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This thesis focuses on5questions. Firstly, how do we define exchange in a philosophical way? Secondly, which kinds of moral principles do belong to justice of exchange and what is the feature of justice of exchange? Thirdly, whom should not we make a business deal with? Fourthly, what should not be sold? Fifthly, what is the right way to make a business deal? In the first chapter, I focus on the definition of exchange. And exchange is a sort of bilateral or multilateral complementary behavior which is based on consent and completed by all participants. The constituents of exchange include the subject of exchange, the content of exchange and consent. The necessary conditions of exchange include basal trust between subjects of exchange; content which is able to be controlled and supplied by subjects of exchange; limited generous of subjects which is not self-sufficiency.
     In the second chapter, firstly I analyze and rethink the history of justice of exchange. According to the history, the key problem of justice of exchange is how we should make a transaction with each other. Equivalence principle and voluntary principle are key norms of justice of exchange. But these two norms are not able to solve all the problems faced by justice of exchange. We have to seek other norms of justice of exchange. Moreover we need to explain why these norms belong to justice instead of other moral categories and to find the distinguishing between unjust exchanges and immoral exchanges. In order to solve these problems, we should investigate roles of justice. Because once we know the roles of justice we roughly know the norms should be involved by justice. In my idea, the first role of justice is to avoid conflicts by reasonably dividing interest and the second role is to protect the dignity of human being and to guarantee basal condition of human existence and development. So the base principles of justice include voluntary principle, fairness principle, harm principle, right principle and equal principle. There are two features of justice of exchange. The first is that the judging objects of justice of exchange are very broad which including behaviors, institutions and states of affairs. When we make a moral judgment on exchange, sometimes we should distinguish behaviors of seller and that of buyer. The second is that the implement of justice of exchai requires us to attach importance both to the justice of institution and the virtue justice.
     In the chapter three, I focus on the question that whom should we make transaction with? Firstly, I study the capacity of volition and decision and qualification of skill and endowment which are required to guarantee the volunt principle and harm principle. In addition, in order to avoid helping the wicl perpetuate wicked deeds, we should have a qualification of moral standard. When choice trading objects we should avoid wrong discrimination. Wrong discriminat on the one hand makes an inequality of opportunity, on the other hand makes inequality of personality. Wrong discrimination injures both dignity and interests human. The thesis studies the constituents of discrimination, types of discriminat and factors deciding the moral attribution of discrimination. Moreover this the analyzes the relationship between discrimination and free market and I conclude t free market cannot remove wrong discrimination. The key point of remove wrc discrimination is to sanction the wrong discriminator and make an equal start.
     In chapter four, I focus on the question that what should not be sold. Firstly research the principle of right which require us should not exchange something wh we do not have just ownership or we do not have authority to exchange. The princi of right reflects the dependence of justice of exchange on social justice and justice exchange is restricted by social justice. Because what kinds of ownership are just and what kinds of approach to attain the authority to exchange are justice is depend social justice. Secondly, I investigate harm principle and what sorts of harm should forbidden by harm principle. Lastly, I analyze sex exchange, business surrogacy a organs selling to distinguish whether they are unjust and in which situation they unjust.
     In last two chapters, I discuss what the right way to make transaction is. Chap five investigates voluntary exchange. Firstly, I analyze and reflect two classi theories of voluntary behavior which are moralized theory of voluntary of action a empirical theory of that to lay a foundation and to direct a way to the concr research. And then I analyze two factors causing involuntary behavior:duress and ignorance. Lastly, I discuss the involuntary exchange which is intentionally caused by others and should be prohibited by justice of exchange. And I distinguish direct coercion and indirect coercion and analyze three constituents of fraud.
     In chapter six, I focus on fair exchange. Firstly, I distinguish the concept of justice and fairness and introduce a theory of fairness propounded by Craig L. Carr. And then analyze the fairness of process which includes fairness between seller and buyer and fairness between buyer and buyer and the fairness of outcome of which key requirement is equivalence. And I refute that there is fairness of process but fairness of outcome in exchange. The fairness of process is helpful to the fairness of outcome but it cannot guarantee that. Secondly, I research the phenomenon of exploitation which is a typical sort of unfair exchange and clarify the constituents and mechanism of exploitation. Lastly, I investigate what are free market and the relationship between it and fairness of exchange to poof that free market which is compatible with monopoly cannot guarantee the fairness of exchange. In order to realize the justice of exchange we should protect the competition of market and perform interrelated moral duties.
    ② Nozick. R. Coercion. In Philosophy, Science and Method:Essays in Honor of Ernest Nagel, Sidney Morgenbesser, PatrickSupes and Morton White, St.Martin's Press, New York,1969, p452.
    ③ Nozick. R. Coercion. In Philosophy, Science and Method:Essays in Honor of Ernest Nagel, Sidney Morgenbesser, PatrickSupes and Morton White, St. Martin's Press, New York,1969, pp.441-445.
    ③ Daniel M. Hausman and Micheal S. McPherson, Economic Analysis, Moral Philosophy, and Public Policy, Cambridge University Press, New York,2006, p46.
    ② Alan Wertheimer, What Is Consent? And Is It Important?, Buffalo Criiminal Law Review, Vol.3, No.2, January,2000, pp.557-583.
    ② Abraham. Haslow. Motivation and personality. Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.1954, pp.35-58.
    ① Tomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Volume37, Justice, (2a2ae.57-62), Cambridge University Press, New York,2006, pp.87-91.
    ① Tomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Volume37, Injustice, (2a2ae.63-79), Cambridge University Press, New York,2006, pp.233-249.
    ② John Rawls, Justice as Fairness:a restatement, edited by Erin Kelly, the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,2001, p35.
    ③这一术语源于John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1971,慈继伟将该术语翻译为“正义的条件”,而何怀宏等将该术语翻译为“正义的环境”,笔者认为后者的翻译比较准确。
    ①这种分析方法得益于程炼教授、徐明教授在一次学术讨论会上对葛四友教授Is Justice Really a Remedial Virtue?发言的点评。
    ③对尊严积极和消极的划分得益于D. P. Sulmasy的启发,他将尊严分为社会的约定和他人的赋予所获得的尊严(attributed dignity),内在性的尊严(intrinsic dignity)和通过展现自己价值获得的尊严(inflorescent dignity)。Perspectives on Human Dignity:A Conversation, edited by Jeff Malpas and Norelle Lickiss, Springer, Netherlands,2007, p12.
    ② Tomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Volume37, Justice, (2a2ae.57-62), Cambridge University. Press, New York,2006, p21, p49.
    ③John Rawls, Justice as Fairness:a restatement, edited by Erin Kelly, the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,2001, p19.
    ① John Feinberg:Harm to Self, Oxford University Press, Inc. New York,1986, p317.
    ② Reason一词在英文中的含义十分广泛。此处取它的动词含义即推演和衡量风险与收益的能力。但在中文 中没词能将这两种含义包含其中,所以笔者勉强使用“理性”来概括这两种用法。
    ② Charland, Lious:Apreciation and Emotion:Theoretical Reflections on the MacArthur Treatment Competence Study, Kennedy Institute Journal of Ethics,1998a(4), pp.359-377.
    ①对直接伤害和间接伤害的探讨可参见Matthew Hanser, The Metaphysics of Harm, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. LXXVII No.2, September 2008. Judith Jarvis Thomson, More On The Metaphysics of Harm, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. LXXVII No.2, March 2011.
    ② William B. Irvine对这两种观点给予较为详尽的反驳。参见William B. Irvine, The Ethics of Investing, Journal of Business Ethics, No.6,1987, pp.233-242.
    ①相关讨论可以参见Lipert-Rasmussen, Kasper. "The Badness of Discrimination", Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, No.9,2006, pp.167-185. David Edmonds. A Philosophy of Discrimination, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group,2006, pp.1-10.
    ①这种分类方法已经广为法律界所接受。自上世纪中期以来,欧美法律界首先接受了直接歧视,近年来有越来越多的国家的司法界开始接受间接歧视。Ronald Craig从法学角度对歧视概念的演变做了很详尽的讨论,参见其论文《歧视概念的演变和发展》。该文被收录在《禁止就业歧视:国际标准和国内实践》论文集中。李薇薇主编,《禁止就业歧视:国际标准和国内实践》,法律出版社,北京,2006年,第17-48页。
    ②对歧视道德错误的详尽讨论可参见Alexander, L., What makes Wrongful Discrimination Wrong? University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol.141,1992, pp.149-219.
    ③ Moreau, Sophia. What Is Discrimination ?, Philosophy and Public Affairs,Vol.38,2010, pp.149-179.
    ①该用法源于Feinberg,对于这种有错误但无伤害的讨论可参见Feinberg, Harm to Others, Oxford University Press, Inc. New York,1984, p36, p52。
    ①Feinberg, Harm to Others, Oxford University Press, Inc. New York,1984, p37.
    ①Martha C. Nussbaum, Sex and Social Justice, Oxford University Press, Inc. New York.1999. p289.
    ③ Laurie Shrage, Should Feminists Opose Prostitution, Ethics, Vol.99, No.2, Jan.,1989, pp.347-361.
    ④ Carole Pateman, Defending Prostitution:Charge Against Ericsson, Ethics, Vol.93, No.3, Apr.,1983, pp.561-565.
    ⑤ Debra Sacz, Markets in Women's Sexual Labor, Ethics, Vol.106,1995, pp.63-85.
    ②很多文化认为性活动同邪恶和“不洁”有着密切的关系,比较典型的是传统的基督教文化。其认为只有出于生育目的的性活动才是道德的。可参见Igor Primoratz, What's Wrong with Prostitution?, Philosophy, Vol.68,1993, pp.159-182.
    ①纳斯鲍姆曾详细地将卖淫同其它劳动进行分析,甚至将卖淫同从事哲学工作进行了对比,认为它们之间并无本质上的不同。参见Martha C. Nussbaum, Sex and Social Justice, Oxford University Press, Inc. New York,1999, pp.281-288.
    ②有哲学家认为禁止性交易有助于个人良好地发展和维护亲密关系。安德森认为性关系是爱人送给彼此的礼物,性行为有助于彼此的确认,加固双方的关系,是表达爱的重要方式。性关系是一种共同分享的善,性交易则摧毁了这种善。性交易虽然方便了生理上的满足,但却使性难以发挥确认亲密关系,表达情感的作用,使人丧失了一种道德价值。参见Elizabeth Anderson, Value in Ethics and Economics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,1995, pp.150-158.当然也有学者否认必须将性行为和情感结合起来,他们认为性行为和情感的结合是一种浪漫主义的观点,这两者的结合具有美学价值,而不具有道德价值。参见Igor Primoratz, What's Wrong with Prostitution?, Philosophy, Vol.68,1993, pp.159-182; Lars O. Ericsson, Charges Against Prostitution:An Attempt at a Philosophy Assessment. Ethics, Vol.90, No.3, April.,1980, pp.335-366.
    ① Richard J. Arneson, Commodification and Commercial Surrogacy, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol.21, No.2, Spring,1992, pp132-164.
    ②参见Debra Satz, Markets in Women's Reproductive Labor, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol.21, No.2, Spring,1992, pp.107-131.
    ① Anton van Niekerk and Liezl van Zyl, The ethics of surrogacy:women's reproductive labour, Journal of medical ethics, Vol.21,1995, pp.345-349.
    ②笔者认为这一方法是非常适合部分代孕的情况。至于完全代孕的情况,代孕母亲是否具同基因意义上的母亲同样的道德地位和法律地位还需要继续探讨。另外这一想法受到叶丽莎白·安德森的启发。可参见Elizabeth S. Anderson, Why Commercial Surrogate Motherhood Unethically Commodifies Women and Children:Reply to McLachlan and Swales, Health Care Analysis,No.8,2000, pp.19-26.
    ③ Elizabeth S. Anderson, Why Commercial Surrogate Motherhood Unethically Commodifies Women and Children:Reply to McLachlan and Swales, Health Care Analysis, No.8,2000, pp.19-26.
    ① Elizabeth S. Anderson, Value in Ethics and Economics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,1995, p168.
    ② Van Niekerk, A. and van Zyl, L., Commercial Surrogacy and the Commoditization of Children:An Ethical Perspective. Medicine and Law, Vol.14,1995, pp.163-170.
    ① Debra Satz, Markets in Women's Reproductive Labor, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol.21, No.2, Spring,1992, pp.107-131.
    ① Savulescu, J., Is the sale of body parts wrong? Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol.29, pp.138-140, 2003.
    ② Teo, B. Is the Adoption of More Efficient Strategies of Organ Procurement the Answer to Persistent Organ Shortage in Transplantation? Bioethics, No.6,1992, pp.113-129.
    ③ Charles A Erin, John Harris, An ethical market in human organs, Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol.29, 2003, pp.137-138.
    ③柯亨在《自我所有、自由和平等》中对该问题有所讨论。参见柯亨:《自我所有、自由和平等》,李朝晖译,北京:东方出版社,2008,第48页。对自由放任主义是否要求用国家力量排除欺诈的详尽讨论,可参见James Child, Can Libertarianism Sustain a Fraud Standard? Ethics, Vol.104. No.4, Jul.,1994, pp.722-738.
    ①当代学者Olsaretti认为没有可接受的可供取舍的情况是客观的。当为了避免牺牲基本的需求而做某事时,其行为便是被迫的。基本需求是一种客观的标准。参见Serena Olsaretti,Liberty,Desert and the Market, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,2004,p139.
    ③ Apelbaum, Paul, S., and Charles W. Lidz and Robert Klitzman,2009. Voluntariness of Consent to Research A Conceptual Model, Hastings center Report, Vol.39,2009, pp.30-39.
    ① Laura Weiss Roberts:Informed Consent and the Capacity for Voluntarism, American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol.159,2002, pp.705-712.
    ② Feinberg, Harm to Self, Oxford University Press, Inc., Oxford, pp.118-121.
    ③ Miller, Franklin G., and Alan Wertheimer, Preface to a theory of consent transactions:beyond valid consent. In The Ethics of Consent, edited by F. G. Miller and A. Wertheimer. Oxford University Press, New York,2010. p91.
    ① Nozick, Coercion, In Philosophy, Science, and Method:Essays in Honor of Ernest Nagel, Edited by Sidney Morgenbesser, Patrick Suppes, and Morton White, St. Martin's Press, New York, pp.440-472.
    ② David Zimmerman, Coercive Wage offers, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol.10, No.2, Spring,1981, pp.121-145.
    ② Nozick,Coercion, In Philosophy, Science, and Method:Essays in Honor of Ernest Nagel, Edited by Sidney Morgenbesser, Patrick Suppes, and Morton White, St. Martin's Press, New York, pp.440-472.
    ②欺骗的这三个要素由Mahon, J. E.提出。参见其文章A Definition of Deceiving, International Journal of Aplied Philosophy, Vol.21,2007, pp.181-194.
    ③ Mahon, J. E., A Definition of Deceiving, International Journal of Aplied Philosophy, Vol.21, 2007, pp.181-194.
    ② Green, S. P. Lying, Cheating and Stealing:A Moral theory of White-Collar Crime. New York, Oxford University Press. p133. At http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/deception and lying.
    ① D. D. Raphael, The Concept of Justice, Oxford University Press, Inc, New York,2001. p238.
    ①布莱恩·巴里对公平的分析集中在Political Argument, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London,1965和Theories of Justice这两本专著中。约翰·布鲁默对公平的分析可见其文章Fairness, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol.91,1990, pp.87-102, Fairness versus Doing the Most Good, Hastings Center Report 24 (May-June 1994), pp.36-39.克雷格卡尔对公平的分析见其专著On Fairness, Alder shot, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot,2000。
    Craig Carr, On Fairness, Aldershot:Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot,2000, pp.56-64.
    ③拳击比赛的例子出现在巴里的Political Argument中(第103页)和卡尔的On Fairness中(第46页)。Brian Barry. Political Argument. Routlege & Kegan Paul, London,1965. p103. Craig Carr, On Fairness,Aldershot:Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot,2000, p46.
    ① Craig Carr, On Fairness, Aldershot:Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot,2000, pp.109-113.
    ② Allen Wood, Exploitation, Social and Philosophy and Policy, Vol.12, no. 2, summer,1995, pp.135-58, in Kai Nielson and Robert Ware(ed), Exploitation, Humanityies Press International, Inc. New Jersey,1997.
    ③ Robert Goodin, Exploitation a situation and exploiting a person, in Andrew Reeve (ed), Modern Theories of Exploitation, SAGE publications Ltd, London,1987, pp.166-200.
    ①关于搭便车的例子可参考Robert Mayer的文章,What's Wrong with Exploitation?, Journal of Aplied Philosophy, Vol.24, No.2,2007, pp.137-150.
    ②一个有趣的例子可见Joel Feinberg的Harmless wrongdoing. Joel Feinberg, Harmless wrongdoing, Oxford University Press, Inc. New York,1988, p195.
    ①Joel Feinberg, Harmless wrongdoing, Oxford University Press, Inc. New York,1990, pp.179-184.
    ① David Zimmerman, Coercive Wage offers, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol.10, No.2, Spring,1981, pp.121-145.
    ② Hill Steiner, A Liberal Theory of Exploitation, Ethics, Vol.94, No.2, Jan,1984, pp.225-241.
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    [1]http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/criminal law
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    [18]http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/the sale of human organs/
    [20]http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/value theory

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