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In order to achieve the risk mitigation and improve the security management of water enterprise, the hydraulic vulnerability model and the vulnerability model of water quality about the city water distribution system were established in this paper.
     First of all, the paper analyzed the actuality of vulnerability assessment of water transmission and distribution system and pointed out the problems such as serious system leakage, system pressure bottlenecks, and serious water pollution to lead to the necessary for vulnerability assessment. At the same time, the paper put forward two major aspects of vulnerability assessment-the hydraulic vulnerability assessment and vulnerability assessment of water quality.
     Secondly, the paper analyzed the factors that impacted the hydraulic vulnerability of the water distribution system like as the network topology relationship of water distribution network, the water supply level and degree of network nodes and hydraulic properties of water distribution network and established hydraulic vulnerability assessment model and hydraulic risk assessment model, finally, chose the water distribution system of a high-tech zones in North China as the study object, carried out the actual pipe network vulnerability assessments. The research could provide a theoretical basis to water supply enterprises and help to make a decision of hydraulic high-risk regions.
     Thirdly, the paper analyzed the factors which impacted the vulnerability of the water quality of the distribution system such as residual chlorine and water age, etc.. set up the node vulnerability indicators of water quality, the system vulnerability indicators of water quality and risk rating of system. Finally, take example for the water distribution system of high-tech zones in North China, carried out vulnerability assessment and risk assessment of water quality and provided a theoretical basis to water supply enterprises for helping them to optimize the allocation of water quality monitoring equipment online and to make decision of high-risk regions of water quality.
     Finally, based on system vulnerability and risk assessment results, the paper put forward the risk mitigation measures of water distribution system and the priority level of risk controlling, reduced the risk of the water distribution system maximally.
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