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With the application of "rules the country by law, construct the socialism country under the rule of law" strategy proposed by the CPC central committee, the legal article that the country respects and safeguards human rights" have been written in the constitution officially. The question to safeguard the human rights of criminals, a special weak social group, has been a ruler for a society, a country to measure its civilized degree, the degree of protecting criminal's right can not only examine a country's human rights standard, but also a country's civilized degree. The article obtains by a case analysis and draws out that when the criminal' s own lawful right received by the jail violation, they want to regard their own rights but it's easy to receive the barriers from the jail and the jail police, as the special weak trend community, sometimes it's difficult to defend their own lawful right. It explained that there also has been a big disparity between the ideal and the reality about the criminal's right. The article has first limited the criminal's right and the safeguard of criminal's right, analyzed the characteristics of the criminal's right and why to prove the rights safeguard of the criminal. Then the article has contrasted the criminal's right and the safeguard situation of it between the British & American legal system and the mainland legal system, and summarized the characteristics of the two big legal systems about the safeguard of criminal's right.
     This article has studied the historical evolution and the current situation of the safeguard of criminal's right in China and definite the large results of safeguard of criminal's right in China which has aspect on legislation, law enforcement and social security obtained. Especially it has the milestone significance on the legislative work of the jails and the right safeguard of the criminals in our country that the People's Republic of China Prison law has promulgated. The key of the article is that it researched and analyzed the question about safeguard of criminal's rights existing in our country , It is because of that exists faults on legislates suitable thick not suitable thin, lacks the systematic thought, stresses the jail right establishment excessively ,and because of that the jail police culture quality is low, the law enforcement level is not high, the criminal's right non-procedure safeguard in the law enforcement, and because of that the examination supervises to the safeguard of criminal's right lacks timeliness, the valid reason and National People's Congress, the Political Consultative Conference and the social group and so on the surveillance dynamics weak, that it also exists some questions about safeguard of criminal's right in our country, such as it has not one special chapter to stipulate the criminal's rights and obligations in the Prison law and the Prison law is partly uncoordinated with the international joint pledge and the event that encroaches upon the criminal lawful right.
     The article finally proposed that if want to perfect legal framework about the criminal's right of the jail, it is important to revise the Prison law, safeguard the sequencing establishment of the criminal's right ,establish the omni-directional relief system of the criminal's right and strengthen a series of safeguard of criminal's right plan about the law enforcement safeguard. The writer ventures to draw up a tentative plan about the Prison law to revise the suggestion manuscript (criminal's right part), and supplies to revise the Prison law for the legislature and provides the reference to research for the academic circles.
1 罪犯是一个专门法律用语,本文研究的罪犯是指被法院依法确定有罪并被依法判处有期徒刑,无期徒刑,死刑缓期二年执行刑罚,并在监狱被执行刑罚的罪犯。
    2 徐显明 《从罪犯权利到受刑人人权》第30页,《学习与探索》2005年第3期。
    3 案例来源 蜀道难行《犯人申请工伤补偿,真难》http://www.967911.cn/show.aspx?id=1538&cid=31。
    4 张秀夫主编《中国监狱法实施问题研究》第61页,法律出版社2000年7月第1版。
    5 张秀夫主编《中国监狱法实施问题研究》第61页,法律出版社2000年7月第1版。
    6 转引 [英]AJM米尔恩《人的权利与人的多样性》第154页,中国大科全书出版社1995年版。
    7 参见 徐显明《从罪犯权利到受刑人人权》第30-31页,《学习与探索》2005年第3期。
    8 转引自邵名正主编:《中国劳改法学理论研究综述》第335页,中国政法大学出版社1992年版。
    9 杨殿升主编《监狱法学》第284页,北京大学出版,2000年1月第2版。
    10 杨殿升主编《监狱法学》第284页,北京大学出版,2000年1月第2版。
    11 杨殿升主编.《监狱法学》(第二版)第291页 北京大学出版社,2000年版。
    12 [意]贝卡里亚《论犯罪与刑罚》第53页 黄风译 中国法制出版社 2002年9月版
    13 西方有的国家的监狱除关押已决犯外,还关押未决犯,在监狱立法和司法实践中,将在监狱中所关押的已决犯和未决犯统称为囚犯。
    14 鲁兰 《中日矫正理念与实务研比较研究》第141页,北京大学出版社2005年1月第1版。
    15 黄道秀 李国强译《俄罗斯联邦刑事执行法典》第13页,中国政法大学出版社1999年1月第1版。
    16 赵运恒《罪犯权利论》第11页,中国刑事法杂志2001年第4期。
    17 参见 徐招有《借鉴香港罪犯权利救济制度经验切实保护罪犯的合法权益》http//:www.sjy.gov.cn。
    18 王戌生《欧洲监狱制度与进展》第35页,中国工商出版社,2004年4月第1版。
    19 贝卡里亚《论犯罪与刑罚》第49页,黄风译,法律出版社,2002年9月第1版。
    20 转引自 郝铁川《权利实现的差序格局》第113、112、117页,《中国社会科学》2002年第5期。
    21 参见 万安中主编《中国监狱史》第104页,中国政法大学出版社,2003年3月版。
    22 参见 万安中主编《中国监狱史》第132页,中国政法大学出版社,2003年3月版。
    23 参见《监狱工作手册》(1993—1997),法律出版社,1999年6月版。
    24 参见《监狱工作手册》(1998—2003),法律出版社,2003年5月版。
    25 罪犯合法财产主要有三类,一是入狱前的合法财产,二是入狱后带进监狱的合法财产和生活资料,三是服刑改造期间的劳动报酬、奖金以及通过继承得到的合法财产。
    26 杨立新等著:《人身权法判例与学说》第341——346页,吉林人民出版社,2003年版。
    27 全国人大常委会于1983年3月5日通过的《关于县级以下人民代表大会直接选举的若干规定》中规定:被判处有期徒刑、拘役、管制而没有附加剥夺政治权利的,可以行使选举权。
    28 《司法部关于犯人、劳教人员信仰宗教和在狱所内从事宗教活动问题的批复》,司法函[1992]035号,1992年1月26日。
    29 闵征《论罪犯权利的实现》第38页 中国监狱学刊2004年第3期。
    30 注:网络报道 覃革《罪犯人身权利受保护—粗暴狱警虐待罪犯被判刑》http://www.gxnews.com.cn/gengduo/zhxw/gengduo_1.htm
    31 《孟子·离娄上》。
    32 张秀夫主编:《中国监狱法实施问题研究》第51页,法律出版社2000年版。
    33 鲁加伦主编:《中国罪犯人权研究》第37页,法律出版社1998年版。
    34 转引李步云:《人权的普遍性和特殊性》第6页,载于王家福、刘海年、李林主编,《人权与21世纪》,中国法制出版社2000年版。
    35 注:郑成良《社会和谐、法制发展与权利保障》http://www.sls.org.cn/law_update_webf/index.jspls.org.cn。
    36 参见蒋安杰:“关注三大诉讼法修改”,载《法制日报》,2005年10月9日。
    37 说明:鉴于本文研究论题限定为“罪犯权利保障”,故笔者虽列本章名为“罪犯的权利与义务”,但只拟出“罪犯的权利”条文,暂无“罪犯的义务”的条文。
    20、徐招有:《借鉴香港罪犯权利救济制度经验切实保护罪犯的合法权益》 http//:www.sjy.gov.cn。

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