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Theorists promoted the birth and development of human capital theory and competence theory by sustaining seeking after the riddle of economic growth and the headspring of corporation’s sustainable competitive advantages. Especially, in the time of knowledge economy with the character of hyper competition, it seems more imperative to study on the human capital value and its management. However, the existing managerial theory shows that the research on human capital management is still at the beginning time, and there are few works on human capital management with some managerial ideas guided by the competence purview. Based on these existing situations, this thesis probed into human capital evaluation and increment incentives being based upon organizational competence, by combining economic theories and managerial theories, using some modern managerial tools such as systems analysis. The main work and innovations would be described as follows:
     Firstly, presented the idea of human capital evaluation and increment incentives based on the view of competence, and established the conception model of its systematic structure. Established a related relevancy structure (LISREL) model between human capital and organizational competence. Constructed the index system of the two key dimensionalities of corporation competence, rigidity and flexibility, and established the measuring and diagnosing model of corporation competence, thereout established the human capital evaluation and increment incentives system.
     Secondly, presented a frame model of“double strengths and a movement”of human capital evaluation. And based on that, established an index system and measuring model of human capital evaluation related with the objects of organizational competence. Presented and established a planar model for distinguishing and analyzing corporation’s human capital by its competence facet based on its characters of being valuable and unique.
     Thirdly, by developing David Romer’s research, and involving human capital into the model, constructed the model of corporation long-term economic growth using velocity equation, analyzed and inferred the effects of human capital imposing on the corporation long-term economic growth and its formula. Established a production function with broad sense applicable to micro economy, and evaluated the contribution of human capital to the short-term economic output of corporation competence.
     Fourthly, presented the increment way of cluster ferment of human capital and its increment incentive patterns based on organizational competence. And studied on the human capital increment incentive patterns corresponding to some particular competence characteristics.
     Fifthly, based on the frame model of“double strengths and a movement”, made some quantitative research on human capital increment incentives from the three facets of competence, strive and movement, by establishing human capital investment game model, human’s behavior decision game model and human capital movement game model.
     Sixthly, by making use of the theory, methods and conclusions in this thesis, made an application research with some hospital as a case, designed its human capital evaluation and increment incentives system.
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