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Management of State-owned coal mine operators has close relationship with itssafety production. Salary incentive mode plays an important guiding role to managementbehavior of the coal mine operators. The current state-owned coal mine operators salaryincentive mode places economic benefits for the main orientation and the short-termincentive for the main way.It makes operators pay more attention on economic benefitsand short-term benefits, but less on ignore safety and it has bad influence on long-termdevelopment of the enterprise. So the safety and benefits as double guide and thestate-owned coal mine salary incentive mode with combination of long-term andshort-term motivation has important significance not only to realize the state-ownedcoal enterprise safety and benefit double harvest, but also to promote the healthydevelopment of the coal industry in our country.
     To analyze the particularity of the special state-owned coal mine operators, theauthor thinks that further research and study to this group of salary incentive is inneeded. Through in-depth research and interview for many large mining enterprises, theauthor analyses incentive mode and situation of performance evaluation of the currentstate-owned coal mine operators. It makes summary on incentive mode of state-ownedcoal mine operators and its defects, and analyses the key tasks of optimization of thestate-owned coal mine operators’ salary incentive mode.
     The author makes game analysis on key tasks of salary incentive mode optimizationof State-owned coal mine operators. The game analysis of state-owned coal mineoperators-producers of evolution shows that reduction of over production limit andsubstitute for safety award can reduce the probability of violations effectively.Therefore, we should improve the ratio of safety performance to performance payequation. Game analysis of the state-owned coal enterprise board-coal mine operatorsshows that, in the long run, the state-owned coal mine operators and the board ofdirectors will choose strategic combinations of safety command and perform security.Therefore, long-term incentive ways must be introduced in state-owned coal mineoperators’ incentive mode.
     According to the inner mechanism and kinetics characteristics of state-owned coal mine operators’ salary incentive mode, the author creatively establishes the state-ownedcoal mine operators’ salary incentive mechanism of evolution system dynamics mode bysystematic dynamics method. Using the model the author makes the following research:state-owned coal mine operators salary incentive mechanism system operation andinternal structure dynamics mechanism of systems; State-owned coal mine operatorssalary incentive model optimization highlights include the benefits and safetyperformance and the dynamic simulation of the long term incentive proportion; policySuggestions for the state-owned coal mine operators salary incentive mode optimization.
     According to the existing state-owned coal mine operators salary incentive modeand its defects, combining the characteristics of the coal enterprises, we establish thestate-owned coal mine operators salary incentive optimization model: thought of makingcombination of safety and benefits, and relative performance incentives, and extendingthe incentive fixed number of year, and setting assessment period more than year'slong-term incentive mode, and putting forward to the variable salary deferredmechanism, to encourage the coal mine operators in long-term. The pointeddiversifications of design for state-owned coal mine operators’ incentive mode and somecountermeasures to optimize model implementation are putting forward in this thesis.
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