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Considered as a strategic post when Zhangqian firstly served as an envoy to the West, Hami of Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region has always been a dramatic place in Chinese historical literatures since Han Dynasty. In virtue of its particular geographic location, Hami was as the front position of cultural and genetic intercourse between Western and Eastern world. However, there is not a tangible documentation about pre-Han history of Hami region in ancient literatures. Recognizing these remote stories requires a range of analytical approached and diverse disciplinary perspectives in anthropology, bioarchaeology and archaeology.
     This dissertation is a comprehensive study of the human biological variation and population affinity during Bronze-Iron Age in Hami region. Based on the systematic analyses of skeletal human remains which have been excavated recently and literature review, the formation and transition of the cranial morphological character of ancient Hami people have been addressed in this dissertation. Moreover, the author preliminarily summarizes the pattern of cranial morphological character in this specific region and proposes a new hypothesis that ancient Hami people should be classified as a“transitional form”between Mongolian and Caucasian.
     This dissertation is composed of seven chapters.
     Chapter 1. Introduction
     In this chapter, the author reviews the history of archaeological and physical anthropological researches and briefly introduces the geographic profiles on this region. The purpose and the significance of this study, as well as the archaeological contexts of skeletal assemblages and methodology have been addressed at the end of this chapter.
     Chapter 2. Tianshan Beilu Cemetery
     This chapter contents the discussion of the paleodemography, cranial non-metric and metric analyses, and pathological conditions of the ancient skeletal human remain exhumed from Tianshan Beilu cemetery. According to the cranial morphological comparison, the author proposes that the similarity and diversity coexist in Tianshan Beilu series. The relevant bimolecular researches have been discussed at the end of this chapter as well. The results of these analyses are supportive of this hypothesis.
     Chapter 3. The population affinity of ancient Yanbulake People
     After reviewing all the previous studies on this region, the author discusses the population affinity of Yanbulake Culture (including Yanbulake cemetery, Wubao cemetery and Hanqigou cemetery), and proposes a different hypothesis of the physical characteristic of this crania series, as well as a concept of“transitional form”to the description.
     Chapter 4. Baiqier Cemetery
     This chapter contents the discussion of paleodemography, cranial non-metric and metric analyses, and pathological conditions of the ancient skeletal human remain exhumed from Baiqier cemetery.
     Chapter 5. Heigouliang Cemetery
     This chapter contents the discussion of paleodemography, cranial non-metric and metric analyses, and pathological conditions of the ancient skeletal human remain exhumed from Heigouliang cemetery. Two differentiable burial customs detected from this cemetery have been discussed at the end of this chapter as well. Chapter 6. Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Bronze-Iron Age skeletal human remains in Hami region.
     In this chapter, the author summarizes the previous studies of temporal and geographical related crania series which have been mentioned in this dissertation. According to the results of multivariate statistical analysis these crania series from Hami region and surrounding areas, the author states that the consistency has been detected in this region. The patterns of cranial morphological change through time have been addressed at the end of this chapter as well.
     Chapter 7. Conclusion
     Based on the results of material culture analyses, the author suggests that the dynamic transition of the cranial morphological character of Bronze-Iron Age skeletal human remains in Hami region could be artificially classified into three phases, including contact, amalgamation and polarization. Skeletal human remains from Tianshan Beilu cemetery, Yanbulake cemetery and Heigouliang cemetery are respectively represented the cranial morphological characters of these three phases. The author further states that the origins of these ancient people should be pluralistic and the majority was from Ganqing region of China. The fundamental population structure of the first two phases had not been changed, although intercourse must had been occurred in this region. The author proposes a new hypothesis that ancient Hami people should be classified as a“transitional form”between Mongolian and Caucasian.
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    [93] Alekseev, V.P. Anthropology of the Siberian peoples. In The Fiest Americans: Origins, Affinities and Adaptations (Laughlin, W., and Harper, A., ed), Gustar Fischer, New York,1979, 57-90.
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    [97] G. Hauser, Vienna & G. F. De Stefano, Rome: Epigenetic Variants of the Human Skull, Schweizerbart .Stuttgart, printed in Germany, 1989
    [98] Hajime Ishida and Masahiko Kida. An anthropological investingation of the Sakhalin Ainu with special reference to nonmetric cranial traits. Anthrop. Soc Nippon, 1991,99 (1): 23-32.
    [99] Hajime Ishida. Nometric cranial variation of northeast Asians and their population affinities. Anthropol. Sci., 1995, 103 (4): 385-40
    [100] Hillson.S: Teeth. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.1986
    [101] Ishida, H. Populationla affinities of the Peruvian with Siberians and North Americans: A nonmetric cranial approach. Anthropol. Sci. 1993, 101, 47-63.
    [102] Ishida, H., and Dodo, Y. Cranial morphology of the Siberians and East Asians. In prehistoric Mongoloid Dispersals (Akazawa, T., and Szathmary, E.J.E., ed), Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1995, 113-124.
    [103] Ishida, H., and Dodo, Y. Differentitation of the northern mongoloid: The evidence of cranial nonmetric traits. In Japan in the World IV: Japanese as a Member of the Asian and Pacific Populations (Hanihara, K., ed.), In ternational Research Center for Japanese Studies Press, Kyoto. 1992, 79-94.
    [104] Jeffrey H. Schwartz. Skeleton keys -an introduction to human skeletal morphology, development , and analysis. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, 257.
    [105] Kozintsev, A.G. Ethnic Cranioscopy. Nauka, Leningrad. 1988.
    [106] Kozintsev, A.G. Prehistoric and recent populations of Japan: Multivariate analysis of cranioscopic date. Arctic Anthropl. 1992, 29, 104-11
    [107] Ossenberg, N.S. Isolate conservatism and hybridzation in the populationhistory of Japan: The evidence of nonmetric cranial traits . In Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers in Japan (Akazawa, T., and Aikens, C.M., ed.), Univ. of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1986, 1992-15
    [108] Pindborg J.J : Pathology of the Dental hard tissues. Copenhagen ,Munksgaard. 1970
    [109] Pritchard, J. J., Scott, J. H. & Girgis, F. G.: The structure and development of cranial and facial sutures.-J. Anat. 90: 73-886, 1956
    [110] Sj?vold: A report on the heritability of some cranial measurements and non-metric trait.- in: van vark, G. N. &Howells, W. W. (Eds.): Multivariate Statistics in physical anthropology. -223-246, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
    [111] Yamaguchi. The incidence of minor non-metric cranial variants in the protohistoric human remains from eastern Japan. Bull. Natn. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. D. 11,1985: 13-24.
    [112] Yukio Dodo & Hajime Ishida: Population history of Japan as viewed from cranial nonmetric variation. Anthrop. Soc. Nippon, 1990, 98 (3): 269-287.
    [113] Yukio Dodo, Naomi Doi & Osamu Kondo: Ainu and Ryukyuan cranial nonmetric variation: evidence which disputes the Ainu-Ryukyuan common origin theory. Anthrop. Soc Nippon, 1998, 106 (2): 99-120.
    [114] Yukio Dodo: A population study of the jugjuar foramen bridging of the human cranium. Am. J. phys. Anthropol. , 1986, 69: 15-19.

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