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Mobile Phone has grown more than20years in our country, from the tools used to communicate developed into a mobile device to commercial, individual transaction and information search. The characters of personality, peer-to-peer spread and interactive attract the marketers'attention and arouse the revolution way of communication between businesses and consumers. Now, more and more companies communicate with consumers with various fonns of marketing via a mobile terminal (such as cell phones, PDA)
     Mobile marketing in our country has huge potential market, especially with the implementation of3G, mobile advertising may adopt more forms to satisfy the different needs of the vendors and users. Additionally, with the development of3G, the number of3G subscribes is growing rapidly, and mobile marketing in China is also developing rapidly.
     Through the study of the mobile marketing, we find that the study of mobile marketing is focused on the field of the overview of mobile marketing, the factors influence consumer acceptance, the mobile marketing business model and the governance on spam. However, the spread model of advertising information, the factors influencing consumer to acceptance mobile marketing, and how to eliminate the false adverting message effectively are rarely be studied.
     Therefore, this dissertation is dedicate to making a study on the spreading and the trust of mobile marketing, including the spreading model of advertising information and analyzing the impact factors of advertising communication and their effects, and analyzing the factors influencing consumers'to accept and use mobile marketing and the users acceptance index. In addition, for the issues of false adverting, proposes a measure to eliminate business dishonesty and eliminate the release of false information through the third-party mechanism. The whole dissertation is divided into three chapters:
     The first chapter studies the spreading of advertising information. Firstly, analyzes the mobile spread mode of adverting messages, and then analyzes the similar and different between mobile spread of adverting information and virus spread. Essentially, the mobile spread of adverting information is information spread. Therefore, establish the mobile spreading model of information based on the model of virus spread, and analyzes the main factors, the effects for spread model under the change of factors. The results show that the forward rate of the user's has a significant impact on the spread of information. Then establish the mobile spreading model of normal adverting information and the mobile spreading model of false adverting information. Under the different types of adverting, the consumer acceptance of adverting message and consumer trust are the main factors affecting the users to forward adverting message, that is, users'acceptance of adverting message and users' trust of adverting message are significant affecting the mobile spreading of adverting information.
     The second chapter studies the consumers'acceptance of mobile marketing. Combining with the characterizes of mobile marketing, constructs the factors system of infusing consumer accept mobile marketing based on the information acceptance model, and then establishes model of consumer acceptance of mobile marketing. In addition, studies the different users'acceptance index of mobile marketing using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The results show that younger are more willing to acceptance and use the mobile marketing, and all the users think the mobile marketing are useful. However, the perceived risk—privy risk and function risk are seriously affect all the users accept and use mobile marketing.
     The third chapter studies the trust of mobile marketing. Now, the false adverting is a serious problem for the development of mobile marketing, so how to eliminate false adverting is very important. The dissertation analyzes the trust issue of mobile marketing and the main reason cased the lack of trust in mobile marketing. By game theory, proves the result of two sides are dishonest and do not buy, then proposes a method to eliminate the "prison dilemma" though third party mechanism. At last, demonstrates the third party with monitoring and published mechanisms can effective eliminates the dishonesty of business behavior and eliminates the release false information by comparing the effect of different third-party monitoring.
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