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Although the Somatic Game is very popular all over the world, it is still little use for exercise. The treadmill game system will bring people the new fascinating experience of entertainment .And it can make more people do sports more consciously and regularly.
     Because of the non-contact and substantivity, recognition from images have become a hotspot in somatic technology. Especially, recognition with non-markers lets human body become remote controller without any accessories and attracts attention widespreadly. After introduced and analyzed the basic tracking algorithm, this thesis chose CAM-Shift algorithm to track bare hands according to the system demands. Then experiments showed that the basic CAM-Shift couldn’t satisfy the system and almost couldn’t work under complex background.
     Therefore, this article introduced depth information based on traditional CAM-Shift and developed and extended the algorithm in foreground segmentation, auto-initialization and noise process. This thesis mainly segmented depth map to get the mask off code of the foreground, and made use of the 3D information of the depth maps to initialize the searching window. Then, the thesis built up Interaction System of Treadmill Games based on depth maps and color images. The system realized the man-machine interaction with non-contact and no-markers by getting player’s depth maps and color images with a attachment of Xbox—Kinect from Microsoftm, 3D tracking the player’s bare hands and analyzing and recognizing the movements of the hands. Then the experiments testified this system satisfies the real time request, and the reaction is acute and correct.
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