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The marathon is the advantage project of track and field sports of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, sports are in the national advanced ranks horizontally for a long time, the development moving for the marathon of our country plays a important role. This thesis is with the marathon coach of track and field team in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the coach, athlete are research objects that scientific research personnel, administrative staff, athlete and national track and field team leader run, use such research approaches as documents and materials , questionnaire investigation , expert's interview , logic comparative analysis ,et., marathon moves history of development and current situation carry on overall research and analysis to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, propose the corresponding countermeasure of marathon movement development of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.The result of study shows: The Inner Mongol marathon sport development strategy is it pay attention to " the whole luck slightly joins in a battle " overly to make, the source channel of the funds is single, the sports team manages and lacks the scientific process, it is not enough for mass marathon sports to popularize. Most marathon coaches in the Inner Mongol have deep love for one's own training work, there are stronger dedication and sense of duty, it is one that possess abundant practice and teach the experience, higher academic credentials and coach of the professional title team, have a match funds ,etc. respect store in obviously enough in age composition , scientific research ability , working environment , welfare treatment , training. The t Inner Mongol team athlete pays attention to the study of cultural knowledge and special theory, development prospect trained to oneself is full of confidence, striving direction and goal are relatively clear, but it is too less in number of times to participate in the marathon race every year, there is obviously partial and little service life to train specially, it is not high to meet achievement and industrial
    grade, living benefits, training the condition to be relatively bad. Team's scientific research level of the Inner Mongol marathon lags behind, the cost of scientific research is deficient, lack such specialized personnels as movement physiology, movement biochemistry, etc. and cooperation between the ordinary higher learning school of autonomous region, sports universities and colleges,etc. Development countermeasure: Establish " Olympic Games win honour for strategy ", realize sustainable development that marathon moves through reasonable planning; Strengthen the sport propaganda of the marathon and popularization, increase the input into marathon project and manage further; Improve the scientific degree trained, is perfecting the condition of training constantly, set up the plateau training base of different height above sea level, strengthen the development of training resources in the surrounding area; Strengthen the building of contingent of the coach , athlete, set up to the coach , athlete's reserve personnel training system , incentive system , make the life better actively and treatment condition ; Carry out " prospering the body with science and technology " strategy, strengthen scientific research , accelerate the speed of transformation of the scientific findings.
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