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The agricultural insurance is an important means of the agricultural risk management, the situation of our country has enlarged the risk management function of the agricultural insurance. In practice, the promotion that the agricultural insurance brings to the agricultural industrialization , the leading that the agricultural insurance brings to the adjustment of the agricultural industry structure, the push that the agricultural insurance brings to the expansion and application of the new agricultural techniques, and the improvement that the agricultural insurance brings to the credit position of the agricultural producer and proprietor , have made the meaning of researching and carrying out the agricultural insurance more obvious.
     Chinese scholar have research the agricultural insurance from different visual angle. for example, the agricultural insurance system, the agricultural insurance policy, the agricultural insurance problem, the agricultural insurance mode, the agricultural insurance form and the agricultural insurance system...etc..On the basis of study the former research fruit, the visual angle of this dissertation research is construction of agricultural insurance system.
     The construction of agricultural insurance institution is a system engineering. As a academic conception, agricultural insurance system bear with its theory criterion, namely ,the agricultural insurance system includes four factors: object、thought、rule and carrier. But the theory plan of construction of agricultural insurance system should can resolve actual problem, consider the cost of system theory plan to system theory implement. So the theory plan of construction of agricultural insurance system must base on the study of history of agricultural insurance, on the understand of agricultural insurance practice, on the analysis of the situation of our country, on the comprehend of criterion of agricultural insurance system.
     After the historical, social, idiographic, normative review and analysis, the basic conclusions of the related research that we have got are :(1)Based on the comprehension that the agricultural insurance is the semi-public product, the agricultural insurance system is a public finance supported system;(2)The lack of law system, the lack of government function
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