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This paper firstly discussed the problems in the digital mine theory and coal enterprise informatization. Take into account the advantage of the enterprise grid, the Enterprise Grid based Digital Mine (EGBMD) model was proposed and the characteristic, special need of it were also discussed. Based on these, we defined the coal enterprise grid which is named e-Mine has a four layers architecture that is resource layer, management layer, service layer and application layer. Under the e-Mine framework, we studied the coal enterprise resource virtualization mechanism detailed. We firstly gave the coal enterprise resource modelling and realized the service encapsulation of it, then put forward the resource three layers hybrid model organization structure and the responding two step resource registration/search algorithm also advanced. For the QoS requirement of the task in the coal enterprise, we proposed the TWF_net which is take advantage of the time Petri and WF_net as the workflow modeling tool and realized the workflow description by the WS-BPEL. The QoS provision task scheduling algorithm for the workflow was also presented. At last, we designed and realized the prototype system of the e-Mine. The Portal was realized based on the GridSphere and the service encapsulation techniques for the coal enterprise existed system were also studied.
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