中世纪欧洲海商法研究(11 至 15 世纪)
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The medieval period was an important period witnessing the evolution anddevelopment of European maritime law. Especially from the11thto the15thcentury,economic recovery and social transformation brought in a continuous development ofshipping and trade business. As a result, lots of trade cities and maritime codesappeared in the costal areas of the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic, the North Sea andthe Baltic Sea. Those maritime codes enriched the content of maritime law byinheriting the tradition of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law and absorbing newmaritime custom derived from practice. They set a historic foundation for moderninternational maritime law.
     Medieval maritime law had many sources. Among them, the most importantones were Roman law and maritime custom. Roman law represented the oldtradition in medieval maritime law. During the process of code formation, Romanlaw preserved, developed and disseminated rules of ancient maritime law. Maritimecustom was the new element of medieval maritime law. The new custom, whichderived from shipping and trade practice at the medieval period, greatly modified andenriched the existing maritime laws and regulations. Sometimes maritime customwas even applied prior to statutory laws.
     The11thand12thCenturies were the historic period during which manyEuropean cities intensively filed documents and compiled legal rules. The first medieval maritime laws just appeared during that time. At that time, the compilationtechnology of maritime law was comparatively primitive, so the whole legal systemlacked logic and systematicness. Some articles conflicted with each other, whilesome articles just duplicated other ones. Sometimes a law was merely a collectionof rules with different sources. The formats of the laws differed from each other, butthey shared two same characteristics which were simplicity and practicality. All ofthose law compilations were familiar to the seamen and businessmen all over Europe.The laws played an important role in rights protection, dispute resolution anddiscipline regulation.
     It is a disputable question whether maritime law is internationalized or unified.Different people have different opinions. Take the formation and dissemination ofmedieval maritime law into account, maritime law undoubtedly is internationalized.However, it doesn’t mean that maritime laws of different areas must share same orsimilar rules.
     The first important medieval maritime laws appeared in Italy and otherMediterranean regions. Those maritime laws can be found in the law compilationsincluding the Table of Amalfi (around1010A.D.), the Ordinances of Trani (around1063A.D.), the Constitutum Usus of Pisa (around1160A.D.) and the Assizes ofJerusalem (the12thCentury). The appearance of the above mentioned maritime lawsmarked the birth of a brand new maritime law system.
     Mediterranean regions, especially Italy, had taken a leading role in the economicrenaissance and trade development since the11thCentury. Like banks, drafts andother new “inventions” in the fields of economics and law, the original impetusbehind the update and development of maritime law was the active trade deals in thearea. It was not an accident that cities of Amalfi, Trani and Pisa firstly started thework of maritime law compilation. With the Crusades Expeditions, the eastern andwestern parts of the Mediterranean regions further connected. As a result, Europefurther increased its trade with Near East and other farther regions. Theestablishment of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem partly served the trade interests ofEurope. Therefore, a twofold structure had been established that feudal law and law of Burghers (maritime law was part of it) existed on the same land of the FeudalKingdom.
     However, the laws emerged at the very early stage were not the most famousmedieval maritime laws. The most famous ones were the Consulate of the Sea, theRolls of Oleron and the Wisby Sea-Laws. Those three laws respectively representedthe maritime custom and maritime law development of the Mediterranean Sea, theAltantic and the Baltic Sea.
     The Consulate of the Sea of the middle13thCentury was born in the SpanishPeninsula. It was famous for its fruitful contents and widely applications. TheCustoms of the Sea covered many substantive maritime rules. They were the mostancient and core part of the law. The later version of the Consulate of the Sea alsoincluded procedural rules governing court hearings of maritime disputes and publicrules of privateering and capture. Although different comments exist, the Consulateof the Sea was in fact widely accepted by European nations and was known as “thecommon law of the sea”.
     In terms of both time and geography, the Rolls of Oleron of the late13thCenturywas born in the medieval period when British history and French history connectedclosely. The law mainly covered the custom and rules on trade and transportation ofred wines in Europe in the13thCentury. From the perspective of its formationprocess, the law was probably a record of the maritime judicial activities happened onOleron Island which was off the west coastline of France. The law enjoyed animportant status in northwestern and northern parts of the continental Europe and inEngland. Both in England and France, it was regarded as an official legal source.All or main parts of some well-known maritime codes, including the Judgments ofDame, the Flanders Sea-Laws and the Wisby Sea-Laws, were merely translations ofthe Rolls of Oleron into local languages.
     The rules of the Wisby Sea-Laws, which were formed in the last half15thCentury, did not come from the Wisby City, which was located on Gotland Island.Instead, the law was constituted by maritime rules of Lubeck, Flanders and Holland.The law regulated rights and obligations of masters, crewmen and businessmen, general average and ship collision. The Wisby Sea-Laws acted as a bridge joiningthe medieval maritime law and the modern maritime law. It greatly influenced theHanseatic law of the sea, which was formed in late medieval period, and the MarineOrdinances of Louis XIV, which was formed in early modern period. Although itenjoyed a high reputation, the law could not represent the latest development ofmaritime law in the15thCentury. Formation of new maritime laws, which weremore systematic and modern, had been under process.
     Look through the medieval maritime law as a whole, we can find that the law isclosely connected to shipping practice. To carry out risky sea-based activities, shipowners, masters, crewmen and businessmen together formed an occupationalcommunity or even a destiny community. Common adventure and common ventureare the eternal themes of maritime law.
     To carry out common maritime adventure, rules regulating ship owners, mastersand crewmen, maritime loans, maritime partnership and carriage of goods by sea weredeveloped in the medieval period. To keep order and discipline on board, crewmenmust obey master’s orders. However, compared to the rules in ancient times,democracy and civilization standard increased in the society on board so that rights,welfare and dignity of the crewmen were respected to some extent. To do seabornetrade, it was a usual business mode that several ship owners teamed up to run a ship.That was called joint ownership. Beside ship owners, some people madeinvestments in foreign trade by the means of maritime loans and maritime partnership.They earned high profits from others’ labor. Maritime loans could be issued throughmany different types of contract, including respondentia, bottomry loan and cambiummaritimum. Maritime partnership had also developed some complicated types ofcontract, including commenda, societas and Colonna. At that time, quaternus, whichwas also known as book or register, was a newly emerged thing in the practice ofcarriage of goods by sea. It better clarified rights and obligations of ship owners andcargo owners by recording cargo lists, crewmen names and other agreements in awritten form. Early bills of lading come from this kind of quaternus. However, theformat changed from book to bill then to document so that the bill of lading became negotiable. Till then, medieval carriage of goods by sea had become similar tomodern transportation in each and every aspect.
     To mutually correspond to maritime risk, medieval maritime law developed andrefined a full set of special legal rules governing ship collision, general average,wreck protection, salvage and limitation of liability. The medieval rules on shipcollision were not developed yet. They mainly inherited the rules of Roman lawwithout any substantial change. Rules on general average reflected geographicdifference. For example, different regions had different rules calculating the valuesof jettison and saved cargo. Rules on calculation method can be used as animportant standard to decide whether any two maritime laws share a close relationshipor not. Before the modern times, there was a long-term fight between the protectionof ship and cargo and the feudal right of shipwreck, which was the right to possess oreven rob others’ ship and cargo survived from a wreck. On the other hand, lawalways remunerated and rewarded salvage activities. In Mediterranean regions, ruleson limitation of liability emerged in shipping practice long before. Limitation ofliability was further established in modern times, playing an active role in decreasingthe burden of the shipping industry and encouraging more people to join in maritimeadventures. Before modern technology had a material progress, collision, wreck andloss were the risks coming along with sea navigations all the time. The basic rulesestablished by medieval maritime law on these aspects had been inherited by modernmaritime law.
     Based on the historical documents of the medieval period, there was a stronghistoric connection among maritime cities, maritime codes and maritime jurisdiction.Maritime judicial authority was the authority not only recognize and apply maritimerules but also record, save and update maritime rules. It played an important role inpromoting maritime law development. In medieval times, Europe had manymaritime judicial authorities. Among them, the Court of the Consuls of the Sea andthe Court of Admiralty in England were two major types.
     The Court of the Consuls of the Sea stemmed from the consular judicial traditionin Italian cities. This tradition was later widely accepted in southern and northern parts of Europe. The most famous example was the Barcelona Consul of the Seafrom the Kingdom of Aragon, which was usually connected to the name of theConsulate of the Sea.
     The Court of Admiralty originated from the position of the Admiral in England.In the middle of the14thCentury, to strengthen its control over the sea and to handlediplomatic disputes with neighboring nations derived from sea robberies conducted byits citizens, England established the Court of Admiralty on the position of the Admiral.Before the17thCentury, the Court of Admiralty in England exercised a broadjurisdiction.
     The development trail of the medieval European maritime law in the pasthundred years is like a three-fourth circle covering the south, west and northcoastlines of the Europe. The circle nearly covered all the coastal areas of Europecivilization as well. The development of maritime law not only laid the lawfoundation for Europe to lead in economic and social development all over the world,but also stamped a strong mark of sea on European civilization.
     Nowadays, maritime law has become an important part of our country’s legalsystem. It plays a unique role in developing shipping and trade and building greatsea power. For us, maritime law once was a foreign import transplanted into Chinathrough law revision in late Qing dynasty. It has not been a long time since wepromulgated and implemented our own maritime law. Conducting a research on thehistory of maritime law not only has the academic significance but also assist us tobetter understand the historic environment of the emergence and development ofmaritime law, and to better apply the principles and rules of maritime law.
    1Douglas M.Johnston,The Historical Foundations of World Order:the Tower and the Arena, MartinusNijhoff Publishers,LEIDEN,BOSTON,2008,p.43.
    1Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,London:Longman&Co.,and Trubner&Co.,Patternoster Row,1874,pp.lxxxi-lxxxii.
    2Joyce E.Salisbury(General Editor),The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Global Medieval Life andCulture,Volume I,Europe and the Americas, Greenwood Press2009,USA,p.15.雅克·勒高夫等人也持相同观点:文艺复兴时为弥合古代和现代这两个实在的、确切的、极富意义的历史时期之间的空隙,而创造出“中世纪”这一概念。见[法]雅克·勒高夫著,《历史与记忆》,方仁杰、倪复生译,中国人民大学出版社2010年版,第48页。
    3The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Global Medieval Life and Culture,Volume I,Europe and the Americas,p.15.
    1David M.Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1980,p.819.就通史而言,一般认为,欧洲自15世纪开始步入近代史阶段。发生了君士坦丁堡陷落,拜占庭帝国灭亡,文艺复兴、启蒙运动及宗教改革开始,地理大发现,民族国家兴起等一系列标志性事件。经济社会生活出现重大变化。在法律史上,有罗马法的继受,近代法典的编纂等重要事件。特别在德国,罗马法作为一个整体被接受。在法律领域出现了加速发展的现象。法律思想和法律研究深受文艺复兴和启蒙运动的影响。
    3Peter Bogucki&Pam J.Crabtree(Editors in Chief),Ancient Europe8000B.C.-A.D.1000:Encyclopedia of Barbarian World,Volume II,Bronze Age to Early Middle Ages(C.3000B.C.-A.D.1000),Charles Scribner’s Sons,p.355。
    4一个著名的例子是圣保罗所经受过的船难。而教会之舟(the ship of the Church)经常被想象和描述为一只在风浪中颠簸的船。
    1Jacques Le Goff,Translated by Janet Lloyd,The Birth of Europe,Blackwell Publishing Ltd,UK,2005,p.113.
    3M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,New-York:I.Riley&Co.,1806,pp.262-263.
    3W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman marit ime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,1961,p.336.
    4W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman marit ime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.331-334,336-338,341.
    1W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman marit ime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.339.
    2W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman marit ime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.330-331,345.
    4Shirley Robin Letwin,Edited by Noel B. Reynolds,On the History of the Idea of Law,CambridgeUniversity Press2005,New York,p.83,84.
    1Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876,p.xciv.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,New York,London:The Century Co.,1930.p.43-44.
    3Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xciii.
    1Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xciii-xciv.
    2Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xciv.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.45.
    1Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xlii.
    4Pierre Flotte,13世纪中期—1302年,法国美男子菲利普时期的法学家。
    1Guillaume Durand,1230—1296年,法国教会法作者,著有《司法观察》(Speculum judiciale)。
    2Guillaume de Nogaret,1270-1313年,法国美男子菲利普时期的政治家。
    3Eike von Repgov,13世纪德国吏官,著有《萨克森明镜》(Le Miroir des Saxons)。
    6Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.44.Alaosee p.52.学者们对12世纪之前是否有多部海商法被写成书面持谨慎态度。因为至少在西地中海地区,对海法内容加以证明,普遍地仍以专家的口头宣誓的方式来进行。本文认为,12世纪海商法的编纂,可以《阿马尔菲表》和《特拉尼决定》为例(详见第二章),但至少是不多见的。
    1Benedict on Admiralty,Volume1,Jurisdiction and Principles,Steven F.Friedell,Matthew Bender&Co.Inc,2003,pp.1-14,1-20.
    2Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.li.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.52.
    2Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1873,p.xli.
    3Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.cxi.
    1Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.liv,lvi.
    2David M. Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,p.726.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.55.
    1Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xliii.
    2Holdsworth, H.E.L., V. p.100,cite in Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early EnglishMaritime and Commercial Law,p.55.
    3Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,London:Longman&Co.,and Trubner&Co.,Patternoster Row,1874.pp. lxxx-lxxxi.
    3在西语中还写作the Tabula Amalfitana,the Tavola Amalphitana,the Tabula di Amalfi,the AmalfitanTable,the Code of Amalfi,简写为the Table或the Tabula。又译作《阿马尔菲碑文》、《阿马尔菲法典》。Amalphi,当地居民现在写作Amalfi。
    4Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,London:Longman&Co.,and Trubner&Co.,Patternoster Row,1874,p.lxiii.
    3Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876,pp.xi,xiii-xiv.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of theEarly English Maritime and Commercial Law,New York,London:The Century Co.,1930,pp.43,50-51.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.51andnote49.相近的观点,另见[美]James J.Donovan著,《船东责任限制的起源与发展》,段庆喜译,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》第37卷,法律出版社2007年版,第443页。这篇论文认为,《阿马尔菲表》大约编纂于11世纪,其最前面的部分可以追溯到1131年之前,有些部分则追溯到14世纪。以及,泰格和利维著,《法律与资本主义的兴起》,第76页。这部著作认为,这部法典颁布的时间最早在公元954年,最迟不晚于1010年。Also see W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,1961,p.331.这篇论文认为,《阿马尔菲表》制定于1000年。
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.53.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.53.
    2W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.331.
    3Benedict on Admiralty,Volume1,Jurisdiction and Principles,Steven F.Friedell,Matthew Bender&Co.Inc,2003,p.1-29.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lix.
    5M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,New-York:I.Riley&Co.,1806,p.376.
    6M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,pp.375-376.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lx.
    2Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876,p.cxxviii.
    3西语中还写作the Ordinance of Trani,the Decisions of Trani,the Maritime Ordinances of Trani,Laws of Trani,又译作《特拉尼决定》、《特拉尼海法》、《特拉尼法》、《特拉尼海员公会的领事判例集》。像其他一些古代法律一样,《特拉尼决定》被保存下来也出于偶然。1509年,费尔莫某位市民将这部法律的一个复本印刷在《费尔莫法规》(the Statutes of Fermo)的结尾部分。费尔莫是亚得里亚海边的另一个港口,在特拉尼以北。
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xci.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the EarlyEnglish Maritime and Commercial Law,p.46,note25and p.47-48. David M.Walker,The Oxford Companionto Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1980,p.1230.
    2Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,London:Longman&Co.,and Trubner&Co.,Patternoster Row,1874,p.lxv.
    3Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1873,pp.xliii-xlvi.
    4W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.331.
    5《不列颠百科全书》(17),中国大百科全书出版社1999年4月版,第174页。但这种表述并不严谨。可比较其他著作的表述:“现代海商法现存的最古老渊源是亚得里亚海湾沿岸的《特拉尼城海洋领事决定》(theDecisions of the Consuls of the Sea of the city of Trani)。”See Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Originsof the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.46.这与《不列颠百科全书》的表述相近,但显然是依据现存文本时间的早晚来确定哪部法律是中世纪第一部海商法。因为如上文所述,《阿马尔菲表》也制定于11世纪,甚至有证据表明编纂于1010年(早于1063年)。
    6Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.49.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.48.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.43-44.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.cxxviii.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.48-49.
    2Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876.p.cxxvii.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.47,note25.
    3The Hon.Sir John Donaldson,C.S.Staughton,D.J.Wilson,The Law of General Average and theYork-Antwerp Rules(Tenth Edition),London(1975),Stevens&Sons,p.9.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.55-56.
    6Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.55-56.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.55-56.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.55-56.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,pp.xxix-xxx.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins ofthe Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.55-56,59-60.关于中世纪马赛的海商法,马祖尼曾专门论及:马赛共和国被明智地治理着,并长期保持自己的优良规则。颁布于13世纪的城市法令,包含许多有关航行、海商合同的章节,属于古代最文明的时期。马赛人可以自豪的是,他们古老的海法(navallaws)没有丢失,这些法律被铭记在心,代代相传,足以保存衡平的善意和热切的商业精神,使这座城市成为地中海地区最富庶的港口。See M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated fromthe French,p.387.
    3西语中又写作the Assizes(Assises)de Jerusalem,Assises de Jèrusalem,有时简作the Assises,又译为《耶路撒冷拉丁王国法令》、《耶路撒冷王国法令》、《耶路撒冷法典》等。
    3Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876,pp.xcvii-xcviii.关于《耶路撒冷法令》的制定,布永的戈弗雷实际上只是确立了这部法律的基础。见《不列颠百科全书(国际中文版)》(8),第554页。所以,有学者认为,《市民法院法令集》形成于13世纪。
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.cvi.
    2Benedict on Admiralty,Volume1,Jurisdiction and Principles,p.1-20.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xcviii,xcix.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.c-ci.另见《不列颠百科全书(国际中文版)》(8),第554页。
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.ci,cvii.《高等法院法令集》本来没有留下复本。但耶路撒冷王国各地的高等法院保存了贵族和骑士的惯例及习惯。仅叙利亚就有二十二个高等法院。1187年耶路撒冷陷落之后,阿卡(Acre)既是这个拉丁王国的叙利亚的首府,又是拉丁法律制度的总部。阿卡高等法院就保存了原来的法律传统。而尼科西亚的法院与阿卡的法院之间关系密切。当1297年阿卡陷落之后,塞浦路斯又成为法兰克人在东方的主要基地。这使得该岛成为《高等法院法令集》的复原地和两部法令集保存及流传的中转站。See The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xcix,c,cii.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.cvii.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.cii-ciii,cvii,cix-cx.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.59.
    1Benedict on Admiralty,Volume1,Jurisdiction and Principles,Steven F.Friedell,Matthew Bender&Co.Inc,2003,pp.1-27,1-28. W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime lawto1681,with special emphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p334.Bryan A.Garner(Editor in Chief),Black’s Law Dictionary(Ninth Edition),Thomson Reuters,2009,U.S.A.,p.350.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,New York,London:The Century Co.,1930.pp.82-83.James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,TwelfthEdition,Edited by O.W.Holmes,Boston:Little,Brown,and Company,1873,p.9.The Black Book of theAdmiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxix.M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated fromthe French,New-York:I.Riley&Co.,1806,pp.336,349.
    3M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.336.
    5M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,pp.336seqq.TheConsulate of the Sea and Related Documents,Translated and edited by Stanley S.Jados,Universityof Alabama Press,1975,pp.xiii-xv,260-262.
    6James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,pp.8-9.M.D.A.Azuni,TheMaritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.335. Benedict on Admiralty,Volume1,Jurisdiction and Principles,pp.1-27,1-28.
    1The Consulate of the Sea and Related Documents,Translated and edited by Stanley S.Jados,pp.260-262.
    1M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,pp.337-339.
    1M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,pp.339-341.
    2M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,pp.349.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lviii.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.77.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lviii.
    6[比]亨利·皮朗著,《中世纪欧洲经济社会史》,乐文译,上海人民出版社2001年版,第150页。在此,航海技艺及因此获得的声誉是巴塞罗那兴起的关键因素之一。See The New Cambridge Medieval History,Volume v. c.1198-c.1300,Edited by David Abulafia,Cambridge University Press,1999,UK,p.659.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,p.lxvii.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of theEarly English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.77.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,pp.lxvi-lxvii.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.77-78.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.80.
    3指阿拉贡的彼得四世在1336年和1343年之间编纂的一部用于指引巴伦西亚领事法院(the consularcourts at Valencia)的程序规则,在英语文献中又写作the judicial procedure of the Consuls ofValencia(巴伦西亚领事司法程序)、the Valencian Regulations(巴伦西亚规则)、Code of Valencia(巴伦西亚法典)、the Rules of Procedure(巴伦西亚的程序规则)、the Code of Procedure(巴伦西亚的程序法典)等。
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.80-82,87-88.The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,p.lxvi.关于中世纪西班牙海事管辖权的发展,具体参见本论文第八章。
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.79-80.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.89.
    3Bryan A.Garner(Editor in Chief),Black’s Law Dictionary(Ninth Edition),p.350.The Black Bookof the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxi.[美]James J.Donovan著,《船东责任限制的起源与发展》,段庆喜译,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》第37卷,法律出版社2007年版,第443页。其他相近的时间:约1300年,W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.334;约1340年,The Black Bookof the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.xxxiv.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lix.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lix.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the EarlyEnglish Maritime and Commercial Law,p.88,and note280.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.83-84.有的论文提到,这部汇编可能在1484年之前约两个世纪就已经成形。见[美]James J.Donovan著,《船东责任限制的起源与发展》,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》第37卷,第443页。阿祖尼也提到,这部法律“据说在法兰西国王圣路易(Saint Lewis)的时代已经编纂了”,即13世纪20至70年代。See M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.334.
    5Edited by David Abulafia,The New Cambridge Medieval History,Volume v. c.1198-c.1300,CambridgeUniversity Press,1999,UK,p.659.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.89.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,pp.xxxiv-xxxv.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Originsof the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law, p.83.“Consulate of The Sea”, athttp://en.wikisource.org/wiki/1911_Encyclop%C3%A6dia_Britannica/Consulate_of_the_Sea,August21,2013.有的著作按照这个现存的最早版本,将《康梭拉多海法》定义为:15世纪在巴塞罗那以加泰罗尼亚语出版的海事习惯和规则,而未追溯其更早的历史。See David M.Walker,The Oxford Companion toLaw,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1980,p.275.
    1The Consulate of the Sea and Related Documents,Translated and edited by Stanley S.Jados,pp.xiii-xv.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.liv.
    3Benedict on Admiralty,Volume1,Jurisdiction and Principles,pp.1-27,1-28.
    4David M.Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,p.275.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxv.W.Paul Gormley,The development of theRhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.334. M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.330.另,关于程序法的内容,本论文第八章中有具体介绍。
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,pp.lxvii-lxviii.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lix.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxv.
    2Arthur Desjardins,Introduction Historique à l′étude du Droit Commercial Maritime,Paris,1890,p.62,cited in Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and CommercialLaw,p.85.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,pp.lxxviii-lxxix.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,pp.lxxvii-lxxviii.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxvi.[美]阿瑟·努斯鲍姆著,《简明国际法史》,张小平译,法律出版社2011年版,第25页。
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxvi.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxvi.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,pp.lxxiii-lxxiv.当时肯特在其著作中也说到,“那些最有资格判断其(《康梭拉多海法》)价值的学者和律师们长期以来一直期盼和呼吁(完成)其完整的英文译本。”See James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.9.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.86.
    3M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,pp.334-335.
    4James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.9.Frederic RockwellSanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.82.
    5Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.84,86.The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,pp.lxv-lxvi.
    6The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxx.
    7Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.83.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxx.Black Bk. of Adm. II, pp.lxv-lxvi.FredericRockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.86.
    3M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.330. W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasis on the problemof collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.333.
    4M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.334.
    5James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.9.
    6M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.328. James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.9.
    7W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.333. M.D.A.Azuni,The MaritimeLaw of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.330.
    1M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.326.
    2James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.9.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.86,note269.
    4M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.329.
    5James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.10.胡布纳称它是一大堆不成形的(规则),一部没有很好地加以整理的海商成文法和中世纪及黑暗时代特殊法令的编纂作品,混合了一部地方裁判的汇编。“这些法令”,他说,“可以约束那些制定它们的人们;但因为它们只是特殊的规则,其权威性没有进一步得到扩展;现在它们已经变得过时,而不再约束任何人。”See M.D.A.Azuni,TheMaritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,pp.326-327.
    6James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.9.
    4James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.10,note(b);[美]JamesJ.Donovan著,《船东责任限制的起源与发展》,段庆喜译,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》第37卷,法律出版社2007年版,第448页。
    1Travers Twiss,ed. The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876,p.xxi.克莱拉克也持这种观点,见James Kent,Commentarieson American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.10,note(b).另外,这里用“判决”(Judgments)一词,旨在说明这不是一般意义上的习惯,而是已经在奥列隆获得司法认可的“海洋习惯”(Customs of theSea),而这也反映了中世纪海商法中判决与习惯之间的关系。见The Black Book of the Admiralty,VolIV.,p.lxxxvii.
    2James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.10.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.63.
    4James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.10,note(c).
    5《奥列隆案卷》背后的历史名人的身影,除了埃莉诺和理查以外,还有人认为是奥托(Otto)或萨克森公爵制作了这部法律。可以确定的是,现在已经很少有人提及奥托或萨克森公爵的说法。See Timothy J.Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The AmericanJournal of Legal History,Vol.19,1975,p.99.
    6Timothy J. Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.98.
    5Timothy J. Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.99.
    6The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV,p.lxxxvii.另外,这里提到盐的贸易。当时法国也对外出口盐,船舶在运输酒的同时还装运一些食盐。部耳纽夫有盐矿,与拉罗谢尔距离又很近,有地理位置的便利。14世纪斯堪尼亚沿岸的青鱼捕捞业兴盛时,汉萨同盟的船舶从部耳纽夫运入的食盐也逐渐增加。见[比]亨利·皮朗著:《中世纪欧洲经济社会史》,第148页。
    8Timothy J. Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.99.
    9The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xliv.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.70.
    4Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.154.
    1Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1873,p.xxxii.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,p.lv.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,p.xxxvii.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.lix.
    5Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.71.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.I.,pp.lxii-lxiii.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins ofthe Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.64,note128,德雅尔丹也同意这种观点。
    2W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.336;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.70.
    3这是从中世纪葡萄酒贸易的产地和航路的起点对《奥列隆案卷》的来源或归属所作的理解。另有学者从这种贸易的运输角度提出这部法律属于英格兰的可能性,可以参考。因为加斯科涅与英格兰之间酒类贸易,大多由英格兰船舶提供运输,英格兰船员需要熟悉这些航运贸易的习惯。这一需要可能促进了这些法律在英格兰的编纂。See Timothy J.Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in FourteenthCentury England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.99.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.I.,I,p.lviii;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of theEarly English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.70;Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.153.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.I.,p.lxi;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the EarlyEnglish Maritime and Commercial Law,p.70.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xxxvii.
    4《海事黑皮书》中的几个文本,See The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.I.,p.88;Vol.II.,p.210;Vol.III.,p.4.
    6James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.11;The Black Book ofthe Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.lviii.
    7James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.11.
    8The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.lvi-lvii.
    1Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.153.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.I.,p.lxiii;The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xliv,xlvi,xlvii,lxxxvii;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritimeand Commercial Law,pp.74-75;Benedict on Admiralty,Volume1,Jurisdiction and Principles,Steven F.Friedell,Matthew Bender&Co.Inc,2003,p.1-27;Also see Edda Frankot,Medieval MaritimeLaw from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and FrederikPedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.153,该文将《奥列隆案卷》译成佛莱芒语或荷兰语的《达默判决集》的时间定为13世纪晚期或14世纪早期。
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.75.另,达默(Damme,Dam),现为比利时的一座小城,位于布鲁日东北六公里,离海有一小短距离。中世纪时达默是佛兰德与法兰西进行酒类交易的港口,属布鲁日的外港。
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.74;The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.xviii.
    5The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.xix;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of theEarly English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.75.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xlvi,lxxxvii.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Originsof the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.75.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xlvi,lxxvi.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.68-69.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xlvii;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of theEarly English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.75.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xxvii,xliv.详细讨论,见本论文的维斯比海法一章。
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xxxvi,xlvii,lxiv-lxv,lxxxvii.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.lxiv.
    3Timothy J.Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.99;[加拿大]威廉·泰特雷著,《海商法术语》,第138页。
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.63.
    5Timothy J. Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.98;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of theEarly English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.67.
    6Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.67.
    7Timothy J.Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.98.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.cxi;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the EarlyEnglish Maritime and Commercial Law,p.63.另有论文提到,最早形式的《奥列隆案卷》由二十四条或二十六条组成,See Timothy J.Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in FourteenthCentury England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.98;而帕德修斯的《海事法汇编》(Collection des Lois Maritimes,1828-1845)中编入的《奥列隆案卷》是最全的版本,See DavidM.Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,p.903.
    2对这二十四个条文的分析,See Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritimeand Commercial Law,pp.64-67.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.I.,p.lxx;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the EarlyEnglish Maritime and Commercial Law,p.67.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.67-70.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,p.xxxiii-xxxiv;Vol.I.,p.lxx;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.71-72,68.
    2James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.10.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,p.xlvii.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.63.
    5W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.334;James Kent,Commentarieson American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.11.
    6W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.334,345.
    1W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.345.
    2James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.11.
    3Timothy J. Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,pp.99-100.
    5W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.334-335.
    6Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.59.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,p.xlvii;The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xxxvii;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.67,74;Timothy J. Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth CenturyEngland,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.99;W.Paul Gormley,The developmentof the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.336.《奥列隆案卷》在北欧的传播情况,also see Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojoand Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.67,74;W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.336.
    3Timothy J. Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.98.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.67.虽然这一评价原来指的是《奥列隆案卷》的前二十四个条文,但在本文作者看来,当然也适于指这整部法律的风格。
    1W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.334.
    2James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.11.
    3Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.153.
    4W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.332-335,339,345.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.70;Timothy J.Runyan,p.99;Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictionsin the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.153.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.I.,pp.lxi-lxii;Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins ofthe Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.70.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.70.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.I.,p.xxviii;The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.xi;Timothy J. Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.99;Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law fromOléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.153;DavidM.Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,p.903.[美]James J.Donovan著,《船东责任限制的起源与发展》,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》第37卷,第449页。
    5Timothy J. Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.97.
    6W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.335.
    1Timothy J.Runyan,The Rolls of Oleron and the Admiralty Court in Fourteenth Century England,The American Journal of Legal History,Vol.19,p.96.另参看W.Paul Gormley,The development ofthe Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.334.
    2W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.334-336.
    1这些案例如:Walton v. The Ship Neptune,1Peters Adm.142;Natterstrom v. Ship Hazard,in theDistrict Court of Massachusetts,2Hall’s L.J.359;Sims v. Jackson,1Peters Adm.157.See JamesKent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.11.note(a).同注,《奥列隆案卷》被收入美国出版的《彼得斯的海事决定》(Peters’s Admiralty Decisions)第一卷的附录中,同时收入的还有《维斯比海法》、《汉萨城镇法》和《路易十四海事法令》。
    2W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.335.
    3W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.334.其他相近的评论,见[美]JamesJ.Donovan著,《船东责任限制的起源与发展》,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》第37卷,第449页。
    1Travers Twiss,ed. The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876,pp.xxii,xxv.
    2西语文献中还可见到下列表述:the Sea-Laws of Wisby,the sea law of Wisby,the Wisby Sea Law,the Maritime Law/Laws of Wisby,Law/Laws of Wisby,the codes of Wisby,Wisby water recht,den waterrechte van Wisby。又译作《维斯比海商法》、《维斯比法典》、《维斯比法规》,其早期文本又作《哥特兰海法》(the Gotland Sea-Laws,the Sea Laws of Gotland,the Gotland Sea Law,Gotland SeaLaws,Gotlandic water recht,Gotlandic water law,Hogheste Water-Recht)。
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxi.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,New York,London:The Century Co.,1930,p.75.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxiii-xxv.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.75.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxv.同页,另一份1299年授予在里加进行交易的外国商人的特许状规定,在相同事务上,由商人们选举的法官,应当根据吕贝克的法律实现公正。因为这时吕贝克已经取代维斯比掌握了对里加贸易的控制权。
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xxiii-xxvi,lxxxiii-lxxxv.《维斯比镇法》与《哥特兰法》(the Laws of Gotland,Guta-Lag)有很大差异,后者是用以统治整个哥特兰岛的,用古瑞典语写成。
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxxxv.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxiii.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxiii.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.76.TheBlack Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxii.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxii.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxii.
    5Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,Pisa:Edizioni Plus-Pisa University Press,2007,pp.153-154.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xlv-xlvi.
    2Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.154.
    3Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.154.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxxvi.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxvii.
    3Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.154.此外,这十四个条文中有十二条也存在于吕贝克及但泽的海法当中。See The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxxviii.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xxxix,lxii-lxiii,lxxiv.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xxvii,xliv.还有一种可能性,这部分译自《奥列隆案卷》的一个加斯科文本,即加斯科而不是佛兰德是这个中间环节。See The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxvii.比如下文提到的包含了《维斯比海法》第二部分内容的但泽文本,就有自己的特点,其中有几条在《海事黑皮书》中《奥列隆案卷》的盎格鲁—诺曼语文本中有其对应部分,而与《布鲁日紫皮书》中的文本不同,所以与佛兰德没有直接关系。有充分理由可以相信该文本是经由一个独立的加斯科渠道而来的。See The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxxxviii.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxxxvii.
    3M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,New-York:I.Riley&Co.,1806,pp.383-384.James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,Edited by O.W.Holmes,Boston:Little,Brown,and Company,1873,p.11.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,pp.75-76.Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,London:Longman&Co.,and Trubner&Co.,Patternoster Row,1874,pp.xix-xx.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xxxiii,xxxvi,lxiv-lxv,lxxxvii.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.76-77.TheBlack Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxxiii页.
    3这是指一些保存在荷兰档案馆里的文本的情况,而哥本哈根文本和更古老的但泽文本的这部分法律是二十六个条文。See The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxxiv.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xxviii,xxxiv.
    1Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.153.
    2Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.153.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xlvii-xlviii.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xlix.[美]詹姆斯·W.汤普逊著,《中世纪晚期欧洲经济社会史》,第466-467页。
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.lxix,xxxii.
    2Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.154.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.lxxix,lxxiv.
    4Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.154.
    5The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxxiii-lxxiv.
    6Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.154.
    7Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,p.77.The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxxiii.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxxviii.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxxix,xxxviii.另外,前文及后文都将提到:但泽并未满足于条顿骑士团从吕贝克获得的海法。但泽于是在1447年请求维斯比将其一部很有名的《海法》送给它。而但泽得到的这部《海法》的内容,相当于后来的《维斯比海法》的第二和第三部分,即佛兰德和荷兰的海法,而没有吕贝克海法在内。See The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxiii.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxxviii.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xxxiv,xxxvii,xl-xlii,liii,lxxiv.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxxvii.另,在《维斯比海法》1505年印刷本及两份吕贝克文本的第三部分,有特别用于汉萨同盟的商人和船员,以及汉萨同盟各港口的船只的词语。说明这部分法律受到汉萨同盟航运的影响。See The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.lxxvii-lxxviii.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xlvii.
    4Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,pp.153-154.
    1Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.153.
    2Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.154.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xxvii,xxxiv.另,戈弗雷·冯·盖门,有时写作VonGemen,但有的英语文献将其当作the press of Godfrey of Gemen。
    3Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.154.
    1Hyr eeyndet dat Gotlansche Water-Recht dat de gemeyne Kopman unn Schippers geordineret unnghemaket hebben to Wisby,dat sik alle man hyr na richten mach.The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xxviii,xli.此处系据英译文译出。Also see Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law fromOléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.154,英译文略有不同。
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.xxix.
    3Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,pp.154-155.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.xxxv,lii-liii,lx. Edda Frankot,Medieval MaritimeLaw from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and FrederikPedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.155.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.liii.
    5W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.337.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,pp.55-129.
    1Benedict on Admiralty,Volume1,Jurisdiction and Principles,p.1-27.
    2M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,p.383.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.75. W.PaulGormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasis on theproblem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.337.
    4James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,p.11.M.D.A.Azuni,TheMaritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated from the French,pp.383-384.
    5W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.337.
    6W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.337.
    1Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.155.
    2威格摩尔(Wigmore)指出:这时期各个最为重要的海商法典实际上已经从罗德岛转移到波罗的海,通过13世纪从事海上贸易的商人们,罗德和罗马法被“传送”(carried)到波罗的海区域。而在这一过程中,决定性的因素是发展起来的贸易中心和文明中心的转移。W.Paul Gormley,The development of theRhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.337-338.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol IV.,p.lxxxvi.W.Paul Gormley,The development of theRhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.336.
    2Edda Frankot,Medieval Maritime Law from Oléron to Wisby:Jurisdictions in the Law of the sea,Juan Pan-Montojo and Frederik Pedersen,ed.,Communities in European history:representations,jurisdictions,conflicts,p.155.
    3W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.338.
    1W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.338-339.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,New York,London:The Century Co.,1930,p.95.
    2Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876.p.lxxxviii.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.48,96.
    2海商借贷有时被认为是保险的古老形式。另外,有证据显示,在古代和中世纪海商借贷曾被用作纯粹“碰运气”(aleatory)的合同。而与海商借贷相似的合同在陆上贸易中也得到应用,经过更为广泛的发展,在中世纪形成了为应付偶然事故、以安全到达为条件的普遍的借贷形式。See Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.101-102.
    2M.M.波斯坦和H.J.哈巴库克主编,《剑桥欧洲经济史》(第三卷:中世纪的经济组织和经济政策),王春法主译,经济科学出版社2002年版,第45页。但中世纪海商法一些术语的内涵并不是完全确定的。贝洛特(Bellot)认为,bottomry,respondentia等术语不仅用于与船舶和货物相关的借款,而且用于纯粹的航程冒险时的借款合同。比如,某人借给商人1000元,用于一项有利可图的贸易,当航程安全地完成时,他可以收回借款并获得特别的利息。而这种协议有时也称为f nus nauticum,或usura maritima。See FredericRockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.107,note365.另,这里的f nus nauticum,应指以航程安全完成作为还款付息条件的海商借贷,前述罗马法上的faenusnauticum,De nautico foenore用法相同,但上文foenus nauticum(普通海洋贷款)则不以航程安全完成为条件,对此下文还要说及。这也是某些术语含义不够清晰的例子。
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.101.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.102.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.101-103.
    5Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.102.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.102.
    2[法]P.布瓦松纳著,《中世纪欧洲生活和劳动(5至15世纪)》,潘源来译,商务印书馆1985年版,第169-170页。另外,有观点认为,中世纪有多种交易合同,利息的数额可以不受任何限制。一种是在外国订立的附有利息的合同,或者借款将在外国偿还。另一种是收回借款的权利面临风险。由于商业上的利益,以及出借人甘冒的特别风险,各贸易国家一般都将这些协议认作有效,而不管利息或奖金是多少。See FredericRockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.107,note365.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.101-102.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.107,note365.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.101-103.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.101,107,note365.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.101,107-108.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.101页,note328.
    1M.M.波斯坦和H.J.哈巴库克主编,《剑桥欧洲经济史》(第三卷:中世纪的经济组织和经济政策),第45-46页。Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.103.
    2M.M.波斯坦和H.J.哈巴库克主编,《剑桥欧洲经济史》(第三卷:中世纪的经济组织和经济政策),第45-46页。Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.103,也有相同论述:这仅仅是一个交换,如同小麦和羊肉的交换,尽管返还的钱币的价值可能远大于接受的钱币的价值,但并不构成高利贷。另,由上述1157年的合同时间可知,海洋兑换合同在贸易实践中的使用,远在该项教会禁令颁布之前。
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.103.
    1Walter Jaeger,Partnership or Joint Venture,Notre Dame Lawyer37(1961),p.138.转引自罗玉珍主编《民事主体论》,中国政法大学出版社1992年版,第12页。
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.104-105.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.104-105.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.105.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.105-106.
    2[X]v tonne ij ponchions of wyne and a barrel of apples all marked with this marke for to beconsigned and well condicioned from this aforesaid toune of Roan unto the citie of London exceptidthe casalties and dangers of the sea.
    3The wiche fardells and bailes I knowledge to have receyved of yow John de Fica Spaynyard dryeand wel condicioned whiche I shall delyver God preservinge me and my shipp.See Daniel E.Murray,History and Development of the Bill of Lading,University of Miami Law Review,Vol.37,1982-1983,p.691.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.98,100.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.100-101.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.99.
    2Chester B.McLaughlin,The Evolution of the Ocean Bill of Lading,Yale Law Journal,Vol.35,1925-1926,pp.550-551.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime andCommercial Law,p.90.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.90,98.
    2Chester B.McLaughlin,The Evolution of the Ocean Bill of Lading,Yale Law Journal,Vol.35,p.551.
    1Chester B.McLaughlin,The Evolution of the Ocean Bill of Lading,Yale Law Journal,Vol.35,pp.551-552.
    2Chester B.McLaughlin,The Evolution of the Ocean Bill of Lading,Yale Law Journal,Vol.35,pp.550-551.
    3See Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.98.另,可流通性是提单的重要功能,在货物运输过程中,可凭买卖提单达到与买卖货物本身相同的目的,除记名收货人之外,承运人在目的港只需向提单持有人交货即可,提单取得了代替货物本身在市场上流通的功能。但提单的流通只有准流通性,票据才具有完全的流通性,这与无因性有关。
    4Chester B.McLaughlin,The Evolution of the Ocean Bill of Lading,Yale Law Journal,Vol.35,p.551.
    1Chester B.McLaughlin,The Evolution of the Ocean Bill of Lading,Yale Law Journal,Vol.35,p.551.另外,有学者出版了几份早期提单的文本,其中最早的一份是1390年6月25日的提单。See FredericRockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.99.
    2Daniel E.Murray,History and Development of the Bill of Lading,University of Miami Law Review,Vol.37,p.690. Chester B.McLaughlin,The Evolution of the Ocean Bill of Lading,Yale Law Journal,Vol.35,p.552.
    3112bags of allam whiche goyth for tonne pype markyd with the marke in the margent to be delyverydwell condyshioned in the ryver of Themys.
    4the nombre and quantetie of one hundreth and fyftie tonnes of wyne full and ullagid,which wynesthe sayede maister confessyth to have receyved for the sayede Naudyn Revell.
    5Daniel E.Murray,History and Development of the Bill of Lading,University of Miami Law Review,Vol.37,pp.690-691.
    1Chester B.McLaughlin,The Evolution of the Ocean Bill of Lading,Yale Law Journal,Vol.35,pp.552-553.
    2Daniel E.Murray,History and Development of the Bill of Lading,University of Miami Law Review,Vol.37,pp.691-692.这部法律还认为,对于写上以箱子或包裹运送的货物状况的提单,有必要限制签发了这类提单的船长的责任。因为船长不可能知道货物的实际状况。“关于质量,仅指外部的和明显的质量状况。”对船长来说,在清洁提单中插进一个条款,表明其关于质量和数量的陈述建立在托运人表述的基础之上。这些都已成为惯例。当对货物数量或质量发生争议时,提单上的上述定义或条款界定可以保护船长。
    3Chester B.McLaughlin,The Evolution of the Ocean Bill of Lading,Yale Law Journal,Vol.35,p.553.
    3W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,1961,p.327.Also see FredericRockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,New York,London:The Century Co.,1930,p.117.罗马法关于碰撞没有特殊规则,适用的只是普通规则。
    1W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.327-328.
    2W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.341-342.
    3David R.Owen,The Origins and Development of Marine Collision Law,Tulane Law Review,Volume51,Number4,June1977,p.765.
    1W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.330.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.117.Alsosee W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.330.桑德鲍(Sandborn)认为,地中海地区诸法典几乎没有涉及到碰撞。这些法律看来假定了在一起碰撞中谁有过错是容易被认定的。
    3David R.Owen,The Origins and Development of Marine Collision Law,Tulane Law Review,Vol.51,1977,pp.761-762.
    4David R.Owen,The Origins and Development of Marine Collision Law,Tulane Law Review,Vol.51,pp.761-762.Also see W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.330.后文中对这项规定的表述有所不同:当一艘船舶正确地锚泊,保持良好的了望时,该船长和航行官员必须赔偿他造成的损失的百分之十,他的全部责任不超过一百livere。
    1David R.Owen,The Origins and Development of Marine Collision Law,Tulane Law Review,Vol.51,p.762.W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with specialemphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.331,335.FredericRockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.117.
    2David R.Owen,The Origins and Development of Marine Collision Law,Tulane Law Review,Vol.51,p.762.W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with specialemphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.335.
    3W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.335-336.
    4W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,pp.330,335-336. Frederic RockwellSanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.118.
    1David R.Owen,The Origins and Development of Marine Collision Law,Tulane Law Review,Vol.51,pp.762-763.
    2David R.Owen,The Origins and Development of Marine Collision Law,Tulane Law Review,Vol.51,pp.764-763.W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with specialemphasis on the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,p.335.
    1David R.Owen,The Origins and Development of Marine Collision Law,Tulane Law Review,Vol.51,pp.761,762,764.
    1The Hon.Sir John Donaldson,C.S.Staughton,D.J.Wilson,The Law of General Average and theYork-Antwerp Rules,Tenth Edition,London:Stevens&Sons,1975,pp.9-10.Also see Frederic RockwellSanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.111,note387.在中世纪拉丁语中,an avaria是指一项费用或损失,并且该词特别适用于在航行过程中发生的,或者与航行有关的损失。
    1The Hon.Sir John Donaldson,C.S.Staughton,D.J.Wilson,The Law of General Average and theYork-Antwerp Rules,Tenth Edition,pp.10-11.
    2The Hon.Sir John Donaldson,C.S.Staughton,D.J.Wilson,The Law of General Average and theYork-Antwerp Rules,Tenth Edition,p.11.另,司玉琢主编,《海商法》,法律出版社2003年版,第282页。据这本书,《路易十四海事法令》第一次以法律形式提出了与今天的单独海损和共同海损相类似的定义。可参考。
    3The Hon.Sir John Donaldson,C.S.Staughton,D.J.Wilson,The Law of General Average and theYork-Antwerp Rules,Tenth Edition,p.11,and note35。另,司玉琢主编,《海商法》,第282页。这本书认为,《鹿特丹法令》确立了共同海损的准确定义,即为了保护船舶和货物,或者为了防止发生更大损害而主动采取措施所造成的损害,可以作为共同海损,由船货各方分摊。可参考。
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.109.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.108-109.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.110.
    1Frank L.Maraist,Admiralty,1988,p.136.转引自王国华著,《国际海商法律问题研究》,辽宁大学出版社2006年版,第85页。王恩韶、许履刚著《共同海损》,大连海事大学出版社1996年8月版,第23页。
    2[意]彼德罗·彭梵得著,《罗马法教科书》,第409页。Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the EarlyEnglish Maritime and Commercial Law,p.109.
    3Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,London:Longman&Co.,and Trubner&Co.,Patternoster Row,1874,p.lxxviii. Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early EnglishMaritime and Commercial Law,pp.109-110.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.110页.The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxviii.Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book ofthe Admiralty,Vol.IV.,London:Longman&Co.,Patternoster Row,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876,p.cvi.另,在塞浦路斯岛,拉丁人(适用《耶路撒冷法令》)和希腊人(适用罗马法和《巴西尔法典》)分别有自己的海商法。这两种海商法的投弃规则都与《康梭拉多海法》不同。See The Black Book of theAdmiralty,Vol.III.,p.lvii.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.110.TheBlack Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxviii.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,p.lxxviii-lxxix.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.111.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.lxxxiv.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.108-109,111.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.111-113.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.111.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.112.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.43-44.另,如果一名商人上岸并不得不支付赎金,他没有理由要求分担损失。如果海盗登上一艘船舶并且在收取旅客们的现金和珠宝的条件下让船离开,这时有理由要求分担损失。见同书,第111页。
    4Nevenka Bogojevic-Gluscevic,The law and practice of average in medieval towns of the EasternAdriatic,Journal of Maritime Law&Commerce,2005(1),pp.21-59.转引自何丽新、陈永灿著,《索马里海盗赎金的共同海损性质论》,载《中国海商法年刊》第二十一卷第三期(总第二十六期),第33页。
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.109,111-112.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.114.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.114-115.
    1Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1873,p.lxxxii. Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the EarlyEnglish Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.115-117.另可参见,[美]汤普逊著,《中世纪经济社会史》(下册),耿淡如译,商务印书馆1963年版,第180-182页。
    2Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876,p.xlii-xliii.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.116-117.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.113-114.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.118.
    1[美]James J.Donovan著,《船东责任限制的起源与发展》,段庆喜译,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》第37卷,法律出版社2007年版,第442-444页。Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early EnglishMaritime and Commercial Law,pp.120-121.
    2[美]James J.Donovan著,《船东责任限制的起源与发展》,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》第37卷,第445-446页。
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.121-122.另见[美]James J.Donovan著,《船东责任限制的起源与发展》,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》第37卷,第444-446页。
    1英国的海事法院,通常称作admiralty court或court of admiralty,但有时也称作maritime courts,See David M.Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1980,p.806.
    2古希腊时期,雅典人为处理大量的海上贸易纠纷,设立过一个由海事法官(nautodikai,Marine judges)组成的法庭,专门审理提交到雅典的案件。见萨拉·B.波默罗伊、斯坦利·M.伯斯坦、沃尔特·唐兰、珍妮弗·托尔伯特·罗伯茨著,《古希腊政治、社会和文化史(第二版)》,傅洁莹、龚萍、周平译,上海三联书店2010年版,第270页。
    2[比利时]亨利·皮雷纳著,《中世纪的城市》,第111-112页。Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of theEarly English Maritime and Commercial Law,New York,London:The Century Co.,1930,p.50.
    4Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.50.
    3但也有观点认为,特拉尼海洋领事的历史也许没有11世纪那么久远。另外,有观点认为,在10世纪,不可能存在一个由海洋领事们主持的海事法院;海事法院的建立属于稍晚的时期。See Frederic RockwellSanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.51.据此,特拉尼的海洋领事(11世纪)可能被认为是最早的。
    4Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1876,p.xci.
    5Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.47-48.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.57.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.57.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.86-87.
    1Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,London:Longman&Co.,PatternosterRow,Trubner&Co.,Ludgate Hill,1873,pp.lxvi-lxvii.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,pp.77-78.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xci-xcii.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.II.,p.lxvi.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,pp.80-81.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xcii.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,p.81.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.81.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.88-89.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.86,and note270.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xcv.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.87-88.Travers Twiss,ed.,The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.III.,London:Longman&Co.,and Trubner&Co.,Patternoster Row,1874,pp.lxxv-lxxiv.The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xcv.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xcv-xcvi.
    3Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,p.81-82,88.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xcii.Also see William Searle Holdsworth,TheDevelopment of the Law Merchant and Its Courts,Select essays in Anglo-American Legal History,Volume I,p.293.这是海洋领事在宣告他们的决定之前的惯例,即要向海商专家们和商人专家们咨询。而在英格兰高等海事法院中,要由德特福德—斯特隆德教区的海商促进公会两名退休船长(the ElderBrethren of the Trinity House of Deptford-le-Stroud)的协助,而该法院的书记官(registrar),在诉讼程序的随后阶段,有两名商人的协助。这对于法官来说也是惯例。
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.82,88.
    1David M.Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,p.32.[美]G.吉尔摩、C.L.布莱克著,《海商法》(上),第5页。在英格兰,直到爱德华三世统治时期,商人法的两个分支即海商法和狭义的商人法都是由地方法院实施的。See William Searle Holdsworth,The Development of the Law Merchant and Its Courts,Select essays in Anglo-American Legal History,Volume I,p.294.
    2William Searle Holdsworth,The Development of the Law Merchant and Its Courts,Select essaysin Anglo-American Legal History,Volume I,p.294.
    3William Searle Holdsworth,The Development of the Law Merchant and Its Courts,Select essaysin Anglo-American Legal History,Volume I,pp.294-295.
    5William Searle Holdsworth,The Development of the Law Merchant and Its Courts,Select essaysin Anglo-American Legal History,Volume I,p.295.当五港的沃登勋爵(the Lord Warden)的一般民事管辖权在1856年被废止时,其海事管辖权被保留下来。1869年,当海事管辖权被给予新的郡法院(thecounty courts)时,规定沃登勋爵管辖范围内的郡法院的海事案件仍要上诉至沃登勋爵。这项海事管辖权也没有受到1873年《司法法》(the Judicature Act)的触及,而仍然得以保留。
    3David M.Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,p.31.《不列颠百科全书(国际中文版)》(8),中国大百科全书出版社1999年4月版,第71页。
    1William Searle Holdsworth,The Development of the Law Merchant and Its Courts,Select essaysin Anglo-American Legal History,Volume I,p.304,and note3。
    2William Searle Holdsworth,The Development of the Law Merchant and Its Courts,Select essaysin Anglo-American Legal History,Volume I,p.305.
    3William Searle Holdsworth,The Development of the Law Merchant and Its Courts,Select essaysin Anglo-American Legal History,Volume I,p.306-307.
    1William Searle Holdsworth,The Development of the Law Merchant and Its Courts,Select essaysin Anglo-American Legal History,Volume I,p.307.
    3William Searle Holdsworth,The Development of the Law Merchant and Its Courts,Select essaysin Anglo-American Legal History,Volume I,p.307.
    1R.C.van Caenegem,European Law in the Past and the Future:Unity and Diversity over Two Millennia,Cambridge University Press2004,UK,pp.20-21.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xcvii-xcix.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.cv.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.lxxxix-xc.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.lxxxix.
    2W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,1961,p336.
    3The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xlvi.
    4The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xcvi.
    5The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xxiii-xxiv.
    6The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xxxvii.
    1The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,pp.xxxviii-xxxix.
    2The Black Book of the Admiralty,Vol.IV.,p.xc.
    1Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,pp.89-90.
    1W.Paul Gormley,The development of the Rhodian-Roman maritime law to1681,with special emphasison the problem of collision,Inter-American Law Review,Vol.III,1961,p.339.
    1Benedict on Admiralty,Volume1,Jurisdiction and Principles,Steven F.Friedell,Matthew Bender&Co.Inc,2003,pp.1-29,1-30.
    2Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritime and Commercial Law,New York,London:The Century Co.,1930,pp.53-54.
    2.[澳大利亚]John Mo著、黄永申译,《国际商法的历史与海商法》,http://www.bloglegal.com/blog/cgi/shownews/2600047497(访问日期:2013年8月27日)。
    1.[德]阿尔布雷希特·科德斯(Albrecht Cordes):《探究中世纪“统一商法”的法律本质》(周晨译),载中德法学研究所主办、中德法学论坛杂志编辑部编辑《中德法学论坛(第2辑)》(2003),南京大学出版社2004年版。
    2.[美]James J.Donovan:《船东责任限制的起源与发展》(段庆喜译),载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛》第37卷,法律出版社2007年版。
    1.M.D.A.Azuni,The Maritime Law of Europe,Vol I.,Translated fromthe French,New-York:I.Riley&Co.,1806.
    2.Arthur Browne,A Compendious View of the Civil Law,and of the Lawof the Admiralty,Being the Substance of a Course of Lectures Read in theUniversity of Dublin,Vol.II.,New York:Halsted and voorhies LawBooksellers,1840.
    3.Theophilus Parsons,A Treatise on Maritime Law,Vol.I.,Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1859.
    4.James Kent,Commentaries on American Law,Vol.III.,Twelfth Edition,Edited by O.W.Holmes,Boston:Little,Brown,and Company,1873.
    5.Gainsford Bruce,A Treatise on the Jurisdiction and Practice of theEnglish Courts in Admiralty Actions and Appeals,London:W. Maxwell&Son,8,Bell Yard,Temple Bar,1886.
    6.A General Survey of Events,Sources,Persons and Movements inContinental Legal History,by Various European Authors,Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1912.
    7.The Progress of Continental Law in the Nineteenth Century,byVarious Authors,Boston:Little,Brown and Company,1918.
    8.Pitman B. Potter,The Freedom of the Seas in History,Law,andPolitics,Longmans Green and Co.,1924.
    9.W. S. Holdsworth,Sources and literature of English Law,Oxford:At the Clarendon Press,1925.
    10.Frederic Rockwell Sanborn,Origins of the Early English Maritimeand Commercial Law,New York,London:The Century Co.,1930.
    11.Grant Gilmore,Charles L. Black,The Law of Admiralty,SecondEdition,Mineola,New York:The Foundation Press,Inc.,1975.
    12.The Hon. Sir John Donaldson,C. S. Staughton,D. J. Wilson,TheLaw of General Average and the York-Antwerp Rules,Tenth Edition,London:Stevens&Sons,1975.
    13.David M. Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,Oxford:ClarendonPress,1980.
    14.Denys Hay,Europe in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries,SecondEdition,London and New York:Longman,1989.
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