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  • 英文题名:Race·Human Rights·Policy
  • 副题名:卡特、里根政府时期美国对南非种族隔离的政策
  • 英文副题名:The United States Policy Toward Apartheid in South Africa during the Carter Administration and Reagan Administration
  • 作者:郭铁
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:世界近现代史
  • 中文关键词:人权 ; 政策 ; 种族 ; 冷战 ; 种族隔离
  • 学位年度:2007
  • 导师:刘德斌
  • 学科代码:060108
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2007-04-15
South Africa is a great power in Africa and there is a lot of rare mineral resource in South Africa. If U.S. would control South Africa, the United States would prevents the expansion of Soviet in the Africa. It will be beneficial to the United States.
     South Africa is strategically important to the United States. Firstly, It is important geopolitically for the west to maintain control of the sea lanes around the Cape of Good Hope. Secondly, South Africa is a bulwark against the Soviet/Cuban threat to Southern Africa. Thirdly, South Africa is the dominant military power in Africa. It may even be a nuclear power. It has bases and facilities that potentially could be extremely useful to the United States and other Western countries if there was a major conventional war in the Middle East or Indian Ocean region. Lastly, South Africa uniquely possesses key minerals that are increasingly critical to the economies of the industrial democracies. Assuring this continued access is thus seen as a central consideration is any policy formulation toward South Africa.
     However, apartheid is so unpopular that the world people opposes it intensely. It is not convenient for U.S. to develop diplomatic relations with South Africa.
     Apartheid has conditioned US policy toward the Republic of South Africa in ways that are unique to U.S. relations with South Africa. Variously denominated by Pretoria as“separate development,”“separate freedoms,”“parallel development,”“multi-national development,”and“differentiation,”apartheid is a carefully detailed blueprint for racial compartmentalization of South African society. Whereas racial discrimination in South Africa go back some three centuries, apartheid has been official South African Government policy only since the 1948 election victory of the Afrikaner-dominated Nationalist Party, Apartheid constitutes the foundation of apolitical system through which four million whites have exercised deliberate control over the lives of eighteen million black, 2.3million“coloreds”(mixed race) and 700,000 Asians.
     Interests determine policies. Policies appear confused or ambiguous, when the interests themselves are in conflict. A policy that promotes on particular interest may threaten other interest. This interrelationship of interests and policies is of unusual significance in the case of U.S. policies toward south Africa.
     While Vietnam war and WaterGates produced strong shifts in opinion, many of people do not believe the government. Under such circumstance, Carter entered White House. Then he tried to recover from the trauma of Watergate and the Vietnam debacle, so he did some changes which were based upon an intense moralism and an“internalist”critique of past policies. The Carter Administration drew up human rights policy. Carter’s emphasis on human rights was a failed attempt to invest a fundamentally pragmatic set of foreign policies with some moral core. Human rights, however, proved too far removed from concrete interests to play an effective legitimizing role. Carter’s reform may have been doomed to failure from the start. As some have asserted, the problem with the Carter Administration was too moralistic that it hurted the interests the country.
     However, During the Reagan Administration period, the world situation changed drastically. Some people thought“new cold war”period would arrive. U.S. Reappraised the value of South Africa and adjusted the policy. The Reagan administration’s policy toward South Africa would change. On august 29, 1981, Chester Crocker, assistant secretary of state for Africa, asserted“in south Africa…it is not our task to choose between black and white.”This statement has been widely construed as a retreat from President Carter’s policy. The Reagan Administration adopted the“constructive engagement”policy.
     The Reagan Administration supported South Africa secretly to hope South Africa can prevents expansion of Soviet. U.S.―the self-proclaimed holder of the torch of human rights and human freedom, close its eyes to the policy which meant the slow genocide of the black people of South Africa.
     Ironically, when the American and Soviet relations relaxes and South Africa lost its important strategical position, U.S. got rid of South Africa. No eternal friends, and no eternal enemy,There is only the benefit. From the policies changes form the Carter Administration to the Reagan Administration, we can learn some thing from the foreign policy of the United States.
i 联合国新闻部编:《联合国手册(第九版)》,中国对外翻译出版公司,1981 年,第 104 页。
    ii《联合国手册(第九版)》第 105
    iii 张林初:《南非——世界资源宝库》,军事谊文出版社,1996 年版,第 39 页。
    iv 同上第 44 页。
    v 梁根成:《美国与非洲》,北京大学出版社,1991 年版,第 4 页。
    vi Donald B. Easum, United States Policy toward South Africa, A Journal of Opinion 1975 African Studies Association P67.
    vii 《南非-世界资源宝库》第 36 页。
    viii [法]路易·约斯:《南非史》,史陵山译,北京:商务印书馆出版,1973 年,第 21 页。
    ix Willianm Gutteridge, South Africa’s Defence Posture, World Today,36,1980,p.26
    x Donald B. Easum, United States Policy toward South Africa, A Journal of Opinion African Studies Association 1975.
    xi [苏]巴利茨:《种族主义在南非》,温颖、金乃学译,世界知识出版社,1957 年,第 2 页。
    xii 《美国与非洲》第 116 页。
    xiii Geoffrey Kemp, The New Strategic Map,survival,19,(March-April 1977),p.51 and 53.
    xiv John Peel,The Growing Threat to Freedom and the North Atlantic Alliance,South Africa International,9,(October 1978),79
    xv Larry W.Bowman, The Strategic Importance of South Africa to the United States: An Appraisal and Policy Analysis, by African Affairs The Royal African Society Published by Oxford University Press,1982 p.163.
    xvi 杨立华:《美国—南非关系:互有所求、各有所持》,载于国际政治研究 2003 年 03 期
    xvii《联合国手册第九版》第 106 页。
    xviii 联合国新闻厅编《联合国概况》北京:人民日报社 1980 年印,第47 页。
    xix 1976 年 6 月 16 日南非索韦托地区的黑人学生举行大规模示威游行,反对南非种族主义政府在黑人学校强制使用南非荷兰语进行教学,竟遭到反动军警的残酷镇压。黑人掀起了大规模的暴动,斗争迅速涉及南非其他地区。据南非当局 6 月 25 日公布的材料,在短短几天镇压黑人暴动中,死者达 176 人,受伤者达 1139 人,还有 1298 人被捕。
    xx《联合国手册第九版》第 108 页。
    xxi 同上第 107 页。
    xxii 郑启荣、李铁成:《联合国大事编年:1945-1996》,北京语言文化大学出版社,1998 年版,第 410-414 页。
    xxiii《美国与非洲》第 53 页
    xxiv 同上第 120 页
    xxv [美]吉米·卡特:《保持信心,卡特回忆录》,裘克安等译,世界知识出版社,1983 年版,第 192 页。
    xxvi Warren Christopher, In the Stream of History, Shaping Foreign Policy for a New Era (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press,1998),PP.61-62.
    xxvii Charles E.Neu, ed., After Vietnam War, Legacies of a last war, p.30.
    xxviii Jimmy Carter, human Purposes in foreign policy, Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy, ed. By Barry M. Rubin and Elizabeth P. Spiro , Boulder,Colorado: Westview Press,1979, p.227.
    xxix《保持信心——吉米·卡特总统回忆录》,第 127 页。
    xxx 同上第 129 页。
    xxxi [美]劳伦斯·肖普,《卡特总统与美国政坛内幕》,冬梅译,北京:时事出版社,1980 版,第 154 页。
    xxxii Africa Contemporary Record, 1977-1978 New York, Africana Publishing Co., 1979, p.C31.
    xxxiv 沐涛:《南非对外关系研究》,华东师范大学出版社,2003 年,第79 页。
    xxxv 1977 年 7 月 1 日万斯在美国全国有色有人和协进会上的讲话。转引自《美国对非洲政策》第 302 页。
    xxxvi 《美国对非洲政策》第 302 页。
    xxxvii Rielly, American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy,1979,13-14.
    xxxviii Rielly,American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy,1979,12-13
    xxxix Rielly,American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy,1979,8
    xl South Africa: US Policy, Current Policy No. 175, Washington, D.C., US Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, 30 April 1980
    xli 《美国与非洲》第 172 页。
    xlii “Can we abandon a country that has stood by us in every war we have fought, a country that is strategically essential to the free world in its production of minerals that we all must have?”Michael Getler, America’s African Dilemma Pits Anti-Communism, Human Rights,Washington Post,6 March 1981.
    xliii The Talk of the town, The New Yorker,16 February 1981,31
    xliv 米歇尔·曼德尔伯姆,斯特罗伯·塔尔伯特著:《里根与戈尔巴乔夫》,国际文化出版公司,1988 年版,第 21 页。
    xlv 《美国外交政策史》第 594。
    xlvi Jeane Kirkpatrick, Establishing a viable Human Rights Policy,World Affairs 143 spring 1981.
    xlvii 《美国对非洲的政策》第 191。
    xlviii The Times(London),3 September 1981
    xlix Alex Thomson, Incomplete Engagement: Reagan's South Africa Policy Revisited, The Journal of Modern African Studies 1995 Cambridge University Press. l Christopher Coker, Adventurism and Pragmatism: the Soviet
    Union,Comecon, and relations with African states in International Affairs(London),57,4,Autumn 1981,p618.
    li U.S.State Department,April 1981,2.
    lii Linda, Freeman Canadian Journal of African Studies, 1984 Canadian Association of African Studies.
    liii Crocker,South Africa:strategy for change,p.324.
    liv U.S.State Department.29 August 1981.
    lv《南非对外关系研究》第 80 页。
    lvi Linda Freeman Canadian Journal of African Studies,1984 Canadian Association of African Studies.
    lvii 萨米尔·阿明:“全球体系中的南非”,载《世界经济译丛》,1994年第 5 期。
    lviii Betts, A Diplomatic Bomb for South Atrica?,p.102.
    lix U.S.State Department.10 October 1981
    lx A Conversation with Michael Novak and Richard Schifter: Human Rights and the United Nations, Washington,D.C.:American Enterprise Institute,1981,P17.
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