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Characterized by containerization, modern transportation modes have promoted the great adjustment of world industry structure and economic situation, put ports into keen competition for international shipping centers or regional hubs of transportation and confronted ports with more complicated market environment. Thus, how to correctly evaluate the utility of ports and how to be a port of call has been an important question.
     The dissertation has studied the question of how to maximize network effect of ports in shipping system from the point of view of port choice and then the evolution of port competition and cooperation resulted from network effect. The research provides theoretical support for development and competitive advantage of ports. The following aspects have been discussed in the paper:
     1. To analyze main factors affecting port choice of shipping lines, the theory of network effect was introduced to explain the port choice behavior of shipping lines. It was found that level of connectivity and waterfront services of ports are most important factors affecting shipping lines' choice for the call. Ports have properties of network products and network effect. The influence of the level of connectivity and waterfront services on port competence shows network effect of ports.
     2. Based on the data of Maersk-Sealand and global top 25 shipping lines, it was found that shipping network has small world effect and scale-free effect by the research of shipping network's structure. The distribution property comes from direct network effect of ports. That's to say, ports of high level of connectivity tend to be the regional hub of transportation and vice versa.
     3. Taking ports and waterfront services as dominant products and complementary products of products network, indirect network effect of ports is analyzed. The intensity of the indirect effect depends on consumers' preference to the variety of complementary products. The improvement of waterfront services' level and the extension of the range of service may increase consumers' utility and competitive advantage of ports. Thus, ports may attract more shipping lines, shippers and freight forwarders to choose them as calls, ports of dispatch, and ports of public service.
     4. Evolutionary games on network are studied under the game theory. The evolution of competition and cooperation among ports are analyzed on the heterogeneity shipping network. It was found that the evolution of shipping network' structure among ports influence the transformation from complete competition to cooperation competition by the research of emergence of cooperation and distribution of payoff of the ports.
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