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The 16th session of the party has put forward a goal that the society with well-to-do level all-sided will be built up in 2020, as a phase developing goal on the path of realizing the third step of strategic objective. Improvement of the house consumption to the resident is an important respect of building the overall well-to-do level society. This text has analyzed the relation between the building of the overall well-to-do level society and the development of resident's house consumption at first, then explained the position and function of resident's house consumption in the course of building overall well-to-do level society. We cannot reach the goal of building the overall well-to-do level society without the improvement of resident's level of consumption of the house, thus improving the house consumption level of resident takes an important role in the course of building the society of well-to-do level all-sided.
    We analyze the factors influencing resident's house consumption next, which include the income level of resident, the price of house, the housing system, financial and tax policy, etc. At present our country is in the course of leap from the era of simply having room to live to that of the housing condition improved greatly. In this stage, people put forward higher request of housing standard, living environment, and management for infrastructure and intermediary service of house. Therefore it requires the market can offer and satisfy requests of people's housing on one hand, and also requires people to have consuming capacity of house on the other hand. But the main factor of hindering improvement of people's consuming level of house in the present stage is that most residents' income level is low, but the price of house is very high, that is to say that people's house consuming capacity is relatively low.
    Using the development experience of abroad in improving people’s
    housing condition, and considering the stage of people’s house consumption of our country at present, the government should make the policy that includes some measures in house supply and in house demand. In house supply, government should make a few measures to adjust house structure of supply that control the construction of top-grade houses on one hand and encourage construction of the low price house on the other hand, and take measures to low the price of house at the same time. In housing need, government should take the financial and tax policy to reduce the trade expenses of the house, to encourage the development of housing loan and to give a subside of house rent to the low-income household directly,for the sake of improving the house consuming capacity of the middle-low-income households. At the end of the article, some concrete policies of house consumption of development have been proposed.
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