al. Cummlative Results of chemosensitivity test for antitumor agents in Japan[J]. Cancer Research, 2000,20:2389~2392
    21 Bellamy WT. Prediction of response to drug therapy of cancer: a review of in vitro assays. Drugs, 1992,44:690

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