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     1.卵母细胞的体外成熟 采用微滴培养,卵丘—卵母细胞复合体体外培养42~44h后(38.8℃,5%CaO_2,100%相对湿度),卵丘细胞扩展,部分卵母细胞排出第一极体。mTCM199+15%NCS(v/v)和NCSU23+10%PFF(v/v)为基础培养液用于卵母细胞体外成熟培养,在添加15iu/ml的PMSG和HCG时,卵母细胞体外培养成熟率分别为41.2±3.98%和38.28±4.02%;在添加20iu/mlPMSG和HCG时,卵母细胞体外培养成熟率为44.8±5.34%和39.12±1.25%,在添加相同浓度的激素时mTCM199+5%NCS(v/v)和NCSU23+10%PFF(v/v)对卵母细胞成熟率的影响差异不显著(P>0.05)。mTCM199+15iu/ml PMSG—15iu/ml HCG添加浓度为0,10%,15%,20%的血清(NCS)体外培养卵母细胞,卵母细胞成熟率分别为0,37.78±1.92%,43.33±2.72%,43.33±3.85%,添加组与不添加组之间差异极显著(P<0.01):添加10%与20%组之间差异显著(P<0.05);添加15%与20%组之间差异不显著(P>0.05);添加10%与15%组之间差异显著(P<0.05)。在mTCM199+15%NCS(v/v)中共同添加0iu/ml、10iu/ml、15iu/ml、20iu/ml的相同剂量PMSG和HCG进行体外培养时,卵母细胞的成熟率分别为0,35.56±1.92%,41.2±3.98%,46.27±7.36%,添加组与未添加组之间差异极显著(P<0.01),添加15iu/ml组与20iu/ml组之间的差异不显著(P>0.05),添加15iu/ml组与添加10iu/ml组之间差异不显著(P>0.05),添加20iu/ml组与添加10iu/ml组之间差异显著(P<0.05)。添加一定浓度的血清、激素有利于提高卵母细胞体外成熟率。
     2.体外受精 将鲜精(或常温保存精液)在mTBM+100ug/ml肝素中运用“上游法”获能40~60min,然后将获能看的精子与成熟卵母细胞在mTBM-50
     u g/。1肝素中共孵育6h (3.4aC,5%CO。,100%相对湿度)。受精后 24~28h有部
     3.早期胚胎的体外培养 体外受精后,三种培养体系被用于受精卵
     5 % CO。,100%相对湿度。三种培养体系中早期胚胎发育率分别为
     不再向前发育,在*和*中,部分胚胎能越过 4细胞期发育到 8~16细胞期及至
Porcine ovaries were obtained from Changsha Wulipai abattoir.
    Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) with more than three layer' s compact cumulu cells were mechanically isolate& from 3~-6 mm sized ovarian surface follicles. The COC were cultured in vitro to study the porcine ovarian oocyte' s in vitro maturation (IVM), in vitro fertilization (lyE) and in vitro culture (IVC) of the early embryos. The results were presented as follows:
    1. Oocyte' s in vitro maturation In the experiment, COCs were cultured in 300 microliters droplets (38. 8~C, 5%C02, 100% humidity). After cultured 42-44h, the cumulu cells expansion, some oocytes extrusion the first polar body (PBI). mTCM199-'-lO%NCS(v/v) and NCSU23-4-l0%PFF(v/v) were used to study their effects on oocyte' s IVM. The results show that, when supplemented with l5iu/ml PMSG and HCG the maturation rate were 41.2±3.%98 and 38.28±4.02% (P>0.03); When supplemented with 2Oiu/ml PMSG and HCG the maturation rate were 44. 8±5. 34% and 39. 12±l.25%(P>0. 05). When supplemented 0, 10%, 13%, 20%(v/v) NCS(New-born cattle serum) into mTCM199-15iu1"ml PMSG--lSiu ml HCG, the maturation rates were 0,37.78±1.92%, 43. 33±2.72% 43 33±3.85%, maturation rates were remarkbabiy different (P<0.0l) between the groups with lO%-----20%(vlv) serum and the group without supplemented serum, the difference of the maturation rate among 10% and 20% or 15% and 10% were significant (P<0. 05), the difference of the maturation rate among 15% and 20% was not significant (P>0. 05) . When supplemented 0, lOiu/ml, lSiu/ml, 2Oiu/ml PMSG and L-JCG into mTCM199~-l5%NCS, the maturation rates were 0, 35.56±1.92%, 41.2±3.98%, 46.27±7 36% the maturation rates between 0 (group) and l0iui'mb- 20iu11m1 (groups) were remarklablv different (P<0. 01); between l5iu/ml and 2Oiu ml or lSiu,"'mi and lOiu/ml were not significantly differen? (p>O.OS> between 2Oiu"ml (group) and lOiu/ml (group) were
    significant different(p<0. 05). The results showed that add serum~ PMSG and HCG can improve oocyte' s maturation rate in vitro.
    2. In vitro fertilization Fresh sperm were capacitated in medium mTBM+100 ~ g/ml Heparin with the "swim-up" method. After capacitated 40- 60 mm. the sperm and the maturation oocytes were incubated in mTBM+50 ii g/ml Heparin (39. 40C, 5%C02, 100% humidity) for Gb. After 24'-28h some fertifized eggs extrusion the second polar body (PB II) and some fertilized eggs were clevaged. The clevage rate was 37. 95%(48-50h).
    3. Early embryo' s in vitro culture After in vitro fertilization, the fertilized eggs were cultured in three systems. I .TCM199+l5%NCS, II. Porcine oviduct epithelial cell monolayer (POEC)+TCM199-r15%NCS, III. granule/cumulus cell monolayer(G/C>TCM199+l5%NCS. The culture condition was 38. 80C, 5%C02, 100% humidity. Their development rates were 38. 49±6. 59% 37 19±5.19%,37.85±4.25%(48 -~ 50h), there were no significant different (P>0. 05) between them. In group I, the embryos were blocked at 4 cell stage, in group II and Ill some embryos can surmount 4 cell stage block and developed to 8-~l6 cell stage and morula. The morula rates were 0 12 84± 6. 04%, 4. 76 ±6. 73%. The difference of the morula rates among group II and I was remarkably (P0.05).
    In sumftiary, under the present culture conditions, the porcine ovarian oocvtes can matured in vitro, fertilized in vitro and developed to early embryos. When the early embryos co-cultured with monolayer porcine oviduct epithelial cells or granual/cumulus cells some of them can surmount the 4 cell stage block and developed to morula
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