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    孙连发 摘 要2002年*月
Six wheat cultivars and a pair of NlL differing on Glu-Dl locus were emplOyed to cny
    out pot experiment under five nitrogen doses to identify the quality changing pattem.
    Meanwhi1e, A multiple locations experiment to stUdy the effect of nitrogen on Wheat quality
    and the correlation of quality parameters as well as quality stability using ten wheat cultivars
    differing in quality under three nitrogen rates were conducted.
    Effect of nitrogen dose on quaIity ckanging pattern of wheat grown in Henongjiang
    The quaIity changing pattem affected by nitrogen dose varies on quality pararneters.
    Some representative parameters of dough strength including dough development time,
    stability, valorimeter value, W and P of a1veogram as well as Zeleny sedimentation value
    show the parabola shape in changing pattem aIong with nitrogen dose raising. N3 is the peak
    of the parabola while N2N3 is the peak of parabola only for stability of fdrinogram. For the
    quantity of gluten, itS peak aPPears at N4 level, being higher than that of dough strength
    parameters. As a parameter representing gluten strength, glUten index decreases when nitrOgen
    dose rise. The ratio of sedimentation value and dry gluten content representing gluten strength
    indirectly decrease or change in inverted parabola along with nitrogen rates raising .P/L goes
    down when nitrogen level increasing. For most varieties te5ted in the study, water absorption
    rise along with nitrogen dose increase while it goes in parabola or invert parabola for other
    Compare HWGS 5+l0 to itS countefPart 2+l2, the POsitive effect of 5+10 is main1y on
    Zeleny sedimentation value, weakness and the ratio of sedimentation and dry gluten, it
    showed maximum effectS at nitrogen dose of paraboIa Peak.
    The nyulation of nitpogen dose on quality parameters of wheat growu in Heilongjiang
    Compare with geOOtyPe and environment, nitrogen plays less importan role on wheat
    quality However, the effed of nitrogen on qua1ity varies with quality parameters. For gluten
    quantity and water absorphon, effod of nitrogen is second onIy to genotyPe. To other
    parameters, the effect of dsgen is less than that of genotype and environment. The effect of
    nitrOgen on gluten index and ratio of sedimentation and dry glUten is very little.
    When the tested marerials were grouped on quality parameters, driction order of
    experimental faCtors were changed when the cultivars were grOUped on glUtCh content, the
    order of factors fiJnction tO glUten content is: nitrogen > environment > genotyPe. When the
    variehes were gI'OuPed on sedimentation value, the oIder of factors function tO sedimentation
    value is f environment > genotype > nitrOgen. For the materials of high gluten content,
    HMWGS composition of 2+l2 7+9 l (2*) and low sedimentation value, the function of
    experimental fectOrs to water absorPtion is t genotype > nitrogen > environment > ExG
    whi1e it is genotoe > nitrogen > ExG > environment for the materials of low gIuten content,
    HMWGS comPOsition of 5+l0 7+8 (9) l (2*), 2+l2 7+8 l (2*) and high sedimentaion.
    When the materials were grouPed on glulen colltent and sedimehaion value, the function
    order of the experimental factors to stability of fdrinogram is f genotype > environment >
    Gxgrnitrogen. For the materiaIs with subunit 5+l0, the fiJnction order to stability is;
    environment > genotyPe > nitrOgen, while genotype > environment fOr the materials with
    HMWGS of 2+12 7op 1 (2*) and no significant effect for the materials with HWGS of
    2+l2 7+8 l (2*). All these demonstrated that nitrogen play impotalt role to gluten content
    and water absorption, less dripotalt role to sedimentation value and boograIn parameters
    and very Iittle or no POsitive effect on the parameters relevant to gluten strength.
    The caPacity of nitrogen regulation to wheat quaIity varies with materials grouped on
    different parameters. The gIuten quantity of the materiaIs with high gluten content is affected
    by nitrogen in lar'ger extent than
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