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犬瘟热(Canine distemper, CD)是由犬瘟热病毒(Canine distemper virus, CDV)感染引起犬科、釉科以及浣熊科等多种动物的一种急性、热性和高度接触性传染病,感染动物临床上主要表现为出现双相热型、支气管炎及卡他性肺炎等呼吸系统炎症、卡他性肠炎等严重的消化系统炎症等症状,部分病犬还出现有典型的神经症状。该病传染性强,发病率高,死亡率往往可高达80%以上,且很容易继发感染或发生二次感染,因此是严重影响警犬健康及其使用的重要疫病之一。
Canine distemper is an acute, febric, high contagious disease of canine, glaze as well as the raccoon family animals which caused by Canine distemper virus (CDV). The main clinical symptoms of infected animals are diphasic fever, bronchitis and catarrhal pneumonia, catarrhal enteritis, and the typical neurological symptoms are observed in a few dogs. The infectivity and morbidity of the disease is very high, and the mortality rate is up to 80%. The disease easily occurs secondary infection or the repeat infection, so is an important disease which influences the health of police dogs.
     In recent years, canine distemper becomes a common diaease of police dogs in the process of training. The trainging police dogs due to the influences of the stress factors such as long-distance transportation and environment mutation, easily lead to endocrine disturbance and substance metabolism dysbolism, thus cause the decrease of power of resistance and result in the invasion of other pathogens. In the study, we carried statistical analysis for the dataes of clinal cases collected from the period of training, in order to master the types of diseases which needed to prevent and control, understand the liability diseases of different species polica dogs, summarize and analyze the occurrence regularity of diseases, furthermore find the common diseases of police dog in the process of training, thus prevent the occurrence of a variety of diseases. The statistics results showed the diseases of respiratory system and digestive system occupied extremely high proportion in the common diseases of Belgian Malinois police dog, German Shepherd Dog and Kunming police dog.
     In order to understand the prevalence condition of canine distemper in the process of training, we carried on investigation and analysis for the prevalence condition of canine distemper during the police dogs training from 2008 to 2010 years using the police dogs from Shenyang, Nanjing and Kunming areaes, which participated in major activities. The CDV nucleic acids and CDV antigens of discharge of eye, conjunctival secretion, blenna narium, saliva, discharge of anal glands, and sample of excrement and urine were detected by RT-PCR and strips. The detection result of aetiology showed that CDV were detected in the samples mentioned above by RT-PCR and strips. The average positive rate of CDV was 17.81%(425/2386)by RT-PCR, and the average positive rate of CDV was 15.38%(367/2386). The CDV positive rates of eye secretions, conjunctival secretions, blenna narium and saliva were more than other samples. The result indicated that CDV infection was an important reason which induced the occurrence of respiratory system and digestive system diseases.
     The CDV infection positive rates of eye secretions, conjunctival secretions, saliva, nasal serections and anal glands serections collected from ill canines having respiratory system and digestive symptoms in the process of training were analyzed. The result showed that the positive rate in Nanjing district was more higher than other districts. It might be associated with climate moisture and more air humidity, thus easily multiply a variety of micro-organisms. The positive detection rate of CDV antigen in samples collected from German Shepherd Dogs, which was obviously higher than Belgian Malinois dogs and Kunming police dogs. The result showed that the susceptibility exsisted differences in different breeds. It might be associated with German Shepherd Dogs having less resistance and large stress responses due to the environment changes, thus reduced the resistance to diseases. The above results would not only provide first-hand information data of police common diseases in the process of police dogs training for police dog technology staffs, but also provide important theoretical basis for scientific prevention and control of canine distemper.
     According to the medical diagnostic result of cases collected from ill police dogs in the process of training and the result of CDV molecular epidemiological survey, we enacted relative synthetic prevention and cure measures from the observation of clinical symptom, the research of advanced diagnostic method, the institution of reasonable and effective therapeutic regimen, quarantine and raising management. The measures would establish substantial foundation for the timely and effective controlling the occurrence of police diseases, reducing the economic loss and ensuring the police dogs health and the guarantee work proceeding smoothly.
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