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The so-called “the problem of South China Sea”, refers to disputes anddivergences on the ownership of islands and reefs of South China Sea and Division ofinterest beside them. It is a very complicated and important issue among therelationship between China and coastal states along South China Sea, and its naturerefers to external encroachment of China’s sovereign interests of South China Sea. Itrelates to the problem of territorial sovereignty, sensitive issues of history, issues ofinternational law and international relations, and ought to have limited connectionwith the Sino-U.S. relations. However, the sovereignty of islands and reefs of SouthChina Sea which originally is unquestioned is not determined because of America’sactive involvement. Subsequently, the problem sprouts, occurs, burgeons, andinternationalizes because U.S. backs up besides petroleum resource and the concept ofInternational Law of the Sea. So U.S. which is not a nation to the problem becomesone of primary factors which China has to considerate during the process of solutionto the problem. With regarding to the close connection between the nature of theSino-U.S. relations and the development of the problem, the dissertation selects theperspective of the Sino-U.S. relations to explore the problem. Under the guidance ofMarxist historical materialism, using international relations theories, this dissertationhas sorted out the process of changes of the problem of South China Sea during thehistory of Sino-U.S. relations since1949on the basis of perspective of Sino-U.S.relations in such aspects of historical interpretation, situation analysis and policyresearch. The dissertation has managed to find out the regularity between the disputeof South China Sea and the Sino-U.S. relations to provide some enlightenment forprotecting our rights and interests of South China Sea by analysis effects from theSino-U.S. relations on the South China Sea issue.
     The dissertation is composed of five Chapters except the introduction andconclusion. The introduction is mainly composed of the review of domestic andoverseas researches on the issue, the structure and content of the dissertation, andresearch methods the dissertation etc, and is the concentration of the dissertation.Chapter1is the theoretical basis of the dissertation, which would discuss the originand nature of the South China Sea issue on the theoretical basis of the combination ofrealist theory, theory of neoliberal institutionalism and constructivist theory, and thenexpound the rationality of the research methods to study the issue from the perspective of the Sino-U.S. relations. After discusses the status of the problem in theSino-U.S. relations in history, it arguments that the nature of the Sino-U.S. relations,ASEAN’s attitudes and measures to the problem, China’s development and theimportance of oil are major elements that influence the status of the problem in theSino-U.S. relations, in terms of which it analyses the foregoing topic. The subsequentfour chapters are the main part of the dissertation, which would discuss the process ofthe seeds, appearance, development and internationalization according to theevolution of the Sino-U.S. relations, and focus on analyzing the effects from the SouthChina Sea policy between China and U.S. on the trend of the issue.
     Chapter2primarily investigates the effects from the Sino-U.S. relations offull-scale confrontation on the South China Sea. Firstly, it arguments the idea “inorder to contain China’s communism U.S purposefully fabricate the South China Seaissue which has already been solved” on the basis of detailed historical data andinternational relations theory. It narrates and analyses that U.S. directly violatesChina’s sovereignty of South China Sea, and supports the infringement of thePhilippines and other nations on the South China Sea. Secondly, it expoundsChina’s policy towards the South China Sea which includes policy statements andsystematical measures to defend its sovereignty this period, on the basis of which itevaluates that China’s tough and resolute policy to defend its sovereignty lays a goodfoundation on its subsequent recovered-measures in spite of severely adverseinternational and regional environment.
     Chapter3mainly studies the effects from the Sino-U.S. relations of strategiccooperation on the issue, which focuses on analyzing the limitation that U.S.supported China’s policy towards the South China Sea and the results. Firstly, itexplains the relation between the Xisha sea battle in1974and America’snon-intervention policy towards the sea, and argument that U.S. tacitly approvesChina’s limited recovered-measures by force in order to resist to the Soviet Union invirtue of China. However, America does not support China’s sovereignty to the sea,for whose limitation is to not hurt America’s relation with the Philippines and othernations. Secondly, it analyses China’s policy that comprises limited-force measuresand economic-development measures from its objective and backgrounds, on the baseof which it appraises that China’s policy with deep strategic awareness makes a greatsuccess. For one thing, China’s resolve and limited recovered-measures by force not only recover many islands with sending an explicit message to Vietnam and othernations, but also provides next policy with necessary material basis and ideologicalfoundation. For another, the economic-development policy associated closely withSoutheast Asia’s relation with China farthest avoids the South China Sea disputes withthe Philippines and other ASEAN countries, and makes preparations for futureChina’s maritime strategy.
     Chapter4discusses the effects from the Sino-U.S. relations of cooperation andcompetition on the issue, which basically analyzes the vicissitudes of America’spolicy towards the South China Sea under the backgrounds of China’s rise. Firstly, itdiscusses the effects from the global structure of one superpower and other powersand the rise of China on the problem; explains the gradual strengthening attention tothe problem from U.S. out of its control of the world to maintain hegemony and deterthe development of China; explores the essence of America’s neutral policy to the sea,the effect of the Sino-U.S. aircraft collision incident on the Sino-U.S. relations and theproblem, and America’s new policy to the sea after9·11event. Secondly, it argumentsChina’s policy of “co-development” possesses deep strategic attributes and economicquality, and is not temporary measures. The policy is regarded as a great successbecause it basically stabilizes the situation, and China becomes the principal power topromote East Asian cooperation with its own rise.
     Chapter5explores the effects from the new type of major powers relations ofSino-U.S. relations on the issue, which mainly probes into the effects from the policyof the South China Sea between China and U.S. on the situation of the South ChinaSea. Firstly, It mainly analyses the effect from the policy between China and U.S.under the backgrounds that China greatly narrows the disparity in power betweenthem. And it emphasizes to investigate into the agent, the effect, and the trend inAmerica’s policy of active intervention whose aim is to suppress China. Secondly, itdemonstrates that China’s policy of passiveness becomes the policy of initiativewhich includes institutionalization to defend rights and clear opposition to theintervention from the third party, and has research into the idea about core interest ofthe South China Sea and the mode of Huangyan Island under the framework of theSino-U.S. relations. At present China is making progress on the institutionalization todefend rights of the South China Sea, which indicates the trend clearly to solve theproblem.
     The last part is the conclusion of the dissertation. From the exploration of effectswhich more than60years of the evolution of Sino-US relations had on the issue, thedissertation makes conclusions such as follows.1.The dispute of South China Sea isalways America’s pawn which restricts China.2. U.S. is the major factor to influencethe solution to the problem.3. America’s policy towards the South China Sea isdetermined by the nature of the Sino-U.S. relations basically.4. The tendency whichChina expands the rights of recovery the South China Sea is constantly on the riseduring the complex and volatile process of the Sino-U.S. relations. In line with theconclusions, the dissertation believes that the solution to the problem principallydepends on the inclination and nature of the Sino-U.S. relations, and China mustexplore the means to solve the issue on the basis of the development of the Sino-U.S.relations.
①Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for21st Century Defense,http://www.defense.gov/news/Defense_Strategic_Guidance.pdf.
    ③Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China Sea Dispute Re-visited”, IDSS Working Paper Series (1999).
    ②相关文章为:Michael Auslin,“U.S.'s Challenge in South China Sea”,http://www.realclearworld.com/articles/2011/07/01/uss_challenge_in_south_china_sea_99575.html;Daniel Ten Kate,“U.S. Warns of South China SeaClashes Without Code of Conduct”,http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-06-04/u-s-warns-of-south-china-sea-clashes-without-code-of-conduct.html.
    ⑤相反的观点可见Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China Sea Dispute Re-visited”, IDSS Working Paper Series(1999).
    ③Michael Auslin,“Build, Hold, and Clear: An American Strategy for Asia”, Monday, August15,2011,http://www.aei.org/article/103997.
    ⑤汪曙申:《两岸应思考合作共同保卫南海》,《世界知识》2009年第12期。亦可见Li, Mingjiang,“South Chinasea:emerging China-Taiwan cooperation”, RSIS Commentaries,2010,http://dr.ntu.edu.sg/handle/10220/6549
    ⑦Li, Mingjiang,“Security in the South China Sea: China's balancing act and new regional dynamics”. RSISWorking Papers,2008.
    ⑧Nguyen Hong Thao,“Vietnam and the Code of Conduct for the South China Sea”, Ocean Development&International Law, No.32,2001.
    ④Robert Sutter,Chin-Hao Huang,“China-Southeast Asia Relations: Managing Rising Tensions in the South ChinaSea”,China-Southeast Asia Relations,September2011.
    ①Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for21st Century Defense,http://www.defense.gov/news/Defense_Strategic_Guidance.pdf.
    ③见程刚《中国在南海不必再客气》,《环球时报》,2012年6月13日;罗援《菲律宾若再不收手,南海舰队可以牛刀小试》, http://mil.news.sohu.com/20120514/n343095579.shtml;。
    ⑥见贾秀东《中国南海出拳迫不得已》,《人民日报海外版》2012年6月30日;宋忠平《中国应维护南海利益,不怕开第一枪》, http://v.ifeng.com/mil/mainland/201206/ee4e72e3-c3f7-45cc-8a54-a2d2fe8ab81d.shtml.等等。
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    ④Kimie Hara,Cold War Frontiers in the Asia-Pacific: Divided Territories in the San Francisco System,Routledge,London and New York,2007,pp.146-153.根据该研究,美国和英国直接造成南海地位未定论,为以后南海问题埋下祸根。
    ⑤Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China Sea Dispute Re-visited”, IDSS Working Paper Series (1999), p.1.
    ⑥Ralf Emmers,“The Changing Power Distribution in the South China Sea: Implications for Conflict Managementand Avoidance”, http://www.policypointers.org/Page/View/10078.
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    ②Denny Roy,“Southeast Asia and China: Balancing or Bandwagoning?” Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.27,No.2.2005.
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    ②Nguyen Hong Thao,“Vietnam and the Code of Conduct for the South China Sea”, Ocean Development&International Law, No.32,2001,pp.110-11.
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    ②Ralph A. Cossa,“Security Implications of Conflict in the South China Sea: Exploring Potential Triggers ofConflict”,A Pacific Forum CSIS Special Report,Mar1998.
    ③Nguyen Hong Thao,“Vietnam and”, pp.107-108.
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    ⑥Ian Storey,“China’s Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy in the South China Sea,”in Patrick M. Cronin ed.,“Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012, pp.59-61.
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    ⑤Li, Mingjiang,“Security in the South China Sea: China's balancing act and new regional dynamics”. RSISWorking Papers,2008, p.1.
    ⑥Barry Buzan,“A Sea of Troubles? Sources of Dispute in the New Ocean Regime”, Adelphi Paper, Number143,Spring1978,p.40.
    ⑦美国学者大多持该观点,最近持该观点的其他国家学者也越来越多,详细可见纽约时报、华盛顿邮报、布鲁金斯学会、传统基金会、美国企业研究所和新加坡南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际问题研究院(RSIS)等网站;代表作可见Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China Sea Dispute Re-visited” IDSS Working Paper Series (1999).
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    ⑨Christopher R. Hughes,“Nationalism and multilateralism in Chinese foreign policy: implications for SoutheastAsia”,The Pacific Review, Vol.18, No.1March2005, p.133.
    ①Li, Mingjiang,“Security in the South China Sea: China's balancing act and new regional dynamics”. RSISWorking Papers,2008, p.1.
    ②Ian Storey,“Hardening Positions over Dangerous Grounds: Recent Developments in the South China SeaDispute”, CSIS Conference on Maritime Security in the South China Sea June20-21,2011, Washington D.C.
    ④Bonnie S. Glaser,“South China Sea Dispute: Causes and Solutions”, Roundtable: The South China Sea and
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    ⑦Li, Mingjiang,“South China sea:emerging China-Taiwan cooperation”, RSIS Commentaries,2010.
    ⑧Christopher D. Yung,“People's War at Sea: Chinese Naval Power in the Twenty-First Century”,4401FordAvenue Alexandria, Virginia22302-1498,Center for Naval Analyses,Mar1996.
    ①Kurt Campell,“China’s challenge and Asia’s Rise: The case for U.S. Strategic Reengagement in the Asiha-PacificRegion”, Congressional Testimony, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May15t2008,http://www.cnas.org/
    ②Michael Auslin,“U.S.'s Challenge in South China Sea”,http://www.realclearworld.com/articles/2011/07/01/uss_challenge_in_south_china_sea_99575.html.
    ③Michael Auslin,“Build, Hold, and Clear: An American Strategy for Asia”, Monday, August15,2011,http://www.aei.org/article/103997.
    ④Toshi Yoshihara&James R. Holmes,“Can China Defend a “Core Interest” in the South China Sea?”, TheWashington Quarterly, Vol.34, No.2, Spring2011.中国学者张文木也持同样观点,可见其专著《论中国海权》,海洋出版社2010年版,第193、235页。
    ⑤Walter Lohman,“The U.S. Cannot Rely on ASEAN in the South China Sea”,Web Memo,The HeritageFoundation,No.3335,August5,2011.
    ⑥Lyle J. Goldstein,“Resetting the US–China Security Relationship”, Survival, Vol.53, No.2, April–May2011.
    ⑦Robert D. Kaplan,“The South China Sea Is the Future of Conflict”, Foreign Policy, SEP/OCT2011.
    ①Patrick M. Cronin, Robert D. Kaplan,“Cooperation from Strength: U.S. Strategy and the South China Sea”, inPatrick M. Cronin,“Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012, pp.5-27.
    ②Amitav Acharya,“Seeking Security in the Dragon's Shadow China and Southeast Asia In The Emerging AsiaOrder”,Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies(IDSS) Working Paper No,44(2003).
    ③Nong Hong,“‘ASEAN+1’Regime in the South China Sea Issues: A Review of the Past and A Prospect for theFuture”, International Conference on The South China Sea: Toward a Region of Peace, Cooperation andProgress, July5-6,2011, Manila,pp.14-17.
    ④Ralf Emmers,“The Changing Power Distribution in the South China Sea: Implications for Conflict Management
    ⑤and Avoidance”, http://www.policypointers.org/Page/View/10078.James R. Holmes,“Rough Waters for Coalition Building”,in Patrick M. Cronin ed.,“Cooperation from Strength
    ⑥The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012, pp.111-112.Patrick M. Cronin, Robert D. Kaplan,“Cooperation from Strength: U.S. Strategy and the South China Sea”, inPatrick M. Cronin ed“.,Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012, pp.7-8.
    ⑦Nong Hong,“‘ASEAN+1’Regime in,”pp.17-18.
    ①Shigeo Hiramatsu,“China's Advances in the South China Sea: Strategies and Objectives”, Asia-Pacific Review,Vol.8, No.1,2001. pp.49-50.
    ③Dave Finkelstein,“Is China Getting Assertive on Territorial Disputes?”, Roundtable: The South China Sea andU.S.-China-ASEAN Relations, CSIS,October28,2011.
    ④Jian, Sanqiang,“Multinational oil companies and the spratly dispute”, Journal of Contemporary China, VoL.6,Nov,1997.
    ⑤Chris Rahman, Martin Tsamenyi,“A Strategic Perspective on Security and Naval Issues in the South China Sea”,Ocean Development&International Law, Vol.41, No.4,2010.
    ⑥Robert Sutter,Chin-Hao Huang,“China-Southeast Asia Relations: Senior Officials Visits; South China SeaTensions”,China-Southeast Asia Relations,July2010.
    ⑦M. Taylor Fravel,“Maritime Security in the South China Sea and the Competition over Maritime Rights”, inPatrick M. Cronin ed“.,Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012, p.46.
    ②Robert Sutter,Chin-Hao Huang,“China-Southeast Asia Relations: Managing Rising Tensions in the South ChinaSea”,China-Southeast Asia Relations,September2011.
    ④安全共同体、经济共同体、社会文化共同体,并提出了具体目标、措施和时间表。ht“tpW:/h/watw Dwo.ebsr oUo.kSi.n Mgsi.leidtaur/yin Dteerpvlioeywms/e2n0t1M1/e1a1n16fo_ra sAias_iap-aPcaicfiicfi_cb?a”d,er.aspx.
    ⑤Renato Cruz De Castro,“Exploring the Prospect of China's Peaceful Emergence in East Asia”, Asian Affairs: AnAmerican Review,2006,Vol.33, No.2.
    ⑥Li, Mingjiang,“South China sea:emerging China-Taiwan cooperation”, RSIS Commentaries,2010.
    ⑦南海冲突的灾难性后果可见Ralph A. Cossa,“Security Implications of Conflict in the South China Sea:
    ⑧Exploring Potential Triggers of Conflict”, A Pacific Forum CSIS Special Report,Mar1998.Thomas J. Christensen,“The Need to Pursue Mutual Interests in U.S.-PRC Relations”, SPECIAL REPORT269, April2011, the United States Institute of Peace.
    ①Patrick M. Cronin, Robert D. Kaplan,“Cooperation from Strength: U.S. Strategy and the South China Sea”,inPatrick M. Cronin ed“.,Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012, pp.20-26.
    ②Kimie Hara,Cold War Frontiers in the Asia-Pacific: Divided Territories in the San Francisco System,Routledge,London and New York,2007,pp.146-153.根据该研究,美国和英国直接造成南海地位未定论,为以后南海问题埋下祸根。
    ①Ralf Emmers,“The Changing Power Distribution in the South China Sea: Implications for Conflict Managementand Avoidance”, http://www.policypointers.org/Page/View/10078, pp.2-4.
    ③年第1期(第7-15页)。“Conference Report: The South China Sea and U.S.-China-Asean Relations”,http://csis.org/event/conference-report-south-china-sea-and-us-china-asean-relations.
    ④最近的例子是Ian Storey,“China’s Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy in the South China Sea,”in Patrick M.Cronin ed.,“Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012,pp.59-61.
    ①Christopher D. Yung,“People's War at Sea: Chinese Naval Power in the Twenty-First Century”,4401FordAvenue Alexandria, Virginia22302-1498,Center for Naval Analyses,Mar1996.
    ②Kurt Campell,“China’s challenge and Asia’s Rise: The case for U.S. Strategic Reengagement in the Asiha-PacificRegion”, Congressional Testimony, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May15t2008,
    ③http://www.cnas.org/.Patrick M. Cronin, Robert D. Kaplan,“Cooperation from Strength: U.S. Strategy and the South China Sea”, inPatrick M. Cronin,“Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012.
    ④Kimie Hara,Cold War Frontiers in the Asia---Pacific: Divided Territories in the San Francisco System,Routledge,London and New York,2007,pp.146-153.
    ⑥3期,第90-95页;王传剑《美国的南中国海政策》, http://www.aisixiang.com/南海专题。相关文章为:Michael Auslin,“U.S.'s Challenge in South China Sea”,http://www.realclearworld.com/articles/2011/07/01/uss_challenge_in_south_china_sea_99575.html;Daniel Ten Kate,“U.S. Warns of South China SeaClashes Without Code of Conduct”,http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-06-04/u-s-warns-of-south-china-sea-clashes-without-code-of-conduct.html.
    ⑦Robert D. Kaplan,“The South China Sea Is the Future of Conflict”, Foreign Policy, SEP/OCT2011.
    ②David Rosenberg, Christopher Chung,“Maritime Security in the South China Sea: Coordinating Coastal andUser State Priorities”, Ocean Development&International Law,1, Vol.39No,1,2008.
    ③Lyle J. Goldstein,“Resetting the US–China Security Relationship”, Survival, Vol.53, No.2, April–May2011.
    ④See M. Taylor Fravel,“Power Shifts and Escalation——Explaining China’s Use of Force in Territorial Disputes”,International Security, Vol.32, No.3(Winter2007/08), pp.78-79.
    ①如Kurt Campell的研究,他的研究在其公布的第二年即成为美国全球战略的基础。详细可见“China’schallenge and Asia’s Rise: The case for U.S. Strategic Reengagement in the Asia-Pacific Region”, CongressionalTestimony, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May15th2008, http://www.cnas.org/.
    ⑥郭渊:《20世纪50年代南海地缘形势与中国政府对南海权益的维护》,《当代中国史研究》2010年第3期。也可见方连庆、刘金质、王炳元主编:《战后国际关系史(1945-1995)》(上),北京大学出版社1999年版,第191页。国外研究可见Kimie Hara,Cold War Frontiers in the Asia-Pacific: Divided Territories in the SanFrancisco System,Routledge,London and New York,2007,pp.146-153.根据该研究,美国和英国直接造成南海地位未定论,为以后南海问题埋下祸根。
    ③详情可见Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China Sea Dispute Re-visited”, IDSS Working Paper Series (1999).
    ⑥可参见中国与美国最近的代表性著述,李金明《南海争议现状与区域外大国的介入》,《现代国际关系》2011年第7期;Patrick M. Cronin,“Cooperation from Strength: The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012。
    ①Tran Truong Thuy,“Recent Developments in the South China Sea: Implications for Regional Security andCooperation”,
    ②http://csis.org/publication/recent-developments-south-china-sea-implications-regional-security-and-cooperation.Corazon M. Siddayao,“Southeast Asia's Offshore Petroleum Resources and the Law of the Sea”, Southeast
    ③Asian Affairs,(1977), p.76.Tao Cheng,“Communist China and the Law of the Sea”, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.63,No.1(Jan.,1969), pp.47-73.
    ②Jian, Sanqiang,“Multinational oil companies and the Spratly dispute”, Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.6,
    ②Phiphat Tangsubkul, Frances Lai Fung-wai,“The New Law of the Sea and Development in Southeast Asia”,Asian Survey, Vol.23, No.7(Jul.,1983), p.863.
    ③R. Marlay,“China, the Philippines, and the Spratly Islands”, Asian Affairs: An American Review, Vol.23, No.4,1997, pp.195-210.
    ④U.S. Energy Information Administration, South China Sea: Oil&Natural Gas (March2008); and Robert D.Kaplan,“China’s Caribbean”, The Washington Post, September26,2010.
    ③Phiphat Tangsubkul, Frances Lai Fung-wai,“The New Law of the Sea and Development in Southeast Asia”,Asian Survey, Vol.23, No.7(Jul.,1983), pp.868-872.
    ④David G. Brown,“The Development of Vietnam's Petroleum Resources”, Asian Survey, Vol.16, No.6(Jun.,1976), p.555.
    ⑤Corazon M. Siddayao“,Southeast Asia's Offshore Petroleum Resources and the Law of the Sea”, Southeast AsianAffairs,(1977), p.76.
    ⑥ECAFE Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asia Off-ShoreAreas(CCOP),Technical Bulletin,1969(2).
    ⑥Corazon M. Siddayao“,Southeast Asia's Offshore Petroleum Resources and the Law of the Sea”, Southeast AsianAffairs,(1977), pp.78-80.
    ④M. W. Mouton, The Continental Shelf (M. Nyhoff,1952), p.63.
    ②Hungdah Chiu,“South China Sea Islands: Implications for Delimiting the Seabed and Future Shipping Routes”,The China Quarterly, No.72(Dec.,1977), pp.743-747.
    ①Martin H. Katchen,“The Spratly Islands and the Law of the Sea:"Dangerous Ground" for Asian Peace”, AsianSurvey, Vol.17, No.12(Dec.,1977), p.1178.
    ⑤Christopher C. Joyner,“The Spratly Islands Dispute in the South China Sea: Problems, Policies, and Prospectsfor Diplomatic Accommodation”, www.southchinasea.org/.../Joyner,%20Spratly%20Islands%.
    ①邓尼·罗伊在《东南亚与中国:平衡战略与对冲战略?》一文中对该问题进行了深入分析,可见DennyRoy,“Southeast Asia and China: Balancing or Bandwagoning?” Contemporary Southeast Asia,Vol.27, No.2.2005,pp.305–22.
    ①Bob Catley,and Makmur Keliat, Spratlys: The Dispute in the South China Sea, Great Britain, Biddle Limited,1997, p.129.
    ②Richard Halloran,"China: Restoring the Middle Kingdom", Parameters (Summer1998), pp.56-58.
    ③Jay H. Long,“The Paracels Incident: Implications for Chinese Policy”, Asian Affairs, Vol.1, No.4(Mar.-Apr.,1974), pp.238-239.另外,1986年美国海军宣布要控制世界上16个最为重要的航道咽喉点,东海——南海名列其中;这表明美国不会放弃南海的控制权;详情可见左立平《战场胜负的决定因素:八大海峡群卡住海上咽喉》,《环球时报》2004年6月16日。
    ②Lesek Buszynski,“ASEN, the Declaration on Conduct, and the South China Sea”, Contemporary SoutheastAsia, No.3,2003,p.353.
    ③Lee Lai,“China, the USA and the South China Sea Conflicts”,Security Dialogue Vol.34, No.1, March2003.
    ④Ralph Cossa,Brad Glosserman,“Return to Asia: It’s Not (All) About China”,Pac Net No.7, Jan30,2012.(Pacific Forum CSIS).
    ⑤Nong Hong,“‘ASEAN+1’Regime in the South China Sea Issues: A Review of the Past and A Prospect for theFuture”, International Conference on The South China Sea: Toward a Region of Peace, Cooperation and Progress,July5-6,2011, Manila.
    ⑥2012年1月6日,美国公布的新军事战略明确提到,美军战略东移的目标包括如何有效应对中国(在南海问题上)的拒阻战略;具体可见Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for21st Century Defense,http//www.defense.gov/news/defense_Strategic_Guidance.pdf.
    ②U.S. Energy Information Administration, South China Sea: Oil&Natural Gas(March2008); and Robert D.Kaplan,“China’s Caribbean,” The Washington Post, September26,2010.
    ②但仍有不少学者认为中美关系是竞争为主导的双边关系,其中中国学者的可参见国防大学战略研究所前所长杨毅少将《周边环境困局和安全政策悖论》,《世界知识》2012年第1期;美国学者可参见现任助理国务卿、时任《华盛顿季刊》编委会主席坎贝尔2008年递交的国会证词Congressional Testimony from Kurt Campell,“China’s challenge and Asia’s Rise: The case for U.S. Strategic Reengagement in the Asia-Pacific Region”, U.S.Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May15th2008.
    ②2012年1月6日,美国公布的新军事战略明确提到,美军战略东移的目标包括如何有效应对中国(在南海问题上)的拒阻战略;具体可见Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for21st Century Defense,http://www.defense.gov/news/Defense Strategic Guidance.pdf..
    ③可见Toshi Yoshihara,James R. Holmes,“Can China Defend a “Core Interest” in the South China Sea?”, TheWashington Quarterly, Vol.34, No.2, spring2011; Robert D. Kaplan,“The South China Sea Is the Future ofConflict”, Foreign Policy, SEP/OCT2011; Patrick M. Cronin,“Cooperation from Strength The United States,China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012; Ralph Cossa, Brad Glosserman,“Return to Asia: It’s Not (All)About China”,Pac Net No.7, Jan30,2012.(Pacific Forum CSIS).
    ①对该问题认识最深刻的莫过于2012年1月9日美国新安全研究中心推出的关于美国南海政策的开年研究报告《基于实力的合作:美国、中国与南海》,Patrick M. Cronin“,Cooperation from Strength The United States,China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012;可参见曾勇《美国南海政策的理性思考——解读<基于实力的合作:美国、中国和南海>》,《世界经济与政治论坛》2012年第3期。
    ①该时间段中美海军力量对比情况及双方战略可见Christopher D. Yung,“People's War at Sea: Chinese NavalPower in the Twenty-First Century”,4401Ford Avenue Alexandria, Virginia22302-1498,Center for Naval
    ②Analyses,Mar1996, http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA306680.具体可参见Ronald O'Rourke,“China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. NavyCapabilities—Background and Issues for CongressSpecialist in Naval Affairs”,CRS Report for Congress,
    ③Congressional Research Service7-5700, RL33153, August10,2012,www.crs.gov.可参见下文“U.S. Defense Spending and East Asian Security”,http://www.brookings.edu/events/2011/1017_east_asia_defense.aspx.该文为布鲁金斯学会的一次时事访谈,主持人为Michael O’Hanlon,参与专家为Michael Green、JonathanPollack和Mike Mochizuki.
    ①Lyle J. Goldstein,“Resetting the US–China Security Relationship”, Survival, Vol.53, No.2, April–May2011,pp.89-116.
    ②Lesek Buszynski,“ASEN, the Declaration on Conduct, and the South China Sea”, Contemporary Southeast Asia,No.3,2003.
    ①Li, Mingjiang,“Security in the South China Sea: China's balancing act and new regional dynamics”, RSISWorking Papers.
    ③Lesek Buszynski,“ASEN, the Declaration on Conduct, and the South China Sea”, Contemporary Southeast Asia,
    ④No.3,2003, pp.347-348.Rodolfo C. Severino,“ASEAN and the South China Sea”, Security Challenges, Vol6, No2, Winter2010, p.41.
    ①该观点主要为印尼和马来西亚坚持,即依靠自身寻求安全和接触中国、影响中国并从中国经济发展中收益。当时印尼是东盟的主导国,对东盟的影响比其他国都大。因此,虽然泰国和新加坡在希望同域外大国保持安全关系维护自身安全方面与前者有异议,也未能成为东盟主流意见;而菲律宾则由于急于摆脱冷战负担,在军事基地问题上与美国关系紧张;详细可见Charles H Stevenson,“U.S. Foreign Policy in SoutheastAsia:Implications for Current Regional”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.14, No.2(September1992), pp.89-91.
    ②Sheldon W Simon,“U.S. Strategy and Southeast Asian Security: Issues of Compatibility”, ContemporarySoutheast Asia, Vol.14, No.4(March1993), pp.306-307.
    ①1995年5月,美国重申其南海中立政策:强烈反对武力解决;呼吁外交方式解决;愿意提供帮助;欢迎并支持1992年东盟的南中国海声明;强调自由航行权对整个亚太地区的意义;反对该地区任何与《联合国海洋法》相悖的政策与行为。鉴于中国的相对实力较强,该声明可以说是对其他小国的支持,对中国政策的反对,一反以前的所谓中立立场。具体可见Lee Lai,“China, the USA and the South China Sea Conflicts”,
    ②Security Dialogue Vol.34, No.1, March2003, pp.33-34.张蕴岭认为东盟与中国的关系经历了三个阶段:接纳中国、利用中国和利用与应对相结合。笔者认为利用中国阶段主要在第一次美济礁事件之后。张先生的阶段划分具体可见《中国周边环境的新变化与对策》,《思想战线》,2012年第1期。
    ③Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China Sea Dispute Re-visited”, IDSS Working Paper Series (1999).
    ⑤中国与东盟之间关于南海行为规范、《南海各方行为宣言》的交涉情况可见Nguyen Hong Thao,“The2002Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea: A Note,”Ocean Development&International Law,34:279–285,2003; Lee Lai,“China, the USA and the South China Sea Conflicts”,Security Dialogue Vol.34, No.
    1, March2003; Lesek Buszynski,“ASEN, the Declaration on Conduct, and the South China Sea”, ContemporarySoutheast Asia, No.3,2003.
    ①该观点可见Walter Lohman,“The U.S. Cannot Rely on ASEAN in the South China Sea”,Web Memo,The
    ②Heritage Foundation,No.3335,August5,2011.Benjamin Ho,“ASEAN’s centrality in a rising Asia”, The RSIS Working Paper, No.249,13September2012.
    ①Murray Hiebert, Greg Poling,“ASEAN and the South China Sea”, Roundtable: The South China Sea and
    ②U.S.-China-ASEAN Relations, CSIS, October28,2011.Will Rogers,“The Role of Natural Resources in the South China Sea”, in Patrick M. Cronin,“Cooperation fromStrength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012,pp.83-94.
    ②RG59, Records of Executive Secretariat, Department, National Archives and Record Services(NARS).
    ①H. Bradford Westerfield: Foreign Policy and Party politics: Pearl Harbor to Korea(New Haven: YaleUniversity Press,1955), p.360.
    ②FRUS,1949, Vol.9, p.122-123.
    ④The U.S. Department of State Bulletin, Vol.22, No.560(March27,1950), pp.467-472.
    ⑦Nancy Tucker, Patterns in the dust, Chinese——American Relations and the Recognition Controversy,1949-1950(New York: Colombia University Press,1983), p.149.
    ②FRUS,1948, Vol. Ⅷ, pp.146-155.
    ②Hungdah Chiu,“South China Sea Islands: Implications for Delimiting the Seabed and Future Shipping Routes”,The China Quarterly, No.72(Dec.,1977), p.744.
    ④ECAFE Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asia Off-ShoreAreas(CCOP),Technical Bulletin,1969(2).
    ⑤Corazon M. Siddayao,“Southeast Asia's Offshore Petroleum Resources and the Law of the Sea”, Southeast AsianAffairs,1977, p.76.
    ①The U.S. Department of State Bulletin, Vol.22, No.550(January16,1950), p.79.
    ②Kimie Hara,Cold War Frontiers in the Asia-Pacific: Divided Territories in the San Francisco System,Routledge,London and New York,2007,pp.146-153.
    ②PPS51, Record Group(RG)59, National Archives, College Park, Maryland; Gary Hess, United States’Emergence as a Southeast Asian Power, New York,1987, pp.335-336.
    ⑤版,第190-228页。W. A. William, ed: America in Vietnam: A Documentary History,1954(New York: W. W. Norton Company,1975), p.177.
    ②Marek Thee,“The Indochina Wars: Great Power Involvement-Escalation and Disengagement”, Journal ofPeace Research, Vol.13, No.2(1976), p.126.
    ①David G. Brown,“The Development of Vietnam's Petroleum Resources”, Asian Survey, Vol.16, No.6(Jun1976), pp.553-570.
    ②Li, Mingjiang,“Security in the South China Sea: China's balancing act and new regional dynamics”. RSISWorking Papers,2008, p.1.
    ①Jay H. Long,“The Paracels Incident: Implications for Chinese Policy”, Asian Affairs, Vol.1, No.4(Mar.-Apr.,1974), p.232.
    ④David G. Brown,“The Development of Vietnam's Petroleum Resources”, Asian Survey, Vol.16, No.6(Jun1976), pp.553、560.
    ③228-230页。Phiphat Tangsubkul and Frances Lai Fung-wai,“The New Law of the Sea and Development in Southeast Asia”,Asian Survey, Vol.23, No.7(Jul1983), pp.872-874.
    ②BBC, SWB, FE/5767/A3/4(18March1978).
    ①DDRS, CK3100398594, The Spratly Islands Dispute, pp.4-5.
    ②219, Message From the Government of the United States to the Government of the People's Republic of China,Foreign Relations of the United States,1969-1976, Volume XVII,China,1969-1972, p.873.
    ⑦“U.S. Cautioned7thFleet to Shun Paracel Clash”, The New York Times, Jan.22.1974, p.3.
    ⑧“South China Sea: Treacherous Shoals,”FEER,August13,1992, p.15.
    ⑩U.S. News&World Report, March25,1974, p.46.
    ③Bernard Gwertzman,“Peking Reports Holding U.S. Aide: Condition of Observer for Embassy, Sized on Islandsoff Vietnam, Isn’t Known”, The New York Times, Jan.26.1974, L.1, L.4.
    ④DNSA, KT01017, Secretary's Staff Meeting, January31,1974, pp.2,6-12.
    ⑥Mark J. Valencia,“The Spratly Islands: Dangerous Ground in the South China Sea”, The Pacific Review, Vol.1,No.4,1988, pp.438-443.
    ③Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China Sea Dispute Re-visited”, IDSS Working Paper Series (1999).
    ①DDRS, CK3100398594, The Spratly Islands Dispute, pp.4-5.
    ②219, Message From the Government of the United States to the Government of the People's Republic of China,Foreign Relations of the United States,1969-1976, Volume XVII,China,1969-1972, p.873.
    ①Secretary Kissinger informs Ambassador Martin that he should give President Thieu an oral reply to his1/22letter; points to be made in oral presentation detailed, CK3100061576, DDRS, pp.1-3.
    ①不少西方学者持该观点,可参加Chin-Kin Lo, China’s Policy Towards Territorial Dispute: The case of theSouth China Sea Dispute, New York and London: Routledge,1989, pp.53-79.
    ④Sheldon W. Simon,“U.S. Strategy and Southeast Asian Security: Issues of Compatibility”, ContemporarySoutheast Asia, Vol.14, No.4(March1993), pp.305-306.
    ⑤Charles H. Stevenson,“U.S. Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia: Implications for Current Regional Issues”,Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.14, No.2(September1992), p.95.
    ①Aaron Karp,“Military Procurement and Regional Security in Southeast Asia”, Contemporary Southeast Asia,Vol.11, No.4(March1990), p.335.
    ⑥Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China Sea Dispute Re-visited”, IDSS Working Paper Series (1999).
    ①Fravel M. Taylor,“Power Shifts and Escalation Explaining China’s Use of Force in Territorial Disputes”,International Security, Volume32, Number3, Winter2007/08, pp.46-47,73-76,77-78.
    ③Jun Zhan,“China goes to the blue waters: The navy, Sea power mentality and the South China sea”, Journal ofStrategic Studies, Vol.17, No.3,(1994), pp.188-189.
    ④Chen Jie,“China's Spratly Policy: With Special Reference to the Philippines and Malaysia”, Asian Survey, Vol.
    34, No.10(Oct1994), pp.895-898.
    ⑤ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN-China Documents Series1991-2005, Jakarta, ASEAN Secretariat,2006, P.13
    ②John W. Garver明确指出,两次南海海战的背后是中国对越苏勾结的警惕、越南忘恩负义的愤怒以及长久以来恢复南海主权的使命感使然;详细可见John W. Garver,“China's Push through the South China Sea: The
    ③Interaction of Bureaucratic and National Interests”, The China Quarterly, No.132(Dec1992), pp.999-1028.当时中国先与苏联举行高规格会议,随后中国炮击金门。这给美国以中苏共谋收复金门的错觉,便利了中国对蒋介石台湾当局的打击。具体可见沈志华《1958年炮击金门前中国是否告知苏联?》,《中共党史研究》2004年第3期。
    ②分析思路主要借鉴摩根索和沃尔兹的现实主义理论,不少观点借鉴Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China SeaDispute Re-visited”, IDSS Working Paper Series (1999).
    ④分析思路主要借鉴摩根索和沃尔兹的现实主义理论,不少观点借鉴Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China SeaDispute Re-visited”, IDSS Working Paper Series (1999)。
    ①Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China Sea Dispute Re-visited”, IDSS Working Paper Series (1999).
    ④Du Zhongwei, Wang Junzhong and Zhao Qi,“The Ocean, the Navy and the New Technological Revolution”.Interview with Naval Commander Liu Huaquing, in FBIS (China),21September1984, pp.14-16.
    ④Lesek Buszynski,“ASEN, the Declaration on Conduct, and the South China Sea”, Contemporary Southeast Asia,No.3,2003,p.353.
    ②③王辑思:《对中美关系的几点分析》,《现代国际关系》2001年第6期,第7-10页。Bonnie Glaser,“U.S.—China Relations: Moving Forward”, American Foreign Policy Interests, Vol.23, No.6,2001, pp.377-386.
    ④Aaron L. Friedberg,“The Future of U.S.-China Relations-Is Conflict Inevitable?”, International Security, Vol.30,No.2(Fall2005), pp.7–45.
    ⑤Andrew T H Tan,“The US and China in the Malay Archipelago”, Asia-Pacific Review, Vol.17, No.2,2010,pp.26-55.
    ①美国代表性论著Kurt Campell,“China’s challenge and Asia’s Rise: The case for U.S. Strategic Reengagementin the Asia-Pacific Region”, Congressional Testimony, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May15th2008,http://www.cnas.org/;中国论著则可见2008-2009年王辑思、阎学通、楚树龙等的文章,如陈永龙《变非敌非友为相对平等的合作伙伴关系》、金灿荣《中美关系的关键在于美国》,《国际问题研究》2009年第1期,第4-5页。
    ③Ralph A. Cossa,“Security Implications of Conflict in the South China Sea: Exploring Potential Triggers ofConflict”,A Pacific Forum CSIS Special Report,Mar1998.
    ④Chen Jie,“China's Spratly Policy: With Special Reference to the Philippines and Malaysia”, Asian Survey, Vol.34, No.10(Oct1994), pp.902-903.
    ②US Department of State Dispatch, November5,1990.
    ①Sheldon W. Simon,“U.S. Strategy and Southeast Asian Security”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.14,No.4(March1993), pp.306-309.
    ②Liselotte Odgaard,“Deterrence and Co-operation in the South China Sea”,Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.23,No.2(August2001), p.296.
    ④Chen Jie,“China's Spratly Policy: With Special Reference to the Philippines and Malaysia”, Asian Survey, Vol.34, No.10(Oct.,1994), p.902.
    ③Bangkok Declararation,8August1967, http//ww.aseansee.org/1212.htm.
    ④Liselotte Odgaard,“Deterrence and Co-operation in the South China Sea”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.23, No.2(August2001), p.297.
    ①Ross Marlay,“China, the Philippines, and the Spratly Islands”,Asian Affairs, Vol.23, No.4(Winter,1997), pp.200-201.
    ②Sheldon W. Simon,“Is There a U.S. Strategy for East Asia?”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.21, No.3
    (December1999), p.329.
    ③Liselotte Odgaard,“Deterrence and Co-operation in the South China Sea”,Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.23,No.2(August2001), pp.293-294.
    ④Liselotte Odgaard,“Deterrence and Co-operation in the South China Sea”, pp.298-304.
    ①Nong Hong,“‘ASEAN+1’Regime in the South China Sea Issues: A Review of the Past and A Prospect for theFuture”, International Conference on The South China Sea: Toward a Region of Peace, Cooperation andProgress, July5-6,2011, Manila.
    ①Wu Xinbo,“U.S. Security Policy in Asia: Implications for China—U.S. Relations”, Contemporary SoutheastAsia, Vol.22, No.3(December2000), p.488.
    ②Christopher D. Yung,“People's War at Sea: Chinese Naval Power in the Twenty-First Century”,4401FordAvenue Alexandria, Virginia22302-1498,Center for Naval Analyses,Mar1996,http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA306680.
    ③Stein T nnesson,“Vietnam's Objective in the South China Sea: National or Regional Security?”, ContemporarySoutheast Asia, Vol.22, No.1(April2000), p.203.
    ⑤Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, September30,2001, p.4.
    ①Adam Ward,“China and America: Trouble Ahead”, Survival, Volume45, Number3,2003, pp.35-56.
    ②Lee Lai,“China, the USA and the South China Sea Conflicts”,Security Dialogue Vol.34, No.1, March2003,pp.34-35.
    ④Lee Jae-hyung,“China's Expanding Maritime Ambitions in the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean”,Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.24, No.3(December2002), pp.558-560.
    ⑤Bonnie S. Glaser,“China's Security Perceptions: Interests and Ambitions, Asian Survey”, Vol.33, No.3(Mar,1993), p.266.
    ⑥Lesek Buszynski,“ASEN, the Declaration on Conduct, and the South China Sea”, Contemporary Southeast Asia,No.3,2003,p.348.
    ⑦Ang Cheng Guan,“The South China Sea Dispute Re-visited” IDSS Working Paper Series (1999).
    ②Ramses Amer,“The Territorial Disputes between China and Vietnam and Regional Stability”, ContemporarySoutheast Asia, Vol.19, No.1(June,1997), pp.86-113.
    ③Nguyen Hong Thao,“Vietnam and the Code of Conduct for the South China Sea”, Ocean Development&International Law, Vol.32,2001, pp.105–130.
    ⑤Tran Truong Thuy,“Recent Developments in the South China Sea: Implications for Regional Security andCooperation”,http://csis.org/publication/recent-developments-south-china-sea-implications-regional-security-and-cooperation.
    ⑥David Shambaugh,“China Engages Asia: Reshaping the Regional Order”, International Security, Vol.29, No.3(Winter,2004/2005), pp.64-67.
    ⑦Jon M. Van Dyke and Mark J. Valencia,“How Valid Are The South China Sea Claims Under The Law Of TheSea Convention?”, Southeast Asian Affairs,(2000), pp.47-49.
    ①Ralf Emmers,“ASEAN, China and the South China Sea: An Opportunity Missed”,http://www.rsis.edu.sg/publications/Perspective/IDSS302002.pdf.
    ②Caveat Lector, Nicholas Khoo, Michael L. R. Smith, David Shambaugh,“China Engages Asia?”, InternationalSecurity, Vol.30, No.1(Summer,2005), p.203.
    ④Yann-Huei Song, Zou Keyuan,“Maritime Legislation of Mainland China and Taiwan: Developments,Comparison, Implications, and Potential Challenges for the United States”, Ocean Development&InternationalLaw, Vol.31, No.4(2000), pp.308-309.
    ⑥Li, Mingjiang,“Security in the South China Sea: China's balancing act and new regional dynamics”, RSISWorking Papers,2008.
    ①Christopher R. Hughes,“Nationalism and multilateralism in Chinese foreign policy: implications for SoutheastAsia”,The Pacific Review, Vol.18, No.1, March2005, pp.119–135.
    ②US Department of State Dispatch, November5,1990.
    ②“US ‘Will Not Interfere’ in Spratly Conflicts”, The Straits Times,23October1991.
    ③“Work with China on Spratlys Row, US Urges ASEAN”, The Straits Times,28March1992.
    ④“Washington’s Priorities”, Far Eastern Economic Review,13August1992, p.18.
    ①Ian James Storey,“Creeping Assertiveness: China, the Philippines and the South China Sea Dispute”,Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.21, No.1(April1999), pp.109-111.
    ②China and The United States: From Hostility to Engagement,1968-1998,(Micron Film), No.01828.
    ④Congress, Senate,“Senate Resolution97-Relative To The South China Sea”,104thCong,1stsess, CongressionalRecord(March30,1995), S4932-4934.
    ②Congress, Senate,“Pressler Amendments Nos.1995-1999”,104thCong,1stsess, Congressional Record(July31,1995), S11027.
    ⑤“This is the Season”, FEER, Dec.24,1998, p.18.
    ②Adam Ward,“China and America: Trouble Ahead”, Survival, Volume45, Number3,2003, pp.37-40.
    ④Peter A. Dutton,“Cracks in the Global Foundation: International Law and Instability in the South China Sea”, inPatrick M. Cronin ed.,“Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS,Jan2012, pp.69-79.
    ①Scott Snyder, The South China Sea Dispute: Prospects for Preventive Diplomacy, A Special Report, the USInstitute For Peace, Washington, DC, August1996.
    ③Hugh De Santis,“The Dragon and the Tigers: China and Asian Regionalism”, World Policy Journal, Vol.22, No.2(Summer2005), p.31.
    ④Diane K. Mauzy and Brian L. Job,“U.S. Policy in Southeast Asia: Limited Re-engagement after Years of BenignNeglect”, Asian Survey, Vol.47, No.4(July/August2007), pp.632,628-629.
    ②James R. Holmes,“Rough Waters for Coalition Building”, in Patrick M. Cronin ed.,“Cooperation from StrengthThe United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012, pp.105-106.
    ②Ian James Storey,“Creeping Assertiveness: China, the Philippines and the South China Sea Dispute”,
    ③Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.21, No.1(April1999), p.101.Lesek Buszynski,“ASEN, the Declaration on Conduct, and the South China Sea”, Contemporary Southeast Asia,No.3,2003, p.348.
    ②Ian James Storey,“Creeping Assertiveness: China, the Philippines and the South China Sea Dispute”, p.106.
    ③Lesek Buszynski,“ASEN, the Declaration on Conduct, and the South China Sea”, p.348
    ④Ramos,“Sinos occupying RP reef in Spratlys”, Philippine Daily Inquirer,9February1995.
    ⑤Nayan Chanda,“Territorial Imperative”, Far Eastern Economic Review, February23,1995, p.15.
    ⑦Ross Marlay,“China, the Philippines, and the Spratly Islands”, Asian Affairs, Vol.23, No.4(Winter,1997),pp.204-205.
    ①Frank Ching,“Manila Foiled in Spratly Row”, Far Eastern Economic Review, April8,1999, p.33;“SpratlyImpasse”, Far Eastern Economic Review, April1,1999, p.12.
    ②Lesek Buszynski,“ASEN, the Declaration on Conduct, and the South China Sea”, Contemporary SoutheastAsia, No.3,2003, p.348.
    ①Ross Marlay,“China, the Philippines, and the Spratly Islands”, Asian Affairs, Vol.23, No.4(Winter,1997),p.198.
    ②不少文章认为中国是美济礁事件的肇事者,且认为中国选择此时的菲律宾作为对手是因为菲律宾相较其他方而言海军实力最弱小;详情可见Ian James Storey,“Creeping Assertiveness: China, the Philippines and theSouth China Sea Dispute”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.21, No.1(April1999).
    ①Ian James Storey,“Creeping Assertiveness: China, the Philippines and the South China Sea Dispute”,Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.21, No.1(April1999), pp.107-108.
    ③Denny Roy,“Southeast Asia and China: Balancing or Bandwagoning?”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.27,No.2.2005, pp.305–322.
    ①Christopher D. Yung,“People's War at Sea: Chinese Naval Power in the Twenty-First Century”,4401FordAvenue Alexandria, Virginia22302-1498,Center for Naval Analyses,Mar1996.
    ①Kurt Campell,“China’s challenge and Asia’s Rise: The case for U.S. Strategic Reengagement in the Asia-PacificRegion”, Congressional Testimony, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May15th2008.
    ②David Shambaugh,“The Year China Showed Its Claws”,Financial Times,February16,2010; MichaelD.Swaine,“Perceptions of an Assertive China”,China Leadership Monitor,No.32,Spring2010.
    ③Thomas J. Christensen,“The Advantages of an Assertive China: Responding to Beijing's Abrasive Diplomacy”,Foreign Affairs,March/April2011.
    ②See Jeffrey A. Bader,“Obama and China’s Rise”,Brookings Institution Press, Washington, D.C.2012.
    ⑤Ed Payne,“Obama, Hu Talk Nuclear, Economic Issues by Phone,”http://articles.cnn.com/2010-04-02/politics/obama.china.hu_1_nuclear-issues-nuclear-energy-program-taiwan-and-tibe?t_s=PM:POLITICS.
    ⑥《美韩海军联合军演》, http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/nz/mhhhjy/.
    ②“Remarks by Vice President Biden and Chinese Vice President Xi at the State Department Luncheon BenjaminFranklin Room,State Department”,February14,2012,http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/02/14/remarks-vice-president-biden-and-chinese-vice-president-xi-state-departm.
    ⑤“Iaugural Richard C.Holbrooke Lecture on a Broad Vision of U.S.-China Relations in the21st Century”,Remarks by Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State,Benjamin Franklin Room,Washington,DC,http://www.State. gov/secretary/rm/2011/01/154653.htm.
    ⑥Hillary Rodham Clinton,“Remarks at the U.S.Institute of Peace China Conferenc”,http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2012/03/185402.htm.
    ⑦《中海油收购尼克森终获美国批准》, http://finance.china.com.cn/stock/hkstock/gs/20130215/1283413.shtml.
    ①Walter Lohman,“The U.S. Cannot Rely on ASEAN in the South China Sea”,Web Memo,The HeritageFoundation,No.3335,August5,2011.
    ①Robert Beckman,“China, UNCLOS and the South China Sea”, Asian Society of International Law ThirdBiennial Conference Beijing, China,27-28August2011.
    ③Robert Sutter,Chin-Hao Huang,“China-Southeast Asia Relations: Managing Rising Tensions in the South ChinaSea”,China-Southeast Asia Relations,September2011.
    ①Robert Sutter,Chin-Hao Huang,“China-Southeast Asia Relations: Managing Rising Tensions in the South ChinaSea”,China-Southeast Asia Relations,September2011.
    ②Robert Sutter,Chin-Hao Huang,“China-Southeast Asia Relations: Senior Officials Visits; South China SeaTensions”,China-Southeast Asia Relations,July2010.
    ③Bonnie S. Glaser,“South China Sea Dispute: Causes and Solutions”, Roundtable: The South China Sea andU.S.-China-ASEAN Relations, CSIS, October28,2011.
    ④M. Taylor Fravel,“Maritime Security in the South China Sea and the Competition over Maritime Rights”, inPatrick M. Cronin ed“.,Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012.p.46.
    ①M. Taylor Fravel,“China’s Behavior in its Territorial Disputes and Assertiveness in the South China Sea”,Roundtable: The South China Sea and U.S.-China-ASEAN Relations, CSIS,October28,2011.
    ②《美国与越南即将建立战略伙伴关系》, http://blog.huanqiu.com/43879/2011-06-21/2179478/.
    ③《越南谋求深化与美国关系有玄机》, http://world.people.com.cn/GB/15774932.html.
    ④“U.S. Defense Spending and East Asian Security”,http://www.brookings.edu/events/2011/1017_east_asia_defense.aspx.
    ①Robert Sutter,“China’s Rise: Implication for U.S. Leadership in Asia”,http://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/handle/10125/3511/PS021.pdf.
    ②See Thomas G. Mahnken,“China's Anti-Access Strategy in Historical and Theoretical Perspective”, Journal ofStrategic Studies, Vol.34, No.3, June2011, pp.299-323.
    ②Leszek Buszynski,“The South China Sea: Oil, Maritime Claims, and U.S.—China Strategic Rivalry”, TheWashington Quarterly, pp.145-146.
    ①Edward Wong,“Chinese Military Seeks to Extend Its Naval Power,” New York Times, April23,2010.
    ②See Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, Interview With Greg Sheridan of The Australian, Melbourne,Australia, November8,2010.
    ③Robert Sutter,Chin-Hao Huang,“China-Southeast Asia Relations: Senior Officials Visits; South China SeaTensions”,China-Southeast Asia Relations,July2010.
    ④Hillary Rodham Clinton,“Press Availability”, July23,2010, National Convention Center Hanoi, Vietnam,http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/07/145095.htm.
    ①Kurt Campell,“China’s challenge and Asia’s Rise: The case for U.S. Strategic Reengagement in the Asia-PacificRegion”, Congressional Testimony, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May15th2008.
    ②具体措施为:1、重新评估美国的战略现状亚太的崛起已是现实。美国既要注意到中国的崛起,也不能忽视印度实力的增长。美国要继续强调其亚太的力量存在,巩固与日本等的双边和多边同盟或关系,同时也不能忽视欧洲对于美国的战略意义。美国应向海峡两岸明确表示其台海政策,以防止误判造成的恶果。另外,美国要把印度纳入到亚太安全事务中,以平衡中国实力崛起带来的影响。2、维持巩固的双边关系巩固的双边关系是应对地区安全挑战的支柱。美国必须继续加强同日本、韩国、澳大利亚、台湾和印度的双边关系。美国尤其必须维持其在日本的军事基地,继续深化布什政府以来与亚太各国成功的合作关系。3、以更加积极的态势参与亚太地区合作与多边论坛下届国家安全委员会和国防部不仅要意识到参与高规格的亚太安全会议的重要性,还应主动设置议程,推进美国战略利益。国防部要确保高级别官员参与相关安全会议。美国政府应该鼓励多边部长级会议,促进中美日之间、美日韩之间的对话产生积极成果。4、重新评估军事卷入的可能性与后果美国必须维持在亚太前沿的军事存在,这不仅是对于朋友的责任,也提醒中国:美国是本地区和平与稳定的最终保证。美国应该向所有国家澄清,非传统安全是本地区的共同利益所在,需要各国合作应对。另外,共同安全的合作不应只限于中国、日本和韩国,还应将其他国家纳入以扩大安全对话。5、拓展安全议程只对传统安全的专注会限制美国在亚洲追求更广泛利益的能力。况且,亚洲国家关注的中心不是安全而是经济。同时,全球气候变化和能源竞争越演越烈。所有这些问题又紧密联系,需要国际合作协调解决。美国必须就能源稳定供给与合作同中国建立一个稳定的双边机制。详细见Kurt Campell,“China’s challenge and Asia’s Rise: The case for U.S. Strategic Reengagement in the Asia-PacificRegion”, Congressional Testimony, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May15th2008.
    ②坛》2012年第3期,第49-58页。Christopher D. Yung,“People's War at Sea: Chinese Naval Power in the Twenty-First Century”,4401Ford
    ③Avenue Alexandria, Virginia22302-1498,Center for Naval Analyses,Mar1996.Robert D. Kaplan,“China’ s Caribbean”, The Washington Post, September26,2010; and DoyleMcManus,“China's Growing Military Clout And East Asia's Future”, Los Angeles Times, September26,2010;and David E. Sanger,“Three Faces Of The New China”, New York Times, September26,2010.
    ④U.S. Energy Information Administration, South China Sea: Oil&Natural Gas (March2008); and Robert D.Kaplan,“China’s Caribbean”, The Washington Post, September26,2010.
    ①详细内容可见Paul D. Senese,“Chinese Acquisition of the Spratly Archipelago and Its Implications for theFuture”, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Vol.22, No.1,2005, pp.79-94.
    ②Aaron L. Friedberg,“The Future of U.S.-China Relations-Is Conflict Inevitable?”, International Security, Vol.30, No.2(Fall2005), pp.16-24.
    ③M. Taylor Fravel,“China’s Behavior in its Territorial Disputes and Assertiveness in the South China Sea”,Roundtable: The South China Sea and U.S.-China-ASEAN Relations, CSIS, October28,2011.
    ④Bonnie S. Glaser,“South China Sea Dispute: Causes and Solutions”, Roundtable: The South China Sea andU.S.-China-ASEAN Relations, CSIS,October28,2011.
    ①Dave Finkelstein,“Is China Getting Assertive on Territorial Disputes?”, Roundtable: The South China Sea andU.S.-China-ASEAN Relations, CSIS,October28,2011.
    ①Chris Rahman, Martin Tsamenyi,“A Strategic Perspective on Security and Naval Issues in the South China Sea”,Ocean Development&International Law, Vol.41, No.4,2010, p.320.
    ②Michael Auslin,“U.S.'s Challenge in South China Sea”,http://www.realclearworld.com/articles/2011/07/01/uss_challenge_in_south_china_sea_99575.html.
    ③Patrick M. Cronin,“Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012, pp.94-95.
    ④Congressional Testimony from Mark E. Manyin, Stephen Daggett, Ben Dolven, Susan V. Lawrence, Michael F.Martin, Ronald O'Rourke, Bruce Vaughn,“Pivot to the Pacific? The Obama Administration’s ‘Rebalancing’Toward Asia”, March28,2012, p.8.
    ⑤Patrick M. Cronin,“Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012, pp.20-26.
    ①Thomas J. Christensen,“The Need to Pursue Mutual Interests in U.S.-PRC Relations”, SPECIAL REPORT269, April2011, the United States Institute of Peace.
    ②Wu Xinbo,“China and the United States---Core Interests, Common Interests, and Partnership”SPECIALREPORT277, June2011, the United States Institute of Peace.近期可见《杨洁篪就习近平访美向中方媒体作总结吹风》,http://news.xinhuanet.com/2012-02/19/c_111542269_3.htm.
    ③Michael D. Swaine,“China’s Assertive Behavior Part One: On ‘Core Interests’”,http://media.hoover.org/sites/default/files/documents/CLM34MS.pdf.
    ④“Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for21st Century Defense”, p.4,http://www.defense.gov/news/Defense_Strategic_Guidance.pdf.
    ①Murray Hiebert, Greg Poling,“ASEAN and the South China Sea”, Roundtable: The South China Sea andU.S.-China-ASEAN Relations, CSIS, October28,2011.
    ②Dave Finkelstein,“Is China Getting Assertive on Territorial Disputes?”, Roundtable: The South China Sea andU.S.-China-ASEAN Relations, CSIS,October28,2011.
    ①Chris Rahman, Martin Tsamenyi,“A Strategic Perspective on Security and Naval Issues in the South China Sea”,Ocean Development&International Law, Vol.41,No.4,2010, p.328.
    ②Michael D. Swaine,“China’s Assertive Behavior Part One: On ‘Core Interests’”, China Leadership Monitor,No.34(Winter2011).
    ①该观点来自黄俊英(Hoàng Anh Tu n)《中国在东海上所犯的战略失误》,越南网站http://southchinaseastudies.org/cn/nghien-cuu-cua-vn-ve-bien-dong/1191-2013-01-07-07-40-31.
    ①M. Taylor Fravel,“China’s Behavior in its Territorial Disputes and Assertiveness in the South China Sea”,Roundtable: The South China Sea and U.S.-China-ASEAN Relations, CSIS,October28,2011.
    ②Patrick M. Cronin,“Cooperation from Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea”,CNAS, Jan2012, pp.111-112.
    ①可见秦宏《面对菲律宾,我们有足够手段》,《人民日报海外版》2012年5月8日;罗援《菲律宾若再不收手,南海舰队可以牛刀小试》, http://mil.news.sohu.com/20120514/n343095579.shtml;程刚《中国在南海不必再客气》,《环球时报》2012年6月13日;孙晔飞《防止黄岩岛事件在南海产生‘多米诺’效应》,《中国青年报》2012年6月8日;贾秀东《挑衅一次就反击一次》,《人民日报海外版》2012年6月22日;郁志荣《必须遏制住越南的嚣张气焰》,《环球时报》2012年6月25日;贾秀东《中国南海出拳迫不得已》,《人民日报海外版》2012年6月30日;宋忠平《中国应维护南海利益,不怕开第一枪》,http://v.ifeng.com/mil/mainland/201206/ee4e72e3-c3f7-45cc-8a54-a2d2fe8ab81d.shtml;等等。
    ①《新四大金刚——越南海军现代化面面观》, http://news.ifeng.com/mil/special/vietnamnavy/.
    ①②详细可见前述“南海核心利益说”。该论点来自美国2012年新军事战略对中国海军实力的评估,具体可见“Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership:Priorities for21st Century Defense”, http://www.defense.gov/news/Defense_Strategic_Guidance.pdf.
    ①Toshi Yoshihara,James R. Holmes,“Can China Defend a “Core Interest” in the South China Sea?”, TheWashington Quarterly, Vol.34, No.2, Spring2011.
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