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The stability of workforce was relatively strong in conditions of a planned economy. Since the reform and opening-up, the stability of workforce in our country has changed in the transition to socialist market economy. On the other hand, employees in the early stage of career are on the way of forming their sociability, their job instability may worsen the dissatisfaction toward the society, the carelessness of social responsibility or the loss of professional dedication. So the study on the turnover intention and retention solutions among employees in the Early Stage of Career becomes more and more important.
     According to current researches, studies on the group of employees in the early stage of career from the perspective of career development management are rare though researches on career development management and turnover intention are more and more popular. Also, the turnover intention and retention solutions are far from systematic.
     Therefore, in this research, the employees in the early stage of career were regarded as the target group. The causal route of turnover intention and influencing factors were considered as the breakthrough. Relations among job satisfaction, organization commitment and turnover intention were discussed, as well as the influence of career management factors on the causal route. And a management system of turnover intention and retention solutions integrated with current solutions was proposed.
     At the beginning of this thesis, relative researches and policies were reviewed. Whereafter, the breakthrough point of research and the hint of data analysis were found. Theoretical analysis on job satisfaction dimension,“job satisfaction-organization commitment-turnover intention”causal route and influences of career management factors on the route were performed successively. Based on the results above, the management system was proposed from four aspects.
     Conclusions are as follows: (1) there are four dimensions in job satisfaction of employees in the early stage of career: work itself, self-achievement, direct supervisor and organization management. (2) job satisfaction and organization commitment have impact on turnover intention but different dimensions of job satisfaction have different influences.(3) both career development education in campus and work place can impact turnover intention, so does historical turnover behaviors. Turnover intention and retention solutions were also figured out from four aspects: (1) school-oriented policies, (2) employer-oriented policies,(3) employee-oriented policies and (4) family/society-oriented policies.
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