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跨国银行(Multinational Bank)是跨越国境,在世界范围内设立营业性分支机构,开展全球性金融服务的金融机构。由于跨国银行具有经营资源方面的优势、在海外设点的区位优势和实行内部化的优势等三大优势,所以自十八世纪中叶出现以来一直保持较快的发展速度,目前已成为整个世界金融体系中举足轻重的一部分。
    多年来在我国一直是由中国人民银行来行使对外资银行的监管职能,并逐步建立了人民银行总、分行两个层次的外资银行监管体系。但在实践中,特别是与金融业发达的国家相比,我国对外资银行的监管还存在很多不足之处。在跨国银行监管方面,许多金融比较发达的国家如美、英、日等国已经形成了比较先进的监管体系,对其国内的跨国银行实施了比较有效的监管。同时,国际上也形成了一些关于跨国银行监管的协定,如《巴塞尔协议》,对各国的银行监管起到越来越重要的指导作用。本文通过对发达国家跨国银行监管体系和一些国际上对跨国银行监管原则的分析,结合中国的实际 ,提出中国的金融监管当局应该不断改进对外资银行的监管体制和一些具体做法,对外资银行进行全面的监管,只有这样才能满足我国入世后建设有中国特色的社会主义经济的需要。
    改进对外资银行的监管,首先我国应当明确当前阶段对外资银行应采取有限国民待遇原则,充分利用“保障条款”和“例外条款”以及过渡期安排,采取适当措施合理保护金融市场及民族银行业的发展;应遵照《巴塞尔协议》关于东道国与母国监管的合理分工原则,针对外资银行在经营过程中出现的问题,尽快出台《外资银行法》等相关法规并及时修改已有法规的相应细则,建立一套健全的对外资银行监管的法律法规体系,使监管有法可依。其次,我国应从外资银行的市场准入监管和营运监管两方面来努力实现对外资银行的全面监管,一方面我们应选择合理的准入形式,确定合理的最低注册资本金,完善对合格管理人员的规定,加强对申请银行资信和母国监管情况的调查,调整外资银行的地区和国别分布,来实现有效的准入监管;另一方面,我们应该重点完善对外资银行的资本充足性管理、流动性管理和贷款集中度管理,实现对外资银行有效的日常营运监管。再次,我国还应借鉴国外经验,大力发展独立公正的社会性监督机构, 建立独立的社会审计金融监管制度,加强社会性监督机构如会计师事务所、审计师事务所、律师事务所等的作用,使之成为整个监管工作的一部分;建立外资银行同业公会,督促外资银行加强自身经营道德和经营行为的自我约束,进一步完善监管机构体系。最后,我国应切实加强国际合作,实现对外资银行的联合监管。
Multinational bank, in conception, is defined to be such financial organizations as sprawl their operating branches worldwide crossing territories of national boundary, for the sake of expansion of financial businesses. Multinational banks have appeared to weigh much in the world financial industries since the mid 18th century thanks to the three competing advantages on running resources, global exposures in branches abroad, and internalization, which became the key drives for their rapid growth.
    Issues on banking regulation paralleled the prosperity. The tumbling of Herstatt Bank, the biggest private bank in Germany in May, 1974, intrigued immediate consequences elsewhere, fueling up the bankruptcy of Franklin Bank ranking the twentieth in U.S. in June of the same year. Bank of England shut down International Credit Commercial Bank in U.K in July, 1991, which rushed forth financial turmoil in all the predominant centers around over 60 countries or areas, suffering hundreds of thousand of depositors. The consecutive collapses of Balin Bank and Japanese Dahe Bank resulted from regulatory violations astounded the financial circle and alerted the authorities with the regulations of the multinational banks in each nation.
    The regulation of multinational banks, distinguishing in goal, manner, subject and effect, comes harder than the domestic one. Ending in free grasps of profit beyond native legal confinements, multinational banks are striving for innovation at growing risks of contractual breach, money, morality and fluidity. With the IT development, multinational banks are driving money into a quicker transfer via Internet, synchronously handing over the risks throughout the world, which incubated more regulatory difficulties. In order to sustain the macro-policies and preserve the stability and fair competence within the global monetary system, the financial regulatory authorities, as hardening the control at home, are seeking broader cooperation within the international community for effective regulations and risk decrease.
    Furthering into a deeper opening in the financial field, China began to receive bunches of foreign banks after her WTO accession in particular. By the end of 2001, according to the statistics, 190 foreign branches have been erected in China, totaling US$ 44 billion in asset. Foreign throngs, in no doubt, are pressing the banking regulations in China, which, however, have long been deemed weak.
    China People's Bank, having been charged with the supervising tasks on foreign banks for years, put up a two-level regulatory mechanism with general and local authorities. China, however, is still defective in regulating foreign banks. Enjoying advanced systems, those developed countries, U.S, U.K, and Japan, for instance, are performing powerful regulations on foreign banks. Some agreements, e.g.《Basle Concordat》, were reached to provide significant guides for the regulations across countries. Based on the analyses of the said systems and regulation principle in consideration of their Chinese applications, this paper serves to propose a gradual transition of the existing regulatory system and practices in China, which suggests an ultimate full coverage in the foreign bank supervision, an exclusive way to meet the requirement of the economic development after China's WTO entry.
    To improve the foreign bank supervision, we are expected, for one thing, to enforce the limited national treatment at the current stage and take an adequate advantage of Guarantee Clause, Exception Clause and transitional arrangements in WTO clauses, putting reasonable steps into practice to protect the domestic market and the native banks; to push forward such relevant codes as the Law of Foreign Banks and polish the detailed supplements to the existing laws to reconcile the impending plights in accordance with the arrangements for host and guest countries in 《Basle Concordat》, coming to establish a sound system of laws and regulations for practical operations. Secondly, we are expected to giv
1. 徐忠/陈建华:《国际金融监管发展趋势》, 《金融时报》 2000.1.7
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    3. 陶丹: 《加入世界贸易组织对中国的银行监管体系的挑战》,《国际金融研究》 2000.9
    4. 王庆华:《中国银行业监管制度研究》, 中国金融出版社
    5. 许健: 《国际银行监管惯例》, 中国金融出版社
    6. 陈小平:《日本银行的监督检查与评价》, 中国金融出版社
    7. 郭国有:《中国银行监管》, 西南财经大学出版社
    8. 伍海华:《现代跨国银行论》, 东北财经大学出版社
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    10. 陈国庆:《英国金融制度》, 中国金融出版社
    11. 刘玉操:《日本金融制度》, 中国金融出版社
    12. 许健: 《银行监管国际惯例》, 中国金融出版社
    13. 杨文彦:《西方各国对外资银行的调控》,《贵州经济研究》 1996.2
    14. 张关顺:《美、英、日金融监管及其启示》, 《经济问题》 1996.1
    15. 寿充一:《外资银行在中国》, 中国文史出版社
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    18. 陈全伟/王彤:《中国金融监管理论的演变》, 《中国经济时报》 2002.1.26
    19. 马德伦:《中国入世后中资银行如何迎接外资银行的挑战》,《中国外汇》2002.2.
    20. 郑恒斌/卓文松:《中国银行的监管与存款保险》,《华东经济管理》2001.10
    21. 吕莹:《银行保险在世界各地的发展状况》,《中国保险报》2002.5.9
    22. 《中国银行监管模式的考察与分析》,《金融早报》,2001.5.19
    23. 杜本峰:《入世与我国金融市场风险管理》,《金融理论与实践》)   
    24. 张承惠/张丽平:《美国银行监管以及对中国的启示》,《金融时报》2001.12.22
    25. 徐峥:《金融全球化与中国中央银行金融监管目标模式重构》,《上海经济研究》2001.10
    26. 徐艳:《金融开放条件下中国金融监管的有效性的分析》,《税务与经济》2001.9
    27. 陶丹:《加入世界贸易组织对中国的银行监管体系的挑战》,《国际金融研究》 2000.9
    28. 阎萌:《中国银行业监管的国际化问题探讨》,《中央财经大学学报》1997.3
    29. 徐忠/陈建华:《国际金融监管发展趋势》, 《金融时报》 2000.1.7
    30. 贺小勇:《加入WTO后中国外资银行监管法的完善》, 《上海对外贸易学院学报》2000.11期
    31. 陶丹: 《加入世界贸易组织对中国的银行监管体系的挑战》,《国际金融研究》 2000.9
    32. 王庆华:《中国银行业监管制度研究》, 中国金融出版社
    33. 许健: 《国际银行监管惯例》, 中国金融出版社
    34. 陈小平:《日本银行的监督检查与评价》, 中国金融出版社
    35. 郭国有:《中国银行监管》, 西南财经大学出版社
    36. 伍海华:《现代跨国银行论》, 东北财经大学出版社
    37. 王继祖:《美国金融制度》, 中国金融出版社
    38. 陈国庆:《英国金融制度》, 中国金融出版社
    39. 刘玉操:《日本金融制度》, 中国金融出版社
    40. 许健: 《银行监管国际惯例》, 中国金融出版社
    41. 杨文彦:《西方各国对外资银行的调控》,《贵州经济研究》 1996.2
    42. 张关顺:《美、英、日金融监管及其启示》, 《经济问题》 1996.1
    43. 寿充一:《外资银行在中国》, 中国文史出版社
    44. 《中资与外资银行何时平起平坐》 , 《国际金融报》
    45. 李建伟:《中国金融创新的发展趋势及其对金融发展与金融监管的影响》, 《中国经济时报》2002.1.21
    46. 陈全伟/王彤:《中国金融监管理论的演变》, 《中国经济时报》 2002.1.26
    47. 马德伦:《中国入世后中资银行如何迎接外资银行的挑战》,《中国外汇》2002.2.
    48. 郑恒斌/卓文松:《中国银行的监管与存款保险》,《华东经济管理》2001.10
    49. 吕莹:《银行保险在世界各地的发展状况》,《中国保险报》2002.5.9
    50. 《中国银行监管模式的考察与分析》,《金融早报》,2001.5.19
    51. 杜本峰:《入世与我国金融市场风险管理》,《金融理论与实践》)   
    52. 张承惠/张丽平:《美国银行监管以及对中国的启示》,《金融时报》2001.12.22
    53. 徐峥:《金融全球化与中国中央银行金融监管目标模式重构》,《上海经济研究》2001.10
    54. 徐艳:《金融开放条件下中国金融监管的有效性的分析》,《税务与经济》2001.9
    55. 陶丹:《加入世界贸易组织对中国的银行监管体系的挑战》,《国际金融研究》 2000.9
    56. 阎萌:《中国银行业监管的国际化问题探讨》,《中央财经大学学报》1997.3

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