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     Hedgehog信号通路在胚胎发育中起着重要作用。它参与细胞增殖、分化和多种组织的模式形成。在脊椎动物中,Sonic hedgehog作为一种形态发生素,能形成浓度梯度,诱导周围的不同位置的细胞产生不同的分化命运。
     本论文的第三部分研究了Ecsit在斑马鱼早期胚胎发育中的功能。Ecsit是目前已知的BMP信号通路和Toll信号通路的唯一交叉点,在脊椎动物的胚胎发育和自身免疫调节中都具有重要的作用。通过在斑马鱼胚胎早期注射morpholino,抑制Ecsit mRNA的翻译,本研究首次发现,胚胎早期绝大部分Bmp信号,像bmp4,vox,eve1等,都受到了抑制,但vent的表达却没有明显的改变。这些结果说明Ecsit只介导部分的Bmp信号。此外,还发现巨噬细胞的早期marker基因lcp1的表达也受到了抑制,表明Ecsit可能同样参与巨噬细胞的成熟分化。
Vertebrate embryonic patterning requires several conserved inductive signals, including Nodal,Bmp,Wnt,Hedgehog and Fgf signals,which have shown to constitute a complex regulatory network that are responsible for all the events in embryogenesis.
     Left-right(L-R) axis is one of the three major axes in vertebrates.The generation of L-R asymmetry also requires interaction of many signals.
     The first part of this study firstly discovers a second role of Wnt signaling in L-R regulation of somitogenesis,using LiCl chloride(LiCl) as a specific activator of canonical wnt signaling.,Our data show when embryos are treated by LiCl at early-gastrulation,asymmetric somites are found in early somite stage.The bilateral symmetric expressions of herl and fgf8a,two critical members in segmentation model, are desynchronized in LiCl-treated embryos.L-R asymmetries of the heart and liver are also defective in the subsequent development.However,the expressions of Nodal pathway components(southpaw,lefty1 and pitx2a) do not correspondingly changed. These results demonstrate defects in somitogenesis and organ asymmetries induced by LiCl are not due to the interruption of Nodal signaling.Moreover,aberrant spaw expressions after LiCl treatment probably result from the impairment of the notochord development in zebrafish.
     Hedgehog signaling plays a multiple role in many processes,including cell proliferation,cell-fate determination and differentiation of various tissues.In vertabrates,Sonic hedgehog acts as a morphogen that induces cells into different cell fates by different concentration.
     The second part of this study firstly focuses on the phylogenesis,genomics and express pattern of several important members of Hedgehog signaling in amphioxus.In this part,we have shown Hedgehog pathway genes(hedgehog,patched,smoothened, gli and suppressor-of-fused) are based on the vertebate branches.In genomic structure of these genes,amphioxus is more similar to vertebrates.Amphioxus tends to possess more exons than Drosophila and zebrafish and human.These results indicate the Hedgehog pathway genes in amphioxus still have primitive characteristics in gene regulatory.In expression pattern,these genes have many similarities to each other including somite,archenteron and head mesoendoderm and to homologes in Drosophila and vertebrates.This demonstrates Hedgehog signaling is evolutionary conserved.
     The third part of this study is mainly on Ecsit in zebrafish embryogenesis.Ecsit is so far the only known intermediate between Toll and Bmp signaling in vertebrates and plays a critical role in both embryogenesis and immunity regulation.By injection of Ecsit morpholino into 1-cell stage of zebrafish embyos,we find that most BMP signaling,including bmp4,vox and evel are inhibited.These results show Ecsit conveys part of Bmp signaling.Futhermore,early macrophage marker gene lcp1 is also suppressed,which show Ecsit may involve in maturation of macrophages.
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