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With the deepening of education reform and the implementation of quality education, theschool education bears the full implementation of quality education and the guiding ideology ofhealth first.The school sports teaching is an important part of school education, it is the physicalexercise knowledge and skills training of teaching the students.The school sports teaching is theexercise capacity and good habit of physical exercise, promote the normal body development,enhance the health education. Teachers are the key to the school sports work, they can give fullplay to the role of school physical education in school education, the key lie in quality. Ourcountry of current basic curriculum reform since the founding of new China eighth times largercurriculum reform, it is to the nineteen eighties began in the late 90, to deepen the reform ofbasic education curriculum of the inheritance, development and transcendence. Sports and healthcourse requirements, physical education teachers cannot be fixed textbook teacher, and should bemaster of modern sport fundamental theory, advanced physical education thought and the idea,has become a skilled professional ability, innovation spirit and innovation ability educationpractitioners, therefore PE teachers should carry out quality reconstruction.
     Basic Education Curriculum Reform issued by the Ministry of Education in 2001,advocated a new philosophy, a new concept of teaching, students concept, as well as independentlearning, inquiry learning, cooperative learning and learning on many levels canconstructivismfind its theoretical support, that constructivist education and teaching idea isconsistent. Through an extensive literature survey showed that the constructivist learning theorybeing accepted by a growing number of educational researchers and academics, constructivistlearning theory as the new curriculum reform an important theoretical basis, are also oneducation and teaching in China comprehensive reform,teaching from the student of needand interest, the teacher should help students understand and teach; learning is not a teacher toteach students knowledge of the process but the students to construct knowledge actively process.Primary school physical education teachers in addition to possess the common requirements ofthe quality of teachers, but also should reflect its subject character and the requirements of thetimes, so it is necessary for the primary school physical education teachers of qualityreconstruction. In the learning theory of constructivism, primary school sports teachers reallyneed what kind of quality, also need to further complete, systematic, comprehensive expositionof.
     In the context of constructivist education reform, first of all, the quality of primary schoolPE teachers to meet the development needs of pupils; primary school is the rapid development ofphysical and mental stage, teachers should follow the students' physical and mental developmentof the law teaching. Secondly, the role of physical education teachers in primary schools shouldbe changed; such as the shift from passive to active, and people change from teaching, from thecontrol to guide transition from school people to the community people. Again, theresponsibilities of primary school PE teachers will also shift; continuously improve theprofessionalism, seriously athletic class, promote students' physical and mental healthdevelopment, and actively participate in social sports activities and efforts of school physicaleducation teaching and research activities. Finally, the revelation of constructivist learning theoryof physical education; Physical Education should enhance students 'learning and activeparticipation in Physical Education should pay attention to students' existing knowledge andexperience, physical education should enhance exchanges in various fields, physical education isnecessary to strengthen the teaching situation settings, physical education should pay attention tothe application of teaching refletion.
     This research is mainly under the guidance of constructivism theory on China of sportsteacher s quality is preliminary discuss, is based on the researcher of ideal physical educationteachers or teachers perfect image, from theoretic discuss the quality of PE teachers in primaryschool. In the learning theory of Constructivism mainly from the teaching idea, knowledgestructure, professional ability, personality structure and the physical quality of the five bigaspects.(1) teaching concepts: to cultivate students' interest in sports and student-centered, physicaleducation teachers have a safety awareness, the concept of lifelong physical, sustainabledevelopment concepts, innovative educational concept.(2) knowledge structure: Physical Education and basic theoretical knowledge, physical educationand expertise, a broad range of cultural scientific knowledge.(3) professional ability: motor skills, physical education teaching skills (Sports Teachingplanning skills, methods of teaching and learning in Physical Education Teaching PhysicalEducation Teaching the implementation skills, the ability of the design of teaching situations,teaching the ability to reflect), the activities of the Organization skills (sports organizationteaching ability, the ability to organize extra-curricular sports activities, the ability of theextracurricular training, organization of after-school sports competition), educational informationskills, education and scientific research capabilities.(4) personality structure: dedication, fair and equitable treatment to every student, and harmonious relationships.(5) physical
     On the basis of primary school PE Teachers of qualities of these five aspects, through alarge number of documents and interviews with teachers to understand the current primaryschool physical education teacher in the following areas there are still some deficiencies and lack,need to be further improved. The teaching idea of major lifelong sports concept, the concept ofsustainable development, the innovation education idea; professional ability are the main sportsteaching skills, education information skills, education and scientific research ability; personalitystructure are the main fair treatment of every student. Through this research, and strive fornormal colleges to cultivate sports teachers of primary school and continued education forphysical education teachers are proposed, in order to establish and improve the new situation ofthe primary school physical education teachers training mechanism provides a theoretical basisand practical support, for normal colleges to cultivate sports teachers identify and meet therequirements of the times, to achieve the basic education and the the connection between teachereducation has certain positive significance.
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