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     (一) WTO与我国职业俱乐部相关规则
     (二) 我国政府在加入WTO谈判中所做的承诺
     (三) 我国现行的体育体制
     (四) 我国职业俱乐部经营管理现状
     (五) 我国职业俱乐部发展方向
     1 我国的体育体制将从现在的“行政控制型”管理逐渐转变为“规则服务型”管理;这种转变表现在资源配置上将由行政下拨型向市场调节型转变;在组织领导上将由政府主导型向民间团体主导型转变;在服务对象上将由精英体育向大众体育转变;在服务方式上将由一切按主管领导意志办事向一切以顾客为主心经营。
     2 与WTO的条例和法规接轨,我国的体育法制将逐步得到完善;我国的职业体育俱乐部管理条例将更加规范;体育经纪人、体育保险、体育融资、体育彩票、体育人才交流、体育知识产权及体育信贷等将融入经济全球化的运行轨道,与世界市场全面接轨。
     3 我国有条件的职业俱乐部发展将按现代企业方式运作,国内外的风险投资基金将会逐渐介入我国的职业俱乐部;部分有条件的职业俱乐部将通过二板市场进入资本市场,逐步实现体育资产证券化。
     4 我国职业俱乐部将进入国际化人才大市场,运动员的身价不是主要取决于运动成绩,而是取决于该运动项目的市场化程度及运动员在该运动项目中的市场价值;同样我国全面参与全球竞争,国外的优秀人才不仅是我们的招聘对象,我国的优秀人才同样也是别人的竞争对象,各种地方保护政策将随着市场化的发育和成熟而渐趋消亡。
    3 加强新闻媒体的舆论监督作用。
With China joining in the WTO, Chinese government will face the great challenges and opportunities. The professional sport clubs will be up against the great challenges and opportunities as well. The author of this thesis tries to make a research on the pertinent rules of the WTO and the promised agreement of Chinese government to the WTO as well as the sports system of the country so as to change the actualities of management in reference to Chinese professional sport clubs. This research will make an attempt to give some references for the development of Chinese professional sport clubs.
    At present, Chinese government has decided to switch the economic and political system to the end that means the Chinese economic and political system will be seasoned with the WTO rules and has given the promised agreement to the WTO. As a formal membership of the WTO, China must be charged with the obligations while enjoying the rights.
    Obligations: according to the fair-trade principle, Chinese government must reduce executive interference. According to transparent degrees principle, Chinese government also needs to advance transparent degrees and unveiled degrees, in terms of non-discrimination principle, We must treat all of enterprises without distinction. As per national-treatment-principle, we must treat
    domestic-enterprises and oversea-enterprises without distinction on merchandise and servings.
    Rights: we can share the multilateral, unconditional and steady-going most-favored-nation clause. We need to solve the trade tangle by means of the agencies that were instituted by the WTO and the processes, we will disannul the customs barrier and export allowance step-by-step, redound the unveiled degrees of trade policy, open to servings trade, amplify safekeeping of knowledge property right.
    We must finish the reform from the old executive-predominance-type to the rules-servings-type. We must strengthen the lawmaking on sport so as to manage the professional sport clubs into a part in a modern enterprise and make a chance to enter the capital-market. As a formal membership of the WTO, Chinese professional sport clubs have to enter the system of international talents and join the global competition.
    Now, we must make a fair and reasonable standard of sports market, we must introduce the pertinent WTO laws into our country which will be utilized to interfere in illegal doings as well as to strengthen the public opinion supervision by force of the News media.
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    2 <<中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部>>网站
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    6 《中国入世研究报告:进入WTO的中国产业》 第1页
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    32 《中国加入WTO对上市公司的影响》 宋海波 编著 企业管理出版社 第112页

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