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In order to improve the shopping experience for Internet users and the marketingeffectiveness for E-commerce website, this dissertation focused on how to effectivelytransfer product information to consumers on the limited webpages resource. First,introducing the knowledge of cognitive psychology, web usability design and networkuser modeling, two method and a theory was deep studied, them is the representationand usability evaluation method on the retailer's content page presenting productinformation and the factors and mechanisms of consumer browsing behavior onwebpage. Then, a series of models and methods was constructed with the researchobjectives, such as the representation model of product presentation webpages, theusability evaluation methods of webpages, the method of consumer cognitive styleinference, the model of consumer browsing preferences prediction, the personalizedconfiguration models of webpages. Finally, a personalized presentation method ofproduct for E-commerce websites has been proposed built on the models and themethods.
     The innovation of this dissertation is mainly manifested in the following aspects:
     (1) It has been provided additional data sources for user modeling and empiricalstudy that the eye tracking methodology was introduced as a tool for webpage browsingbehavior research.
     (2) In order to solve the problems of lack of quantitative layout usability evaluationmodel on webpage, the representation and usability evaluation model of productpresentation webpages have been proposed on the basis that the webpages design ofe-commerce website was studied from the web usability perspective.
     (3) Introducing cognitive psychology theory, the relationship between consumercognitive style and their browsing preferences has been revealed with empirical study.
     (4) In order to increase the effect of personalized recommendation, cognitive style,and other user personalization features were introduced user modeling. So thepersonalized recommendation has been expended on the personalized presentation.These studies expand the application field of network user modeling.
     In order to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the model or approach, thedissertation was designed with two integrated experiment based on the presentationwebpage of product in Taobao Mall, Amazon, PaiPai and other e-commerce sites. Experimental results demonstrate that the series models and methods in this dissertationhave good feasibility and effectiveness, the conclusions are scientific and reasonable,and the research has a strong practical significance and value.
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