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Nowadays humanity is faced with such troublesome problems as populationexplosion, water pollution, and energy crisis. Therefore, it is of vital importance todevelop and utilize transboundary water resources for the sake of a country’s energysafety and sustainable economic development. There are263international rivers on theearth accounting for about60percent of global river flow, with two-fifths of the globalpopulation living in the international basin. The riparian countries in international riverbasin should deepen and expand international cooperation in practice for sharingtransboundary water resources. The United Nations has declared2013the InternationalYear of Water Cooperation for every country to further reach the great potential fortransboundary water resource cooperation. The international rivers within our borderreserve great hydropower. To realize the protective utilization of transboundary waterresources, we should widely enhance international cooperation in the field oftransboundary water resources in the future. The theory of international water lawproves that the international cooperation principle has been established with thewidening of the object scopes and collaborative areas of transboundary water resources.This paper suggests that coordination mechanism and legal guarantee system ofinternational cooperation be built to promote sustainable development oftransboundary water resources in the course of utilization, development, governanceand protection.
     The paper is divided into nine chapters, following the technical route fromtheories to practices, then to systems, finally to how China uses for reference.
     The first chapter is the introduction. As the beginning of the paper, it introducesthe topic’s theoretical and practical significance, overseas and domestic research status,research methods, major content, potential innovations and deficiencies.
     The second and the third chapter are about theories. The second chapterelaborates on the evolution of theories in terms of the utilization of transboundarywater resources. First, this chapter defines the concept of transboundary water resource.Then, it discusses the change of the concept. The concept of international river has evolved from the one which emphasizes free navigation to that stressing thenavigability as well as the commercial significance of the international watercourse,then to that which lays emphasis on the international basin in terms of the overallexploration and comprehensive utilization of transboundary water resources. Thetheory concerning the utilization of transboundary water resources has developed fromits focus on absolute territorial sovereignty and absolute territorial integrity to that onlimited territorial sovereignty and then to that on community of interests, apparentlyindicating the desalination of sovereignty in the process of its development, thenplacing emphasis on comprehensive utilization. Developments of theories ininternational water law have helped foster a spirit of international cooperation thatpromotes the construction of substantive legal rules.
     The third chapter demonstrates theoretically that the international cooperationprinciple is a basic principle of international water law. This chapter analyses theforms, evidences and important value of the international cooperation principle.Numerous bilateral treaties, multilateral treaties, soft law documents constituted byinternational law group, judgments of international court and other judicial bodies, allprove that the international cooperation principle is a basic principle of internationalwater law. The international cooperation in the field of transboundary water resourcesmay create economic value, lead to equitable and reasonable utilization, and utilizationwithout major damage. Meantime, it is the objective demand for the protection ofwater resources and environment, which is of great significance to the maintenance ofimpartial and peaceful environment of the international society.
     The fourth and the fifth chapter are about practices which describe how theinternational cooperation broadens on transboundary water resources. The fourthchapter reveals that the scope of international cooperation on transboundary waterresources is widened. Now the object scope of transboundary water resources mainlyrefers to the international river (lake) existing in the form of surface water, and theinternational convention related to it is adopted by the GeneralAssembly of the United Nations in1997which has not come into effect now. After the1950s, the adjustment range of transboundary water resources broadened from surface water to transboundary aquifer. In2008, International Law Commission of the UnitedNations passed by second reading .Transboundary cloud water used for artificial rainfall and snowfall, freshwaterresource in the Polar Regions owned by all human beings, wastewater recycled aremuch likely to become the focus of utilization and cooperation by every country.
     The fifth chapter discusses the broad fields of international cooperation ontransboundary water resources. When every country utilizes water resource at theirearly stage, they utilize the river at low rate with their primary contradiction being theproblem of delimitation. After the sailing technique is developed, riparian state freenavigation system is established in the field of transboundary water resources.Non-navigational uses with priority given to power generation have taken control sincethe early20thcentury. The major conflict now is the competition over flow distributionand hydraulic utilization. The conservation cooperation of transboundary waterresources should be the future development priority which demands that the ripariancountries jointly share and protect the transboundary water resources.
     The sixth and the seventh chapter are about systems. The sixth chapter introducesthe coordinative legal mechanism, which mainly includes communication of data andinformation, environmental impact assessment, joint environmental monitoring, publicparticipation, scientific research and technological development cooperation,notification and cooperation in case of emergency. It can be estimated that there arestill both contradiction and cooperation in the field of transboundary water resources inthe future. With the intensification of regional cooperation and the development ofintegration, it is obvious that cooperation will gradually play the leading role.
     The seventh chapter presents the legal guarantee system of internationalcooperation. Basin agreements reached and carried out by riparian countries,establishment of basin organizations, and diversified peaceful dispute settlementmechanism offer legal guarantee of international cooperation in the field oftransboundary water resources. Basin agreements and basin organizations haveretained strong features of regional cooperation. Peaceful settlement of transboundarywater resource dispute is the ultimate protection to realize international cooperation in transboundary water resources. Diversified voluntary water dispute settlements are inaccordance with the development trends in the future.
     The eighth chapter analyzes the status, predicament and suggestion of ourcountry’s international cooperation in transboundary water resources. It has beenpointed out in the Twelfth Five-year Plan that the emphasis will be put on thedevelopment of water power generation in Southwest China. At present, water powerdevelopment and water conservancy project in Great Mekong basin of SouthwestChina are the major disputes and conflicts China faces as an upstream country over thetransboundary water resources. This paper gives some brief suggestions. At the microlevel, water power should be developed by overcoming a series of barriers andadopting joint projects. At the meso level, regional cooperation should be intensifiedstep by step with active participation in the construction of basin agreements and basinorganization. At the macro level, more efforts should be exerted in using theinternational funds to develop transboundary water resources.
     The ninth chapter is the conclusion and prospect. International cooperation intransboundary water resources is widened and deepened, but still has much room forimprovement. Now the international cooperation in transboundary water resources stillfocuses on economic cooperation in water development and project construction, butinternational society still has not established effective system in terms of pollutionprevention and control, and biodiversity conservation. As a principle with vigorousvitality, the international cooperation principle in transboundary water resourcesdepends on the establishment of specific rules around the world.
    3Meredith A. Giordano and Aaron T. Wolf,“The World’s International Freshwater Agreements:HistoricalDevelopments and Future Opportunities”, In Atlas of International Freshwater Agreements. United NationsEnvironment Programme and Oregon State University.2002,P.2.
    4John Anthony Allan,Water, Peace and the Middle East: Negotiating Resources in the Jordan Basin,London:Tauris Academic Studies,1996,P.193.
    13Richard Paisley,“Adversaries into partners:International water law and the equitable sharing of downstreambenefits”,Melbourne Journal of International Law,Vol.10,2002,P.288.
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    15Aaron T. Wolf,“A Long-Term View of Water and Security:International Waters, National Issues, andRegional Tensions”, German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU),2006,pp.7-8.
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    17Aaron T. Wolf, Shira B. Yoffe, and Mark Giordano,“International waters: indicators for identifying basins atrisk”, Water Policy,vol5,No.1,2003,pp.29-60.
    18Meredith A. Giordano and Aaron T. Wolf,“The World’s International Freshwater Agreements:HistoricalDevelopments and Future Opportunities”, In Atlas of International Freshwater Agreements. United NationsEnvironment Programme and Oregon State University,2002.
    19Shira B. Yoffe, Basins At Risk: Conflict and Cooperation Over International Freshwater Resources. Oregon StateUniversity. Ph.D. Dissertation.2001.
    22Joe. Parker, Forestalling Water Wars: Returning to Our (Grass) Roots. College of Urban&Public Affairs,Portland State University.2006.参见http://www.transboundarywaters.orst.edu/publications/abst_docs/related_research/Parker_2006.pdf.
    23Stephen. McCaffrey, the Law of international Watercourses: Non-navigational Uses, Oxford UniversityPress,2001, p.399.
    24H.A.Smith,“the Economic Uses of International Rivers”, pp.150-51, International Law Association BerlinConference, Commentary on Article11of Berlin Rules,2004.
    32H. P. W. Toset,“Shared rivers and inter-state conflict”, Political Geography, No.19,2000,pp.971-996.
    33Aaron T. Wolf,“A Long Term View of Water and International Security”, Journal of Contemporary WaterResearch and Education, Issue142, Aug.2009, pp.70-73.
    34Irna van der Molen&Antoinette Hildering,“Water: cause for conflict or Co-operation”,Journal on Science andWorld Affairs, Vol.1, No.2,2005, p.140.
    41Ludwick Teclaff,Albert Utton,International Groundwater Law,London: Oceana Publications,1981.
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    44MC Caffrey S C,“The International Law Commission Adopts Draft Articles on Transboundary Aquifers”,The American Journal of International Law,2009, p.103.
    51See Art.3of1996Treaty between Nepal and India Concerning the Integrated Development of the MahakaliRiver。
    52Stephen. McCaffrey, the Law of international Watercourses: Non-navigational Uses, Oxford UniversityPress,2001, p.399.
    53James L.Wescoat Jr.,“Main Currents in Eearly Multilateral Water Treaties:A Historical-Geographic Perspective1648-1948”,Colorado journal of international environmental law and policy,Yearbook,1996,P.39.
    54Denis V. Rodin,Offshore transboundary petroleum deposits:cooperation as a customary obligation,MasterDissertation, University of Troms, Fall2011,P10。
    57Schrijver Nico,Sovereignty over natural resources: Balancing Rights and Duties. Cambridge University Press,1997,p.452.
    58Case relating to the Territorial Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the River Order(Czechoslovakia,Denmark,France,Germany,Great Britain,Sweden v. Poland),PCIJ Ser. A, No.23,1929,P.43.
    62Stephen C. McCaffrey,“The contribution of the UN Convention on the law of the non-navigational uses ofinternational watercourses”,International Journal of Global Environmental Issues,Vol.1,2001,p.251.
    63F.J. Berber,Rivers in International Law. R.K. Batstone trans.,1959,p.12.
    64F.J. Berber,Rivers in International Law. R.K. Batstone trans.,1959,p.13.
    65Edith Brown Weiss et al.,International Environmental Law and Policy, CITIC Publishing House,2003,pp.867-868.
    66在先占用权即现在和将来有多少用水的权利,是由过去用多少水量决定的,这种主张在很多下游国家盛行。Anthony Turton&Roland Henwood,Hydropolitics in the developing world:A southern AfricanPerspective,African Water Issues Research Unit Center for International Political Studies,2002, p.97.
    68Stephen C. McCaffrey,“The Harmon Doctrine One Hundred Years Later: Buried,Not Praised”,NaturalResource Journal, Vol.36,1996, p.756.
    70S. McCaffrey,The Law of International Watercourse. Oxford University Press,2001,p.135.
    71Denis V. Rodin,Offshore transboundary petroleum deposits:cooperation as a customary obligation,MasterDissertation, University of Troms,Fall2011,p.44.
    72F.J. Berber,Rivers in International Law. R.K. Batstone trans.,1959,pp.33-34.
    74Jerome Lipper,“Equitable Utilization”. In The Law of International Drainage Basins. ed. A. H. Garretson,R. D. Hayton&C. J. Olmstead. New York: Oceana Publications,1967,pp.44-45.
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    78Bershorner Natasha,Water and Instability in the Middle East,The International Institute for Strategic Studies,1992, pp.41-42.
    81Case relating to the Territorial Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the River Order(Czechoslovakia,Denmark,France,Germany,Great Britain,Sweden v. Poland),PCIJ Ser. A,No.23,1929,P.47.
    82ICJ.Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project(Hungary v. Slovakia),ICJ Reports1997,p.102.
    84S. McCaffrey,The Law of International Watercourse.(2nd ed.), Oxford University Press,2007,pp.158-159.
    85F.J. Berber,Rivers in International Law. R.K. Batstone trans.,1959,pp.13-14.
    86Green Cross International,“National Sovereignty and International Watercourses”, the2nd World WaterForum, Hague, March2000.
    88ICJ.Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project(Hungary v. Slovakia),25Sep1997, ICJ Reportsp.15.1977年匈牙利和捷克斯洛伐克签署一项条约,共同修建该大坝,解决多瑙河的防洪和航运问题,双方承诺确保多瑙河水质和环境不受破坏。由于大坝在匈国内受到猛烈批评,匈牙利1989年暂停建设自己负责的部分,并于1992年单方正式通知捷方终止条约。后捷采用了替代方案,并投入建设和运营。1993年捷方解体,斯洛伐克继承原来1977年条约下的权利义务。双方诉至国际法院,判定匈无权放弃工程,终止条约,捷方无权运营替代方案。双方应采取必要措施确保1977年条约目标实现。
    89H.A.Smith,“The Economic Uses of International Rivers”, International Law Association Conference,Berlin,2004.
    90Josephw.Dellapenna,“Thecustomaryinternationallawoftransboundaryfreshwaters”,InternationalJournal of Global Environmental Issues,Vol.1,2001, pp.264–305.
    91S. McCaffrey,The Law of International Watercourse.(2nd ed.) Oxford University Press,2007, P.399.
    94Laurence Boisson de Chazournes,Freshwater and International Law:The Interplay between Universal,Regionaland Basin Perspectives,United Nations World Water Assessment Programme,2009,p.12.
    97Laurence Boisson de Chazournes,Freshwater and International Law:The Interplay between Universal,Regionaland Basin Perspectives,United Nations World Water Assessment Programme,2009,p.12.
    100Anthony Turton,“The Sounthern African Hydropolitical Complex”,in Olli Varis, Cecilia Tortajada and AsitK.Biswas(Eds.), Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lakes,2008Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,p.64.
    110The Oscar Chinn Case (Great. Britain. v.Belgium),1934P. C. I. J.(ser. A/B) No.63.比利时政府提供补偿,允许同其政府有重要关联的Unatra公司在刚果河上提供价格打折的运输服务,使英国的Oscar Chinn公司无法与其竞争,英国要求赔偿。常设国际法院认为虽然面对经济危机,但比利时政府仍有多种措施可以选择应对。根据1919年的圣日尔曼条约和一般国际法原则,比利时政府并未违反在刚果河上的河道航运义务。
    112该案Wurttemberg and Prussia V. Baden(1927)是德国两个州巴登和符腾堡之间的争端。位于多瑙河上有之下的部分地下水流进了莱茵河的支流Aach River。符腾堡分流多瑙河水,引起巴登的抗议。法官依据“有关国际河流流动的一般国际法原则”,判决巴登和符腾堡都无权为了各自的利益人为地改变多瑙河流量。内容详见Cairo A. R. Robb, International Environmental Law Reports, Cambridge:Cambridge UniversityPress,1999,pp.444-458.
    114Hilal Elver, Peaceful Uses of International Rivers: The Euphrates and Tigris Rivers Dispute, Ardsley NY:Transnational Publishers,2002,p.165.
    116InternationalLawAssociationBerlinConference(2004),“CommentaryonBerlinRulesonWaterResources”,http://www.asil.org/ilib/waterreport2004.pdf, last visited on Apr.15,2013.
    118Indus Water Kishenganga Arbitration (Pakistan v. India)[R]. Order on Interim Measures, PCA Reports2011.p.39。
    119ICJ.Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project(Hungary v. Slovakia),25Sep1997, ICJ Reportsp.15.
    122H.A.Smith,“the Economic Uses of International Rivers”, International Law Association Berlin Conference,Commentary on Article11of Berlin Rules,2004.
    123AttilaTanzi,Therelationshipbetweenthe1992UN/ECEConventionontheProtectionandUseofTransboundary Watercourses and International Lakes and the1997UN Convention on the law of theNon-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, Report of the UNECE Task Force on Legal andAdministrative Aspects, Italy, Geneva, Feb.2000,p.18.
    125Meredith A. Giordano, International River Basin Management: Global Principles and Basin Practice. OregonState University. Ph.D.Dissertation,2002.
    132Dr Nyamajeje C. Weggoro:“Improving The Management Of Transboundary Water Resources Using ThePublic-Partnership Model”,Regional Dialogue and Twinning to Improve Transboundary Water ResourcesGovernance in Africa, Canada,13th-15th June2009,p.4。
    134Gregory W. Gleason,The Central Asian States:Discovering Independence,Boulder: Westview Press,1997,p.161.
    137Aaron T. Wolf,Shira B. Yoffe&Mark Giordano,“International waters:Indicators for Identifying basins atrisk”,pp.7-8.载http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/00133306e.pdf.,last visited on Jan.3,2013.
    145埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆(Elinor Ostrom):《制度激励与可持续发展:基础设施政策透视》,陈幽泓等译,三联书店2000年版,第86页。
    146详见United Nations General Assembly Resolution51/229,8July1997.
    148United Nations International Law Commission,Yearbook of the International Law Commission, Volume II,Part2,1994, PP.89-90.
    149Lake Lanoux Arbitration(France v. Spain),12R.I.A.A.281;24I.L.R.101,Arbitral Tribunal. Nov.16,1957,pp.26-27.
    150McCaffrey S C,“The1997U.N. Watercourses Convention: Retrospect and Prospect”, Pacific McGeorgeGlobal Business&Devevelopment Law Journal, Vol.21,2008,p.166.
    151Yamadaa C., Second Report on Shared Natural Resources: Transboundary Groundwaters, A/CN.4/539andAdd.1,2004, para.12.
    152UNESCO-IHP ISARM Programme, Atlas of Transboundary Aquifers: Global Maps, Regional Cooperationand Local Inventories, Paris:UNESCO,2009.
    172Cairo A.R. Robb,“Helmand River Case(Afghanistan/Persia)”, In Internatioanal Environmental Law Reports,volume I, Cambridge University Press,1999, pp.3-14.
    173Gross Leo,“The Peace of Westphalia,1648-1948”, American Journal of International Law, Vol.42, No.1,1948,pp.20-41.
    178E. B. Weiss,The Evolution of International Water Law,Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,2009,pp.231-257.
    179M.A.Salman&Kishor Uprety, Conflict and Cooperation on South Asia’s International Rivers, Washington:The World Bank Press,2002, pp.8-31.
    181AaronT.Wolf.,“CreteriaforEquitableAllocations:TheHeartofInternationalWaterConflict”,NaturalResources Forum, Vol.23,No.1,1999,pp3-30.
    182S. McCaffrey,The Law of International Watercourse.(2nd ed.), Oxford University Press,2007,p.59.
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    209Robert O. Keohane and Lisa L. Martin,“The Promise of Institutionalist Theory”,International Security,Vol.20,No.1,1995,pp.39-51.
    212Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v. Slovakia), Judgment of25September1997,1997ICJ No.92, Para.112.
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    218该指令于1997年和2003年进行了两次重要修订。Directive85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects ofcertain public and private projects on the environment,简称EIA指令。该指令内容详见http://www.environ.ie/en/Publications/Environment/Miscellaneous/FileDownLoad,8786,en.pdf。
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    227ICJ. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay) Summary of the Judgment of20April2010,p.18.
    228该公约内容详见http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/env/pp/documents/cep43e.pdf,last visited on Oct.19,2013.
    229Council Directive2003/35/EC,Providing for Public Participation in Respect of the Drawing up of CertainPlans and Programmes Relating to the Environment and Amending with Regard to Public Participation andAccess to Justice Council Directives85/337/EEC and96/61/EC,2003O.J.(L156)17。http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32003L0035:EN:HTML,last visited on Oct.10,2013.
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    235Case Concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay),Judgment of20April2010,Para.112-122.
    236Lake Lanoux Arbitration (France v. Spain),(1957)12R.I.A.A.281;24I.L.R.101,P23,http://www.ecolex. org/server2.php/libcat/docs/COU/Full/En/COU-143747E.pdf,last visited on Sep.10,2013.
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    245Salman M.A. Salman(Legal Vice Presidency of the World Bank),“The Baglihar Difference and ItsResolution Process–a Triumph for the Indus Waters Treaty?”,Water Policy, Vol.10,2008,pp.105-117.
    249Oran R.Yang, Compliance and Public Authority: A Theory with International Applications, Baltimore andLondon: The Johns Hopkins University Press,1979,p.5.
    251ICJ.Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project(Hungary v. Slovakia),25Sep1997,ICJ Reports.
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    262Hedley Bull, The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics Basingstoke, Hampshire:ColumbiaUniversity Press,1977,p.261.
    266Robert O. Keohane,After Hegemony:Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1984,P.54.
    270John G. Laylin&Rinaldo L.Bianchi,“The Role of Adjudication in International River Disputes”,American Journal of International Law, Vol.53,1959, P.35.
    271Aerial Incident of10August1999(Pak. v. India),ICJ Reports.2000,P.52.
    272Salman M.A. Salman(Legal Vice Presidency of the World Bank),“The Baglihar Difference and ItsResolution Process–a Triumph for the Indus Waters Treaty?”,Water Policy, Vol.10,2008,p.111.
    2811961年,印度总理尼赫鲁从本国实用主义考虑,以朴素简明的语言阐述了“妨碍未来利用”这一概念。他在给巴基斯坦总统阿尤布·汗的信中提到:“你似乎仍然对上游国同下游国之间的权利进行了区分。这一区分意味着下游国可以在共享河道上单方建设工程项目,而上游国不应当有权利这样做。果真应该如此的话,它将使得下游国单方创设有利于自己的历史性权利,并让这些权利肆意膨胀,从而彻底阻止上游国的任何开发利用。”具体内容参见B.Crow, Sharing the Ganges: The politics and Technology of RiverDevelopment, New Delhi: Sage Publications,1995, p.89.
    284EvelynGoh,“ChinaintheMekongRiverBasin:TheRegionalSecurityImplicationsofResourceDevelopmenton the Lancang Jiang”(working paper69), Singapore: Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies,2004,p.7.
    286S.McCaffrey,“Some Developments in the Law of International Watercourses”, In M.Kohen(ed.),PromotingJustice, Human Rights, and Conflict Resolution through International Law: Liber Amicorum Lucius Caflisch,Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff,2007,P.788.
    288Mekong Brief No.9:“What Do MRC Studies Tell Us about the Implications of M ekong Mainstream Dams forFisheries?”,Sydney:University of Sydney,November2008.
    297SalmanM.A.Salman,TheWorldBankPolicyforProjectsonIneternationalWaterways:AnHistoricalandLegal Analysis,Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publisher,2009,P.45.
    299在当前世界可被人类直接获取或开采的直接水资源紧缺的情况下,虚拟水是有些国家缓解区域水源紧张的解决方法之一。虚拟水是一种概念水,1993年由英国学者Tony Allan提出,指在生产产品和服务中需要的水资源数量。
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