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     在比较11例猪4个不同部位猪脂的脂肪酸组成及其位置分布的基础上,选用中国大宗资源猪板油为初始原料,对猪板油进行干法分提得到熔点较低的34L猪油,然后以sn1,3专一性脂肪酶Lipozyme RM IM为催化剂,与油茶籽油脂肪酸进行酸解反应制备OPO型人乳脂替代品。通过单因素试验,确定最优条件为:温度45℃,脂肪酸与34L猪油摩尔为4:1,反应时间6h,加酶量6%,34L猪油中油酸插入率达到了50%,棕榈酸的酰基转移水平较低(~1.25%)。在GC分析脂肪酸组成的基础上,建立了以“扣分”原则基础的评分模型,以评价或反映OPO人乳脂替代品的质量,样品分数越高说明油脂中含有OPO的含量就越高;采用几种具有代表性的样品应用到该模型中,并运用HPLC ELSD分析酸解产物中OPO含量,进一步验证了该模型的合理性及可行性。
     在OPO型人乳脂替代品制备的工艺优化基础上,考察了酶的重复使用稳定性。Lipozyme RM IM可使用至少14次,并进行40倍放大实验证明了本工艺适于产业化应用。采用分子蒸馏法对OPO型人乳脂替代品进行分离精制,研究了蒸馏温度对脱酸后OPO型人乳脂替代品纯度的影响。结果表明,在蒸馏温度180℃,可获得合格的OPO型人乳脂替代品,其纯度为91.39%,酸值和过氧化值均未检出,罗维朋色度为8.8(黄色值)和6.0(红色值)。精制的OPO型人乳脂替代品储存稳定性研究表明添加天然抗氧化剂VE能提高其氧化稳定性。
     为理性设计制备与人乳脂高相似度的人乳脂替代品,以酶法酸解三棕榈酸甘油酯与等摩尔混合脂肪酸为反应模型,研究了5种脂肪酶对不同碳链脂肪酸的选择性,并探讨了反应温度、底物摩尔比和反应时间对各个脂肪酸插入率的影响。结果表明,Novozym435对C12:0和C14:0具有最高的选择性。PPL对C8:0、C10:0和C12:0的偏好性高于C14:0、C18:1n9、C18:2n6和C18:3n3。Lipozyme TL IM和Lipozyme RM IM对C12:0、C14:0、C18:1n9和C18:2n6的插入率大于其他脂肪酸。Lipase PS IM对C10:0–C18:2n6具有较高的选择性。在研究的酸解条件下不同脂肪酶对各种脂肪酸呈现的酰基转移水平的大小依此为:Lipase PS IM      研制适于早产儿的特殊人乳脂替代品——1,3位中链脂肪酸2位长链不饱和脂肪酸甘油酯(MLM型甘油三酯),对提供早产儿配方奶粉的营养价值具有重要的作用。本研究以新型脂肪酶(CBD T1脂肪酶)为催化剂,首次研究了其底物特异性并探讨其催化大豆油和辛酸合成MLM型甘油酯的效果。结果表明CBD T1粗酶对C8:0的偏好性(α=1.0)最好,其次为C10:0(α=0.89),而其对C18:1n9的选择性(α=0.23)最弱。构建了T1脂肪酶结构模型,简要地探讨酶与底物之间的相互作用,进一步阐明了CBD T1酶的底物特异性。正己烷体系中在优化后的反应条件下(酶加量20%,C8:0和大豆油摩尔比3:1,初始加水量7.5%,反应温度50℃)酸解反应48h,C8:0插入率达到29.59%,酸解产物MML和MLL的百分含量为70.51%,表明了在油脂改性中采用该酶为催化剂是可行的。
Human milk fat (HMF) is one of the important nutrients in human milk. The uniquestructure of HMF, i.e., palmitic acid is mainly located at the sn2position of thetriacylglycerol backbone, is important for the absorption of fats and some minerals in infants.However, there is an inadequacy of breastfeeding or lack of feeding conditions greatly due tothe personal, domestic and social factors. According to World Health Organization statistics in2005, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding is less than50%for infants within6months in China.Thus, at the proposal of breastfeeding, increase of infant formula for diet is a good choice tomeet the growth and development needs of infants. Fatty acid composition of fat in thetraditional infant formula is close to that of human milk fat, but the fat structure issignificantly different from HMF’s, fatty acids and the absorption of mineral elements had anegative impact, which played negative roles in the absorption of fats and some minerals.With the contradiction of the demand and supply of the growing high quality infant formula,human milk fat substitutes (HMFS) as an important ingredient in the preparation of infantformula will be salable in China. Until now,Netherlands Unilever and Israel AAK are theonly two companies to provide human milk fat substitute products, and one of the mosttypical products is BetapolTMfrom Unilever. In2008, OPO type HMFS is allowed to add toinfant formula, which is approved by the Chinese Ministry of Health. With the deepimplementation of the Food Safety Law and relevant national standards of infant formula,market demand of HMFS will be increased in future.
     The study firstly fatty acid composition and distribution of HMF, from mothers overdifferent lactating periods in Guangzhou, China, were analyzed. The results showed that thecontent of oleic and palmitic acids in mature milk are36.96%and20.22%, respectively. Themain structure of HMF is1,3dioleoyl2palmitylglycerol. Based on the composition of thetotal and sn2fatty acids of mature milk fat, an efficient evaluation model was innovativelyestablished by adopting the “deducting score” principle. The model showed good agreementbetween the scores and the degree of similarity by assessing15samples from differentsources. Four samples of HMF got the highest score (G≥98.69), which referred to the highest degree of similarity, five samples of Infant formula had a lower degree of similarity (G=49.28–78.18).While corn oil and soybean oil had the least parallel with HMFS compared withother samples (G=26.20and30.01, respectively). The established evaluation model is simpleto evaluate the similarity of samples from different region and samples between HMF andHMFS.
     On the basis of the study of fatty acid composition and distribution of fat (n=11) fromfour different parts of pigs, inexpensive leaf lard was selected as raw material.34L leaf lardwith a low melting point obtained by dry fractionation of leaf lard was used as substrate foracidolysis catalyzed by Lipozyme RM IM. The OPO type human milk fat substitutes weresuccessfully produced under the optimal conditions: a substrate molar ratio of4:1(camelliaoil fatty acids/34L lard),6%(w/w) of enzyme loading, and6h of reaction time at45oC.Under the optimal parameters mentioned above, the incorporation of oleic acid was up to50%and the level of acyl migration was low (~1.25%). On the basis of gas chromatographydetermination and “deducting score” principle, a model was properly established forcharacterizing the quality of triacylglycerols enriched with1,3dioleoyl2palmitoylglycerol(OPO). This approach would be a valuable contribution in structured lipids industries becauseonly gas chromatography determination was involved.
     The reusability of Lipozyme RM IM was investigated, and the results showed that14batches were tested under the optimal conditions for the production of OPO type human milkfat substitutes. The scale up experiment, about40folds, of producing OPO type human milkfat substitutes were performed to verify the feasibility of the whole process at a larger scale.Furthermore, molecular distillation was employed for purification of OPO type human milkfat substitutes. The effect of evaporation temperature was investigated on the purity and theLovibond color of OPO type human milk fat substitutes. The optimal evaporation temperaturewas achieved at180oC. Purified OPO type human milk fat substitutes with a purity of91.39%and a Lovobond color of yellow and red values of8.8and6.0were acquired. Theacid value and peroxide value were not detected. The study of storage stability of purifiedOPO type human milk fat substitutes was carried out, and the results showed that the stabilityof the product was improved by adding natural antioxidant VE.
     To provide useful information for studies on the synthesis of human milk fat substitutes by lipase catalyzed acidolysis. Tripalmitin enriched triacylglycerols were reacted with amixture of equimolar quantities of fatty acids (C8:0C18:3n3). The chain length selectivityof five lipases was determined. The effects of the molar ratio, temperature and time onincorporation were also investigated. Novozym435acted strongly on C12:0and C14:0. ForPPL catalyzed acidolysis, incorporation degrees for C8:0, C10:0, and C12:0were foundmarkedly higher. For Lipozyme TL IM and Lipozyme RM IM, incorporation degrees forC12:0, C14:0, C18:1n9and C18:2n6were found higher. Lipase PS IM catalyzed weakly onC8:0and C18:3n3. On the basis of significantly different levels of acyl migration to the sn2position, lipases were in the order of lipase PS IM      MLM type triacylglycerols are very important ingredients for premature infant growthand mature of their brain. The typoselectivity of crude CBD T1lipase was firstly studied in amulti competitive acidolysis reaction. Besides, the possibility of using the lipase to synthesizeMLM type structure lipids was investigated. The crude CBD T1lipase discriminated stronglyagainst C18:1n9(α=0.23) and showed the highest preference for C8:0(α=1), followed byC10:0(α=0.83). A structural model was constructed to briefly explore interactions betweenthe lipase and its substrate. The optimum conditions were a molar ratio of3:1(C8:0/soybeanoil) in3mL hexane at a temperature of50°C, and a reaction time of48h in the presence ofcrude CBD T1lipase (20%, w/w substrates) and water content (7.5%, w/w enzyme). Underthese conditions, the incorporation of C8:0was29.59%, and the purity of MML and MLL inacidolysis products was70.51%, indicating that the use of the lipase in the modification offats and oils was possible.
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