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The dissertation studies on the conflict and minglement between the Chinese theory of Literature and Art and the tendency of adventitious theory of Literature and Art, in the tide of globalization from the latter half of twentieth century. At the same time, it studies on the issue about how we can restructure a Chinese theory of literature and art with indigenous characteristic during the period. The full dissertation is divided into five chapters.
    The first chapter probes into the traditional Chinese theory of Literature and Art's nature and its conflict with the western one. What is called the traditional Chinese theory of Literature and Art mainly is the. system of theory that was established on the basis of the traditionary Chinese culture before twentieth century. The author researches the self-location of traditional Chinese theory of literature and art. The self-location is the basic attitude to the nature of the traditionary Chinese literature and art ,in the system of traditionary Chinese culture. And then the author discusses the difference between the Chinese theory of literature and art and the western one. The second chapter discusses the methodology of the study on the Chinese theory of literature and art and the method of this task. The author argues that the method of this task should base upon the object's conditions of itself. Therefore,'talking about the Chinese theory of literature and art should make the's
    trait clear. "Splice" is a main feature in the trait. The third chapter
    discusses the literary problem in the globalization and the culture shock. We analyze the definition of globalization, and then the influence of globalization to China. What's more , in the context of globalization, we point out the contemporary values of the Chinese theory of literature and art, and the possibility of overpassing the Western theory of literature and art. In the author's view, the discussion about "the distortion of Chinese literature" and "the contemporary value of the traditional Chinese theory of literature and art", particularly has mpre important significance of theoretics. The fourth chapter discusses the significance of reform about the mode of medium and the structure of discourse of literature and art. It's mainly divided into three orders. The first one is the relationship between the word and the sense in an broad sense. The mode of medium belongs to the broad sense. The second one is that we analyze both the characteristic and the significance of the contemporary electronic mass media and the culture of image. The fifth chapter probe into the marginal position and the critical theory which are about the theory of literature and art. It is divided into four orders. Firstly, the author analyzes the relationship between the center and the verge about the speech of discourse. Secondly, the author studies the tentative construction which is about the dialogic system between the center and the verge. Thirdly, surveying with a marginal angle, we point out that some contemporary literature and art's problems have put forward challenges to the theory of literature and art. For instance, the developing popular culture gives new topics about the academic research against a background with the social marketability. At last, it talks about the possible effectiveness of the traditional Chinese theory of literature and art, on the basis of the total significance.
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