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文化差异是造成翻译困难的重要因素。文化专有项本身所承载的文化特殊性引发了翻译过程中的各种问题,也促使不少学者提出了不同的理论支持,采用不同翻译策略对其进行处理。作者吸收了Aixela, Newmark, Christiane Nord, , Hervey& Higgin等人的观点,结合实际提出了六种有关文化专有项的翻译策略,并对《哈里波特与魔法石》一书中的大部分文化专有项进行了翻译策略方面的分析,以及简单的数据统计。
     《哈里波特与魔法石》读者的特殊性在一系列影响翻译过程的因素中突显出来。《哈里波特与魔法石》是风靡世界的儿童文学经典。译文的主要受众是儿童和一部分青少年。因此,对书中文化专有项的翻译也要充分考虑到这一点。Vermeer在目的论中肯定了读者因素在翻译过程的重要作用。Nord建议在翻译有关文化专有元素时应考虑将读者因素作为首要考量标准。Riitta Oittinen更是在“Translating for Children”中详细探讨了读者因素对翻译过程的影响。本文尝试从读者本位论这一新的视角去探讨《哈里波特与魔法石》中文化专有项的中译,并从读者本质、读者期待、阅读经验、以及读者所具有的文化意识和背景四个方面对其进行分析,希冀为文化专有项翻译策略提供总的理论框架,使之成为判断文化专有项中译合理与否的参考标准之一。
The culture-specific items cause problems during the translation process. A variety of strategies have been proposed by scholars and there seems no consensus reached. This paper discusses the treatment of culture-specific items in translation of J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. It picks up a combined version of 6 strategies based on those posed by Aixela, Newmark, Christiane Nord, , Hervey& Higgin and others and analyzes the treatment of culture-specific items under these 6 headings. A simple statistics in Chapter 2 shows that the Mainland Chinese translator of this book conforms to some rules yet in general inconsistent in the application of procedures.
     Another particularity about this book is its specialty in its intended readership. This bestseller is written for the children originally and despite its expansion of readership when translated into a diverse range of languages it remains addicted to most of the children. By drawing on the ideas posed by Riita Oittinen in her Transalting for Children and the significance of intended readership identified by Christine Nord, Vermeer and others, it’s argued that instead of delving into the specific strategies taken to deal with problems posed by the translation of CSIs, a broad brush stoke may be realized by studying all these problems from a new perspective---reader-oriented approach. It tries to figure out some regularity from the irregularity during the translation process from 4 perspectives: the readership nature, the readers’expectation, the reading experience, and the culture backdrop and ideology shared by the target readers. This new approach aims at providing a general framework for the chaotic situation during the translation process and leading to more reasoned and systematic decisions as to how to treat individual items from English into Chinese. And it’s proposed to become one of the benchmark for translation evaluation and guide for translation practice.
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