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    第1 章以失业原因为线回顾就业理论的发展与演变。经济学领域有关就业的研究文献是丰富的,许多著名经济学家都重视研究就业问题。马克思的资本有机构成提高导致劳动力供求缺口理论在全球化时代仍具生命力。舒尔茨的人力资本理论在当今时代为解决经济发展中的问题与就业提供了重要的理论依据。文中总结了西方就业理论的研究成果及其20 世纪80 年代以来的新进展,并对90 年代以来全球化影响就业的已有成果进行概括,这些论述为以下各章提供了观点表述的理论基础和主题分析的理论平台。
    第2 章首先界定经济全球化的定义及其内涵,并说明经济全球化的主要内容及其发展趋势。在此基础上,概括了全球化进程中就业的规律性特征。
The world in today is an opening-up world. The wave of the economic globalization is rolling forward, connecting every country in the world together so tightly through the international trade, the transnational flow of capital, the international transfer of the industries and many other different ways. As a result of the mutual effects of the factors mentioned before, the world employment market has taken a series of changes. This article analyzes the regular characteristics of the world employment in the promotion of economic globalization, revealing the transfer mechanism of how the economic globalization effects the employment, analyzing the ways to administer employment in the globalization progress, to present some new ideas for China to realize the employment expanding during the procedure of reformation and opening up.
    There are six parts in this article.
    The part of introduction introduces the study background and the study significance of this article, clarifying the study train of thought and the method of study, generalizing the logic structure of this article and the main content of every chapters below, etc.
    Chapter one reviews the employment theory’s development and evolvement in the clue of the reasons of unemployment. There are abundant of study literature about employment in the economics’field. And many famous economists have attached importance to the study of employment problems. The theory of Marx that increasing the organic composition of capital would induce the gap between supply and demand of the labor force still has its vitality in the age of globalization. The human capital theory of Schultz has presented a important theoretical
    foundation for resolving the problems in the development of economy and the employment in today’s times. Chapter one sums up the study achievement of the employment theory in the West and the new improvement from 1980’s. It also outlines the achievement in the area of globalization’s effect to employment from 1990’s. All of these discusses have given the other chapters followed a theoretical foundation on which to express the points of view and a theory terrace on which to analyze the subjects. Chapter two firstly defines the definition and the connotation of the economic globalization, illustrating the main content and the developing tendency of the economic globalization. Then it summarized the regular characteristics of employment in the progress of globalization on the basis of that. After having introduced some representative ideas about the definition of economic globalization in the academic circle. The author concludes his explanation of economic globalization in chapter two. It considers that the economic globalization is a course of international division of labor world-wide which has been turned up accompanying with the development of social productive forces promoted by the development of science and technology. It mainly refers to the transnational transfer and disposition of productive factors, which has increasingly deepened the economic relations of the countries in the world. The definition of economic globalization, economic internationalization and economic integration are not the definitions in the same level. Generally, we can describe the manifestation and measure the degree and the developing condition of economic globalization by the facets of foreign trade index, the quantity of international flow of productive factors and the degree of internationalization among the enterprises. The world employment has taken on a series of regular
    characteristics during the process of economic globalization. This article points out that the global job situation is in a very severe state. And to resolve the employment problem has became to be the common job to the whole world. This chapter considers that the international competition of job positions which was triggered by the change of the structure of global labor market is more intense than before; that cost-push type of division of labor has redistributed the employment opportunities in the scope of the whole world; that the absorbing effect of advanced countries and the pushed-out effect of backward countries have made it not symmetric in the flow of talented persons between countries; that the speed of the distribution of labor force has been accelerated and the forms of employment were uncertain; that the proportion of flexible employment was increasing continuously and the forms of employment were diversified increasingly with the service industry having been the object of the economic activities and the of the modern information corresponding technology’s development; that the professional structure has turned to highly technical ability, while the low technical ability laborers having been set to the margin of it; that being the most important social relations in the industrial society, the labor relations have met the new challenges in the process of economic globalization, which is that the power of capital having be strengthened and the right of the labors having been infringed and deprived have been the outstanding feature of the structure of the labor relations; that the economic globalization has broadened the gaps between the different incomes of different laborers. The world will be more open and the international competition will be more intense. So the regular characteristics mentioned above will exist continuously which will profoundly effect the improvement of employment in every country continuously. To realize the ‘honorable labor’has been the aim for every country to struggle for. Chapter three investigates the transfer mechanism that how the
    economic globalization has effected the employment. The outstanding feature of the global employment in the process of economic globalization is that the employment opportunity, the contribution of the labor forces, the change of the employment forms and the environment of employment are all under the control of the fluctuation of the development of the world economy. We have accustomed to studying the change of employment in the single-country’s visual angle in a long period. But with the coming of the ages of economic globalization, we have been promoted to study the change of employment in a country in a global market angle. What we can see is the expanding of the international economic and trade activities in the different countries and different enterprises. But the flow of goods and capital accompanying with the international economic and trade activities will reflect on the change of international division of labor, the increase and decrease of employment and the effects it has done to each kind of laborers’income and their economic status at last. The combination of the liberalization development of international trade, the transnational flow of capital and the adjustment of the industrial structure promoted by the progress of the science and technology has been to the transfer mechanism by which the global labor and employment was effected. It is pointed out in the article that international trade effects the quantity of employment and the employment structure by the quantity of trade, the choice of the trade strategies, and the change of the trade structure. The effect that transnational investment has done to the employment in host country is described in four facets, such as creation directly, the connected employment, the quality of employment and the putted-out effect. The way of effect is decided by the sum of FDI, the characteristics of how to get into the projects and the transnational operating strategies. And the article analyzes the correlation of that by the models of econometrics. The transnational investment effects the
    employment in the host country by two ways as “employment replacement”and “employment expanding’. Finally, economic globalization is embodied as the adjustment of the world wide industrial structure on the basis of division of labor, while this kind of adjustment accompanied by the international transfer of industry. The course of industry’s transfer is the course of adjustment of employment opportunity. And the liberalization development of international trade, the transnational flow of capital and the international transfer of industry act on the employment mutually. Chapter four investigates the problem of employment administration in the process of economic globalization in the globally visual angel. This article considers that the globalization at present is not a harmonious process, but a course that is filled with contradiction and not proportionate. It points out that promoting the people first globalization is a cornerstone to realize the honorable labor. And the people first globalization refers to regarding the countries and persons as more as possible as objects and making more and more people to share and take part in the globalization of profits of international division of labor. Chapter five investigates the challenges which employment in China is facing in the process of economic globalization. And it presents some thoughts about policies in the way that in order to going after the profits and avoiding the disadvantages. It considers that the employment in China are not very fit in with the promotion of economic globalization, which has mainly showed as the more intensely international competition having forced the adjustment of economic structure in our country. The structurally optimized escalating will make it more difficult for the low quality laborers to find jobs. The economic globalization will induce some great breakup among the laborers in China. The developing gap between different groups will be broadened and the unbalance problem of the social development will be more intense increasingly. The educational
    institution in our country at present and the educational reformation can hardly relieve employment pressure essentially. The flowing-out of persons of ability will be dangerous to the safety of the talent in one country. And the absence of the global strategies will directly affect the quantity of employment. The proposal represented relatively is to pay much more attention to the employment study under the conditions of opening to the world, to speed up the creation of the labor and employment institutions, and to ‘put the growth model which can promote to create employment opportunities to the maximum into practice.’And it particularly indicates that our country would turn into the time of labor comparative superiority and high-tech competition as taking part in the process of globalization. From the documents which we have in hand now, we can find that there have been some discusses about the topic of effect that economic globalization has done to employment in the academic circle. But no one has synthesized the main content of economic globalization to utilize it in the effect to the employment. Now world economy has entered into a time of intellectual economy and economic globalization. And whether our country can realize the employment expanding by use of the opportunities which accompanying with globalization is also a theme that this article cares to. This article attempts to discuss this problem connecting with the actual practice of China’s opening to the world on the basis of absorbing the study achievement in the academic circle. And the new ideas this article tries hard to bring forth are as follows: 1. The choice of the topic: The present study in the academic circle about this topic is only limited in the single-line analysis. And this article tries to synthesize the different levels of economic globalization to study it systematically. These different levels include the liberalization developing of international trade and the effect of using the transnational
    investment and international transfer of industry on the employment. 2. The analytic structure: This article attempts to put economic globalization as the variable and the change of employment as study visual angle. And it strives to discuss the effects which economic globalization has made to world employment, especially to employment in the developing countries, to try to construct a theoretically analytic structure of ‘economic globalization——--change of employment’and ‘employment administration ——--the people first globalization’. This kind of thinking is logically clear. 3. The study methods: It emphasizes quantitative analysis, doing its best to make all the theoretic points of view can be tested by the data, holding on the purpose of economics which is described as that we must use what we have learned properly. At the meantime, this article caries on the study among many kinds of disciplines which has done some new attempts in the combination of the labor economics, the international economics and the developing economics. 4. The ideas: This article has presented its own points of view in facets as follows: (1). It gives its own definition of the economic globalization. And it considers that the direct meaning of economic globalization is international dividing of labor. (2). As a result of mutual effects of liberalization developing of international trade, transnational flow of capital and international transfer of industry, economic globalization has effected the employment structure, the employment forms and the labor relations. (3). It presents the idea of promoting the people first globalization is
    a cornerstone to realize the honorable labor. (4). It presents some proposals of how to improve the employment in our country in the conditions of opening up on the basis of the state of our country, connected with the current situation of our country’s attending the economic globalization. One of the proposals is that we should take part in the globalization with the labor comparative superiority in a short term, while the basis of elevating employment in a long time is the high-tech competitive superiority. Economics is a discipline about choices. Because the topic this article has chosen refers to a complicated and charming subject, I don’t want to have the fantasy to talk about all the problems about it. So I have to cut out some parts. What I only hope is to complete this thesis smoothly by the help and instruction of my tutor and many other teachers. I want to draw an approximate outline of this problem which refers to a wide scope that would meet abundant of complicated uncertain, to encourage some more profound search. I will fell so comforting if this article would give some advice to our country to react to the globalization, to relieve the employment difficulties and to defend the social stability. Meanwhile, because of the limit of the author’s knowledge foundation, the intellectual accumulation and the ability of digesting and absorbing, there would be some faults and oversights during the process of analyzing and deducing. And that’s what needs to be improved continuously. I hope that this article can establish a base for some profound analysis and study in a period afterwards. Because I’m not perfect in the rudimentary knowledge of economics and the ability of study and analyze, there are some parts of this article still need to be improved. These are as follows: 1. There is still some margin for this article to refine the theory about the relevance of economic globalization and employment, which is also the direction this article will try hard to research by the next step.
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