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Teachers’pedagogical knowledge is the knowledge about teaching activities for the specific teachers. Teachers’pedagogical knowledge is the direct support to the teaching activities, and the integrate teaching pedagogical knowledge has the direct positive correlation to the key ability of the teachers. The degree level of the integrate pedagogical knowledge is the key factor to decide the level of teachers’teaching ability. with the integrate pedagogical knowledge and fine knowledge structure, teachers’teaching ability will be improved. Based on this opinion, the dissertation attempts to focus on teachers’pedagogical knowledge and integrate knowledge as following four specific questions:Why should this dissertation research teachers’integrate pedagogical knowledge? What integrate knowledge should the teachers’integrate pedagogical knowledge integrate? How should the teachers’pedagogical knowledge integrate? And how does the teachers’integrate pedagogical knowledge integrate? Among those four questions, the first question is the premise question, the second question is the noumenon question, the third question is the tactic question and the fourth question is the inspective and verified question. In order to answer those four questions, based on the analysis of the documents, survey research and practice research, This dissertation starts to research as following:
     Firstly, The Research of the Separation of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge and the Inquiry of the Core of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.
     Through the questionnaire survey to 315 teachers from 7 schools which locate in the rural area, county and Chongqing city, this dissertation holds the opinion that there lies separation in the teachers’pedagogical knowledge. And the separation shows as following:the separation between research and teaching in the creative subject; the separation between truth and kindness in the value seeking; the separation between obviousness and obscure in the existence; and the separation between public and private in the performance. This separation is not the separation of the source of the knowledge, it is the surface separation of the pedagogical knowledge during coming into being and developing. This dissertation shows the essence of the surface separation, that is artificially produced in the separation between research and teaching, obscure in the separation between truth and kindness, mechanizing in the separation between obviousness and obscure, and falsehood in the separation between public and private.
     The solution to the problem points out that the development of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge should get rid of the separation and fragment piling up knowledge, and avoid the set and simple static state development with teachers’experiences and teachers’mind. The development of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge should trend to emphasize the connection of the education experiences, including the integrate between the knowledge and experiences, and emphasize the integrate development of the connection between the related factors.
     Secondly, The Research of the Noumenon of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.
     This dissertation thinks that pedagogical knowledge is the knowledge about teaching activities, and divides the pedagogical knowledge into five aspects due to the space factor of the teaching activities as following:why to teach? This is the meaning knowledge; what to teach? This is the noumenon knowledge; who teaches who? This is the subject knowledge; how to teach? This is the tactic knowledge; how is the teaching? This is the inspective and verified knowledge. Those five kinds of pedagogical knowledge is a whole body in the system of the pedagogical knowledge. All kinds of elements is not simple piling up together but influencing each other as noumenon carrier of each other. Each kind of pedagogical knowledge exists in different form, that is, theory form together with practice form, public form and private form, and obvious form together with obscure form.
     Thirdly, The Construct of the Integrate Model of Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.
     The integrate of teachers’pedagogical knowledge is combining all fragment, all kind and all forms of pedagogical knowledge together, according to some kind of principle, in order to make teachers’pedagogical knowledge structure and integrate. The essence lies in the integrate of the pedagogical knowledge between form and substance, and the integrate between content and structure. Through the integrate of form to the integrate of substance and the integrate of content to the integrate of structure to make the pedagogical knowledge as a successive, convertible and cooperate knowledge system. Therefore, this dissertation bases on the inherently logic of the meaning knowledge, noumenon knowledge, subject knowledge, tactic knowledge and inspective and verified knowledge, and this dissertation also considers the related relationship of the different kinds of existence form, theory form, practice form, public form, private form, obvious form and obscure form of the pedagogical knowledge. This dissertation also constructs five to two integrate model, which clearly presents teachers’pedagogical knowledge's coming into being, developing and probability of the integrating, and shows the five kinds of pedagogical knowledge converting in the two kinds of forms and consequently to the integrate purpose's progress.
     Fourthly,The Research of the Integrate System of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.
     This dissertation uses the smallest unit of the knowledge structure-mini-element as the basic content of the inputing knowledge, refers to the knowledge bunch which is compound of the mini-element as the object of the knowledge organization, and regards the knowledge wave which is converted from between mini-element and knowledge bunch. Based on the different kinds of properties of the pedagogical knowledge, this dissertation constructs the mini-element, bunch and wave, three forms of integrate system. The meaning knowledge emphasize that the mini-element inputing embodies digestion, knowledge bunch embodies integrate, the knowledge wave embodies infiltrating. The noumenon knowledge emphasizes that the input of mini-element embodies connecting, the knowledge bunch embodies networking, and the input of knowledge wave embodies converting. The subject knowledge emphasizes that the input of the mini-element embodies reflexivization, the input of the knowledge bunch embodies thinking back, the input of the knowledge wave embodies differentia. The tactic knowledge emphasizes that the input of mini-element embodies personal, the knowledge bunch embodies structuring, and the input of knowledge wave embodies context. The Inspective and verified knowledge emphasizes that the input of the mini-element embodies realizing, the organization of the knowledge bunch embodies moving, and the input of the knowledge wave embodies porphyly.
     Fifthly,The Construct of the Integrate Route of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.
     As for the coming into being of the pedagogical knowledge, the most important route is from theory books or publications after teaching, from the course criterion, teachers’reference books and the understanding of the student's books, from observing and thinking to the co-workers’class, from daily communication with the co-workers, from the discussion and research with others teachers, from self-conclusion and self-thinking after daily teaching and from the observing and mimicking to the famous teachers’class. The least route is from the observing and thinking to the teachers when you were a student, from the theory you learnt from books when you were a student and from student. Based on those, the dissertation deducts five kinds of integrate routes of the teachers' pedagogical knowledge as following:the digestion integrate in linking study, the venation integrate in personal decipherment, the conversion integrate in interactive communication, the web integrate in self-thinking organization, the realization integrate in practicing input.
     Sixthly, The Development of the Integrate Tactic of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.
     According to the integrate model and integrate system, which this dissertation has constructed, and based on the specific integrate route of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge, this dissertation exploits two kinds of integrate tactics, one is to devote to the integrate design of the teachers' teaching course, and the other is to devote to the precision work of the integrate tactic of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge. The integrate of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge is developed by those two kinds of integrate tactic, which is called double-joint integrate tactic.
     Seventhly,The Inspective and Verified Integrate of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.
     This dissertation gets a conclusion through one whole year's integrate experiment study of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge as following:firstly, the integrate experiment study of the teachers' pedagogical knowledge can promote teachers’correct perception to the theory pedagogical knowledge and experiment pedagogical knowledge, public pedagogical knowledge and private pedagogical knowledge, and obvious pedagogical knowledge and obscure pedagogical knowledge, and also promote the teachers’correct perception to the meaning knowledge, subject knowledge, noumenon knowledge, tactic knowledge and inspective and verified knowledge. Secondly, the integrate experiment study of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge can help teachers’awareness and habit to integrate the theory pedagogical knowledge and practice pedagogical knowledge, public pedagogical knowledge and private pedagogical knowledge, and obvious pedagogical knowledge and obscure pedagogical knowledge, and help teachers’awareness and habit to integrate the meaning knowledge, subject knowledge, noumenon knowledge, tactic knowledge and inspective and verified knowledge. Thirdly, the integrate experiment study of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge can help teachers learn the integrate method to the theory pedagogical knowledge and practice pedagogical knowledge pedagogical knowledge, public pedagogical knowledge and private pedagogical knowledge and obvious pedagogical knowledge and obscure pedagogical knowledge, and also promote different level teachers to integrate different forms of pedagogical knowledge. The integrate experiment study of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge can help teachers to learn the integrate methods to meaning knowledge, subject knowledge, noumenon knowledge, tactic knowledge and inspective and verified knowledge, and also promote different level teachers to integrate different forms of pedagogical knowledge.
     In a word, this dissertation bases on a variety of research method, proposes and verifies the five-division form of the pedagogical knowledge, and constructs 5-2 conversion integrate model of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge, and mini-element, bunch and wave three forms of integrate system, exploits the double-joint integrate tactic and opens up the new horizon of the research of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge. Those theories provide train of thought to help teachers promote teaching ability, and those theories point out the development route of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge. Those theories also provide a new viewing-angel to the theory research of teachers' pedagogical knowledge in our country, and those theories have the systematic research to the teachers’pedagogical knowledge. Finally, those theories have some degree of as a source of reference to guide and improve teachers’pedagogical knowledge and teaching ability.
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