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Sports industry has become the new point of increasing of nationaleconomy with great potentiality and good perspective. The developingof sports industry can not only satisfy people's demand on keeping fit,but also play a crucial role in adjusting the structure of industry,enlarging local economic need, pushing forward the increase ofrelevant industries and offering more work opportunities.
     With the rapid economic increase in east region of Guangdong, sportsindustry has shown a good tendency of developing. However, thegovernment does not yet had a whole controlling of the circumstance ofsports industry of this region, let alone the superficial plan ofdevelopment. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to have a research onthe development of sports industry in east Guangdong region now.
     This paper apply "the whole production and management activityhaving something to do with the sport" of this kind of compoundconcept of sport industry to be the concept of sport industry. Theclassification method adopted is that divided sport industry into twomajor parts: one part be a corpus industry which include health care andentertainment industry, professional sports, physical training industry;Second is the related industry, including sports goods manufacture,sports goods sale, sport lottery, sports tourism, sports intermediateindustry and etc.. According to the definition of above concept and themethod of classification, this paper aims at a close research on thesport industry in east Guangdong region.
     Using the method of questioning, comparative study and datastatistics, Referring to literature and data, this essay makes a study andanalysis on sports industry in east Guangdong region, In order to get abetter realization of the current situation and find the short comings of it at the present stage. Based on this investigation, put forward thefuture plan on how to push forward the development the sports industryin east Guangdong region. Because of the restriction of energy andthesis space, it is impossible to make thoroughly research on eachrealm of it, therefore this paper mainly focus on health care andentertainment industry, Sport lottery, sports tourism, Meanwhile justhave a discuss according to statistic from some authorities data andliterature, as to other realms such as sports goods and professionalsport and etc.
     The research have the following results: Comparing with the PearlRiver Delta region ,the whole development level of the sport industryfall behind in east Guangdong region; The present condition of sportindustry in this region is very unbalance, and performances mainly intwo aspect: first is the unbalance among regions, sport industry inShantou is the best, Sport industry of Jieyang, Chaochou and theShanwei developed bad, The second is unbalance among professions.The increment value of health care and entertainment industry, sportsgoods manufacture and sports goods sale almost shared all the sporetindustry. The others shared a litter; Moreover the comprehensiveability of the employee is poor in this region.
     Additionally, the private enterprise is getting more on sport industryin east Guangdong region, but keeping a slow develop race. Althoughthe number of foreign-owned enterprises is few, its dimension isextensive, the employee is more; The consume level is lower here; Thedevelopment counter plan of sport industry in east Guangdong region isas follow: programming the sport industry of east Guangdong regionfrom the strategy view; Attracting Hong Kong-Macau and Taiwanesebusinessman to invest sport industry by providing special discount policy; improving the character and ability of the employee there;optimizing the industrial structure of the sport industry; developing thechinese traditional nationalities physical culture industry strongly;developing the economy of east Guangdong region Strongly to exalt theconsume level; leading the residents there adding more sport consumeby propagating the function of sports Strongly.
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