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Good harvests makes a strong foundation,farmers'well-being makes a prosperous nation.and rural stability makes a safe society. The problem of Farmers. Rural Areas and Agriculture Production has always been a big problem in relation to national well-fare and social harmony.As a pillar industry in national economy, agricultural industry provides the source of subsistence and affects directly the healthy development of other industries.With the special complexity,agricultural production is an interlacing of natural reproduction and social reproduction.In comparison with general risk,agricultural risk has a higher occurrence and loss severity.so agricultural insurance become an important instrument of agricultural risk management and obtained an important subsidy from governments.From the attempt after national founding, China's agricultural insurance has experienced a fluctuating process. With the issue of No.1Central Document in2004.the new policy-oriented agricultural insurance experiment had officially launched.Since then.No.1Central Document had emphasized the development of policy-oriented agricultural insurance for seven years, and local government also promoted actively the local agricultural insurance pilot in response to the central call. By now,also policy-oriented agricultural insurance has earned some achievements.it still didn't extricate from management predicament and explored without cease.at the same time, academic research on agricultural insurance are also promoted constantly.In special,rencently,discussions on developmental pattern of policy-oriented agricultural insurance become richer.on which scholars in all walks of life have put forward lots of policy proposals based on different angles of view. Hower, these studies unavoidably fell into a thought of problem solving only from problems and broke away from the support of theoretical basis.Exploring the root,this article suggests that interest analysis of political economy would help us grasp the mechanism and law of agricultural insurance development. Political economy is a science about interest of interest subjects in human society and about the interest relationship among them, and all agricultural insurance problems are,in the final analysis, interest problems.so this article try to analyse interest attributes and interest relationship of agricultural insurance.hoping to make up for existing scarcity of its theoretical researches.
     This research falls into eight parts, the main arguments are as follows:First, defines interest attributes of agricultural insurance.and puts forward that agricultural insurance interests are expected interest, compensation interest, contigency interest, weak insurability interest, spillover interest and pluralistic interest. Second, uses historical approach in economics to analyse in detail the characteristics of interest relationship among interest subjects during four different periods after national founding.Third, analyses the interest relationship of farmers、insurance organizations and government in agricultural insurance. With the aid of interest curve.this article gets a conclusion of interest separation between insurance organizations and farmers without government's participation and further discusses the interest encompassing of supplying and demanding interest subjects after introducing government subject. Fourth,analyses respectively the influence of interest relationship between central and local government during different periods on agricultural insurance development and the internal interest relationship of agricultural insurance industry.The latter includes internal interest relationship in insurance organization, interest relationship between insurance organizations.and interest relationship between insurance organization and reinsurance organization.Fifth,with regard to how to coordinate present interest relationship in agricultural insurance.this article first advances proposals about government's support for insurance organizations and farmers which will cause interest curve's right shift and higher balanced interest level. These proposals include: positively push on issue of agricultural insurance's specialized laws and regulations;acertain management organization for policy-oriented agricultural insurance as quickly as possible; optimize financial subsidies system;improve support policies for insurance organizations; and build dynamic system of agricultural reinsurance.Next.this article puts forward proposals about self-interest enhancing of insurance organizations and farmers which will lead interest curve's slope change and further higer balanced interest level.These proposals include:develop regional characteristic agricultural insurance; innovate agricultural insurance products; bring into full play Farmer Cooperation Organization as carrier in agricultural insurance market:accelerate construction of agricultural insurance talent team; enhance government's propaganda and guidance for agricultural insurance;and improve the quality of insurance organization service.
    3 Coble,K.H., T. O. Knight, R. D. Pope, and J. R.Williams.1996."Modeling Farm-Level Crop Insurance Demand with Panel Data."American Journal ofAgriculturalEconomics.78(2):439-447.
    4 Barry K. Goodwin, Vincent H. Smith. The Economics of Crop Insurance and Disaster Aid. Washington.D.C.:The AEI Press,1995.
    5 Wright, B. D., and J. A. Hewitt.1994."All Risk Crop Insurance:Lessons from Theory and perience."InEconomics of AgriculturalCrop Insurance:Theory andEvidence,eds.D.L.Hueth andW.H.Furtan.Boston: KluwerAcademic Publishers.
    6 Serra,T., B.K. Goodwin, and A.M. Featherstone.2003."-Modeling Changes in the U. S. Demand for Crop Insurance during the 1990s."AgriculturalFinanceReview,63(2):109-125.
    7 Goodwin,B.K., and R.M.Rejesus.2008."SafetyNets orTrampolines? FederalCrop Insurance,DisasterAssistance. and the Farm Bill"Journal ofAgricultural andAppliedEconomics,40(2):415-429.
    8.Anderson, J.D.,B. J.Barnett, and K.H.Coble.2008."Impacts of a StandingDisasterPaymentProgram onU. S. Crop Insurance." PaperPrepared forPresentation at the 108th EAAE Seminar"Income Stabilization in a Changing Agricultural World: Policy and Tools".Warsaw.Februarv 8-9.
    9.Enjolras,Geoffroy,RobertKast, and Patric Sentis.2009."Diversification in Area-Yield Crop Insurance: theMultilinearAdditive Model"European Group ofRisk and InsuranceEconomist (EGRIE).Bergen,Norway.
    11 Vincent H.Smith and Alan E.Baquet.1996." the demand for multiple peril crop insurance:evidence from montana wheat farms." [J]. American Journal ofAgriculturalEconomics.78(february 1996):189-201.
    12 Just, R. E.. Linda Calvin, John Quiggin, Adverse selection incrop insurance:Actuarial and asymmetric information incentives[J]. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.81, No.4 (Nov.,1999), pp.834-849
    13 Smith.V.H and B.K.Goodwin, "Crop Insurance, Moral Hazard, Agricultural Chemical Use", Amer J.Agr.Econ.1996,78:428-438.
    14 Serra,T.. B.K. Goodwin, and A.M. Featherstone.2003."Modeling Changes in the U. S. Demand for Crop Insurance during the 1990s."AgriculturalFinanceReview,63(2):109-125.
    Pope. R.D. and R.A. Kramer.1979. Production Uncertainty and Factor Demands for the Competitive Firm. Southern Economic Journal 46(2):489-501.
    16 Edna Loehman and Carl Nelson.Optimal Risk Management,Risk Aversion, and Production Function Properties, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics,17(2):219-231.
    17 Syed M.Ahsan,Ali A.GAli, and N.John Kurian,Toward a Theory of Agricultural Insurance,[J].Amer. J.Agri.Econ.1982.64:502-529.
    18 Chambers, R.G Insurability and Moral Hazard in Agricultural Insurance Market[J]. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.1989,71:604-616
    19John.K.Horowitz and Erik Lichtenberg,Insurance.Moral Hazard, and Chemical Use in Agriculture.Amer J.Agr.Econ.78(november 1993):926-935.
    20 Smith, V.H., and B. K. Goodwin.1996."Crop Insurance,MoralHazard. and Agricultural ChemicalUse."American Journal of AgriculturalEconomics,78(2):428-438. 21Babcock.B.andHennessy.InpuDemandunderYield nd Revenue Insurance [J].Amer.J.Agri.Econ.1996,78:416-427
    22 R. Wesley Nimon.and Ashok K. Mishra. Revenue Insurance and Chemical Input Use Rates[J]. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural EconomicsAssociation, Chicago, IL, August 5-8,2001
    23 Coble.K.H.. T. O. Knight. R. D. Pope, and J. R.W illiams.1996."Modeling Farm -Level Crop Insurance Demand with PanelData."American Journal ofAgriculturalEconomics,78(2):439-447.
    24 Yan Liang.and Keith H.Coble.2009.'"A CostFunction Analysis of Crop Insurance.Moral Hazard and Agricultural Chemical Use".Agricultural&Applied Economics Association 2009.AAEA&ACCI Joint Annual Meeting.Milwaukee.W isconsin, July 26-29.
    25 Michael J. Roberts, Nigel Key, and Erik O'Donoghue. "Estimating the Extent of Moral Hazard in Crop Insurance Using Administrative Data", Review of Agricultural Economics—Volume28,Number3—Pages381-390 DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9353.2006.00303.x
    26 Skee.J.RandM.R.ReedRate-Making and Farm-Level Crop Insurance:Implications for Adverse Selection.Amer.J.Agr.Econ.68(August 1986):653-659
    27 Shiva S.Makki.Agapi Somwaru. "Evidence of Adverse Selection in Crop Insurance Markets." The Journal of Risk and Insurance.2001,vol.68,no.4,685-708
    28 Ahsan, S. M, A. Ali and N. Kurian.1982."Toward a Theory of Agricultural Insurance."American Journal ofAgriculturalEconomics,64(3):510-529.
    29 Gardner.B.L. and R.A.Kramer. "Experience with Crop Insurance Program in the United States".Crop Insurance for Agricultural Development:Issues and Experience[M].P.Hazell,C.Pomareda,and a. Valdes.Eds.Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986.
    30 Roderick M.Rejesus.Kelth H.Coble.Thomas O.Knight.and Yufei Jin."Developing Experience-Based Premium Rate Discounts in Crop Insurance."Amer.J.Agr.Econ.88(2)(May2006):409-419
    31Miranda, M. J., and Glauber. J. W. Systemetic Risk, Reinsurance.and the Failure of Crop Insurance Markets [J].American JoumalofAgricultural Economics.Vol.79.No.1.(Feb.,1997),pp.206-215
    32Goodwin, B. K. Problems with Market Insurance in Agriculture,American Journal of Agricultural Economics [J]. Vol.83, No.3. (Aug.,2001),pp.643-649
    33Skees, J.R.2008."Innovations in Index Insurance for the Poor in Lower Income Countries."Agricultural and Resource EconomicsReview,37(1):1-15.
    34 U.S. Congress, Senate. Investigation of Crop Insurance, Hearings Before the Senate Select Committee on Crop Insurance,67 Cong.,4 sess.,24-27 April 1923
    35 G.Wright Hoffman. "Crop Insurance-Its Recent Accomplishments and Its Possi-bilities," American Academy of Political and Social Science Annals 117 (January 1925):99.
    36 Valgren,V.N.1922."Crop Insurance:Risks. Losses, and Principles of Protection."Bul,I No. 1043.USDA.Washington, DC,23,January.
    37 Kramer,R.A.1983."Federal Crop Insurance 1938-1982."AgriculturalHistory,57(2):181-200.
    38 Ahsan, S. A., A. Ali, and N. Kurian. Toward a Theory of Agricultural Insurance [J]. American Journal of AgriculturalEconomics,64 (August 1982):520-529
    Peter Hazell,Carlos Pomareda.and Alberto Valdes."Crop Insurance forAgricultural Development:Issues and Experience".[C]Published for the International Food Policy Research Institute,Baltimore and London:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986.117-125
    40 Innes.R.(2003)."Crop Insurance in a Political Economy:an Alternative Perspective on Agricultural Policy.American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(2):318-335.
    41 Goodwin, B.K., M.L. Vandeveer, and J.L. Deal. "An Empirical Analysis of Acreage Effects of Participation in the Federal Crop Insurance Program." American Journal of Agricultural Economics,86 (4,2004), pp. 1058-1077.
    42 LaFrance, J.T., J.P. Shimshack, and S.Y. Wu. "The Environmental Impacts of Subsidized Crop Insurance.' CUDARE Working Paper #912R, University of California, Berkeley,2001.
    43 Ruiqing Miao,Hongli Feng and David A. Hennessy. "Land Use Consequences of Crop Insurance Subsidies" Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics 2011 AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. July 24-26,2011
    44 Chen. S.-L.. and M.J. Miranda. "Effects of Insurance on Farmer Crop Abandonment."Selected Paper for presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings in Portland, OR. July 29-August 1,2007.
    52常平仓是中国古代仓储制度之一,常平源于战国时李悝在魏所行的平籴,即政府于丰年购进粮食储存,以免谷贱伤农,欠年卖出所储粮食以稳定粮价。范蠡和《管子》也有类似的思想。汉武帝时,桑弘羊发展了上述思想,创立平准法,依仗政府掌握的大量钱帛物资,在京师贱收贵卖以平抑物价。宣帝元康年间连年丰收,谷价有贱到一石五钱的,“农人少利”。大约就在这以后,大司农中丞耿寿昌把平准法着重施之于粮食的收贮,在一此地区设立了粮仓,收购价格过低的粮食入官,以“利百姓”,这种粮仓已有常平仓之名。耿寿昌又于五风四年奏请在边郡普遍设置粮仓,“以谷贱时增其贾而籴,以利农,谷贵时减贾 而粜,名曰常平仓。民便之”。常平仓遂作为一项正式的制度推行于较大范围之内。
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    [16]G.Wright Hoffman,"Crop Insurance-Its Recent Accomplishments and Its Possibilities," American Academy of Political and Social Science Annals 117 (January 1925):99.
    [17]Gardner,B.L. and R.A.Kramer."Experience with Crop Insurance Program in the United States".Crop Insurance for Agricultural Development:Issuesand Experience[M].P.Hazell,C. Pomareda,and A. Valdes,Eds.Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press.1986.
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    [20]Goodwin,B.K.Problems with Market Insurance in Agriculture,American Journal of Agricultural Economics.Vol.83, No.3. (Aug.,2001), pp.643-649.
    [21]Gooddwin, B.K.,,M.L.Vandeveer,and J.L.Deal. "An Empirical Analysis of Acreage Effects of Participation in the Federal Crop Insurance Program". American Journal of Agricultural Economics,86 (4,2004), pp.1058-1077.
    [22]Goodwin,B.K.2001."Problems with Market Insurance in Agriculture."American Journal of Agricultural Economics,83 (3):645-648.
    [23]Goodwin,B.K., and R.M.Rejesus.2008."Safety Nets or Trampolines? Federal Crop Insurance, Disaster Assistance, and the Farm Bill".Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics,40(2): 415-429.
    [24]Innes,R.(2003),"Crop Insurance in a Political Economy:an Alternative Perspective on Agricultural Policy,American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(2):318-335.
    [25]John.K.Horowitz and Erik Lichtenberg,Insurance,Moral Hazard, and Chemical Use in Agriculture.Amer J.Agr.Econ.78(November 1993):926-935.
    [26]Just, R.E.,Linda Calvin, John Quiggin, Adverse Selection in Crop Insurance:Actuarial and Asymmetric Information Incentives.American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.81, No.4 (Nov.,1999), pp.834-849.
    [27]Keith H.Coble,J.Corey Miller,Manuel Zuniga,Richard Heifer, "The Joint Effect of Government Crop Insurance and Loan Programmers on The Demand for Futures Hedging" European Review of Agricultural Economics,2004 Vol.31,No.3:309-330.
    [28]Kramer.R.A.1983."Federal Crop Insurance 1938-1982".Agricultural History,57(2):181-200.
    [29]LaFrance, J.T., J.P. Shimshack, and S.Y. Wu."The Environmental Impacts of Subsidized Crop Insurance".CUDARE Working Paper #912R, University of California, Berkeley,2001.
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    [31]Michael J.Roberts,Nigel Key. and Erik O'Donoghue."Estimating the Extent of Moral Hazard in Crop Insurance Using Administrative Data", Review of Agricultural Economics-Volume28, Number3-Pages381-390 DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9353.2006.00303.x.
    [32]Miranda, M. J., and Glauber, J. W. Systemetic Risk, Reinsurance,and the Failure of Crop Insurance Markets. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.79, No.1.(Feb.,1997), pp.206-215.
    [33]Peter Hazell,Carlos Pomareda,and Alberto Valdes."Crop Insurance for Agricultural Development:Issues and Experience".Published for the International Food Policy Research Institute,Baltimore and London:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1986.117-125.
    [34]Pope, R.D. and R.A. Kramer.1979. Production Uncertainty and Factor Demands for the Competitive Firm. Southern Economic Journal 46(2):489-501.
    [35]R. Wesley Nimon, and Ashok K. Mishra.Revenue Insurance and Chemical Input Use Rates. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Chicago, IL, August 5-8,2001.
    [36]Roderick M. Rejesus,Kelth H.Coble,Thomas O.Knight,andYu feJin."Developing Experience-Based Premium Rate Discounts in Crop Insurance". Amer.J.Agr.Econ.88(2) (May 2006):409-419.
    [37]Ruiqing Miao.Hongli Feng and David A.Hennessy."Land Use Consequences of Crop Insurance Subsidies".Selected Paper Prepared for Presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics 2011. AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 24-26, 2011.
    [38]Serra,T., B.K. Goodwin, and A.M. Featherstone.2003."Modeling Changes in the U. S. Demand for Crop Insurance during the 1990s".Agricultural Finance Review,63(2):109-125.
    [39]Shiva S.Makki,Agapi Somwaru." Evidence of Adverse Selection in Crop Insurance Markets."The Journal of Risk and Insurance,2001,Vol.68,No.4,685-708.
    [40]Skee.J.RandM.R.Reed Rate-Making and Farm-Level Crop Insurance:Implications for Adverse Selection.Amer.J.Agr.Econ.68(August 1986):653-659.
    [41]Skees, J.R.2008."Innovations in Index Insurance for the Poor in Lower Income Countries." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review,37(1):1-15.
    [42]Smith,V.H., and B. K.Goodwin.1996."Crop Insurance, Moral Hazard, and Agricultural Chemical Use."American Journal of Agricultural Economics,78(2):428-438.
    [43]Syed M.Ahsan,Ali A.G.Ali, and N.John Kurian,"Toward a Theory of Agricultural Insurance". Amer. J.Agri.Econ.1982,64:502-529.
    [44]U.S.Congress, Senate,"Investigation of Crop Insurance, Hearings Before the Senate Select Committee on Crop Insurance",67 Cong.,4 sess.,24-27 April 1923.
    [45]Valgren,V.N.1922."Crop Insurance:Risks, Losses, and Principles of Protection."Bull No. 1043,USDA,Washington, DC,23, January.
    [46]Vincent H.Smith and Alan E.Baquet.1996. "The Demand for Multiple Peril Crop Insurance: Evidence from Montana Wheat Farms". American Journal of Agricultural Economics,78(February 1996):189-201.
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    [48]Wright, B. D., and J. A. Hewitt.1994."All Risk Crop Insurance:Lessons from Theory and Perience."In Economics of Agricultural Crop Insurance:Theory and Evidence,eds.D.L.Hueth and W.H.Furtan.Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    [49]Yan Liang,and Keith H.Coble.2009."A Cost Function Analysis of Crop Insurance, Moral Hazard and Agricultural Chemical Use". Agricultural&Applied Economics Association 2009.AAEA&ACCI Joint Annual Meeting.Milwaukee,Wisconsin, July 26-29.

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