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'Rural-urban Land conversion is the result of land resources competitive allocation in the process of human social and economic development, it is the only way of urbanization. On the one hand, Rural-urban land conversion meet the demand for urbanization, and also Promoted the economic and social development.On the other hand, disordered conversion also brings a series of irreversible ecological and social problems. It is causing dramatic welfare state changes in different interest groups, because of the enormous benefits of redistribution in Rural-urban land conversion, especially the disadvantaged groups of landless peasants. So is very necessary for us to study the welfare of landless peasants in Rural-urban Land conversion. And, have no doubt that the number of landless peasants will be increased dramatically in the future, under the background of the accelerated development of urbanization in China. It would be a huge difference and estrangement between the landless peasants, farmers,citizens, and any other subjects in Rural-urban Land conversion, if we do not conduct a comprehensive, standardized, scientific analysis measurement in welfare, do not provide effective protection of systems and policies in compensation, and of the resulting unfairness, will also demage the social devolpment and stability.
     In foreign countries, the build of public policy and Reformatory effect were bases on the standardized study of welfare. The pursuit of a good system design is to achieve social Pareto optimality; the key point is not how to accomplish, but how to identify the main preferences.In our reaserch, under the specific region's economic and social development, to carry out scientific analysis and measurement about landless peasants'different welfare,played a great practical significance role in real word.Thus,the purpose of this thesis is attempt to answer the following questions:1) how to use welfare economics, equity and justice thesis and contact of the welfare status of landless peasants in rural-urban land, to build a suitable analysis and theoretical models framework for landless peasants'Multidimensional Welfare; 2) how to use empirical research to validate and measure welfare and the various relationships between factors; 3) seeking the direction of policy improvement and optimization of rural-urban land-related issues.
     In order to fulfill the purposes, the dissertation is composed by four parts:
     The first part of the dissertation (including chaptersl,2,3), is the theoretical basis. First of all, the related concepts of efficiency are revisited and discussed. And then basing upon the field survey and collecting data in the relevant departments,we got a large number of first-hand data about landless peasants'Multidimensional Welfare, and then from both vertical and horizontal aspects to comparative analysis thier welfare state to have a clear understanding about them. Choose Sen's Capability approach as the main framework of the theoretical analysis in study, through a lot of literatures review. Studies suggest that health status, living status, social participation support, job status, and fair compensation of landless peasants are five main factors of the Multidimensional Welfare state. And then, proposed the path hypothesis between the welfare and the factors, and also the way between factors, in order to build a complete theoretical analysis model of landless peasants'Multidimensional Welfare.
     The Second part of the dissertation (including chapters4,5), it is empirical research part. According to the theoretical model, we have a targeted questionnaire design, from the content, words, order, options and other aspects. In addition, we also consider the target group for investigation, survey methods, sampling methods, sample size and other empirical design. Before large-scale survey carried out small-scale pilot study to identify and modify the not well-considered place in questionnaire design, at the end take a large-scale survey, to obtain the original survey data. After the survey, we have a treatment including original data and the questionnaire:invalid samples removed, building a more representative sample, re-define the variable, the variable processing and refining the questionnaire reliability and validity analysis, and normal sample analysis.Finally, get lean and have high reliability and validity questionnaire, and lay a good groundwork for the subsequent empirical research in other regions. Subsequently, the data were substituted into the AMOS7.0 in operation, after the 2nd amendment, get the final result. The results show that without considered the indirect impact, the factors for the well-being in the order:fair compensation (0.50), work status (0.47), living status (0.11), health (0.03), and social participation support (0.00). Consider the indirect and direct factors the order is: work status effect (0.705), fair compensation (0.50), living status (0.185), social participation support (0.08) and health (0.03).
     The third part of the dissertation i.e., chapters 6, the author proposed a targeted Reform recommendations, base on analyzes the existing mechanisms and combination empirical research findings. It emphasizing fair compensation is an effective way to improve farmers'welfare, especially proposals to expand the form of compensation under the preferences of landless peasants. In the end of the dissertation, we simulate, interpret and solute, some of the behavior and optimization policies in the Rural-urban land conversation. To testify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed policy we mentioned above, by use of mathematical and economic way.
     The last part of the dissertation i.e., chapters7, is the conclusion and discussion.
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