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     1986年至2006年福建省总出生缺陷发生率呈现逐年升高的趋势(趋势χ2=5.708,P<0.05)。出生缺陷分布有明显的季节聚集性。城市农村出生缺陷的缺陷顺位不同,农村无脑儿、脊柱裂、外耳其他畸形、肢体短缩、先天性膈疝、脑积水、唇并腭裂、内翻足的危险性高于城市(P值均小于0.05,OR均大于1),而食道闭锁、膀胱外翻、先天性心脏病的危险性低于城市(P值小于0.05,OR小于1)。孕妇高龄是唐氏综合征的危险因素。多因素非条件logistic回归分析的结果显示,出生缺陷的主要危险因素按OR值排列依次为:孕期接触射线OR为22.9,(95% CI=2.798~186.676);孕期患病OR为16.5,(95% CI=8.051~34.004);孕期接触化学制剂危险度为15.0,(95% CI=4.661~48.512);孕期接触农药OR为12.7,(95% CI=3.330~48.086);孕期接触抗生素的OR为11.4,(95% CI=2.187~2.905);孕期吸烟OR为8.2,(95% CI=5.783~11.665);孕期接触中草药危险度为4.8,(95% CI=3.196~7.299);孕期发热OR为4.0,(95% CI=2.877~5.610);孕妇高龄OR为3.4,(95% CI=1.149~10.001);孕期接触噪音OR为3.7,(95% CI=2.777~4.995);孕期饮酒OR为2.6,(95% CI=1.779~3.822);孕妇低文化程度OR为2.2,(95% CI=1.086~4.331);受孕季节OR为1.7,(95% CI=1.147~2.432);既吸烟又饮酒的孕妇,其胎儿出生缺陷OR为34.6,(95% CI=25.528~46.789),吸烟和饮酒存在交互与联合作用,二者共同作用加大了出生缺陷的危险。
     To analyze the variational tendency of birth defect from 1986 to 2006 in Fujian,China. Furthermore to explore the possible risks, which were evaluated in company with its distribution characteristic subsequently.And provide some scientific guidelines for the prevention and intervention of birth defect.
     Data from 1986 to 2006 were collected via Fujian Birth Defect (BD) Monitoring Network―a hospital that based on planning congenital anomalies registry system as a whole. During that period all lives or stillbirth with 28 weeks or more of gestation were assessed within 7 days after delivery. The overall rates of general incidence and typical incidence, ranking and long-term trend were evaluated. By using Chi-square test,t-test, biological regression and time series analysis, ,odds ratio and 95% confidence interval, A 1:1 matched case control study was designed to be described and evaluated from October 1,1986 to August 3,1992. By means of simple and multivariable conditional logistic regression, the odds ratio and 95% confidence interval were computed. Moreover, the interaction for the important risk factors was analyzed.
     The overall prevalence rates of birth defect were rising yearly( Linear-by-Linear Associationχ2=5.708,P<0.05) The incidence of birth defect is varied in different seasons and especially higher in summer.There were different BD orders in rural and urban. The BD risk of anencephalus, cleft spine, deformity of external-ear, limbs decurtation, congenital diaphragmatic, hernia, hydrocephaly ,cleft and varus were higher in rural than that in urban (P<0.05,OR>1), which holds the higher risk of gullet-clausura, bladder exstrophy, congenital cardiopathy .
     The results of multivariable non-conditional logistic regression showed that birth defect was mostly caused by the exposure to ray,exposure to chemicals,exposure to pesticide,exposure to antibiotic,exposure to smoking,exposure to Chinese herbal medicine,by being abnormal in the duration of pregnancy, which including having a fever or any diseases, drinking, smoking, in touch with chemicals, antibiotic, by women’s age that beyond 35, and also by their low education background. the season of androlepsis,Respectively OR and 95% confidential interzone (CI) were:22.9,(95% CI=2.798~186.676);16.5,(95% CI=8.051~34.004); 15.0,(95% CI=4.661~48.5120);12.7,(95% CI=3.330~48.086);11.4, (95% CI=2.187~2.905);8.220,(95% CI=5.783~11.665); 4.830,(95% CI=3.196~7.299);4.017,(95% CI=2.877~5.610); 3.390,(95% CI=1.149~10.001);3.724,(95% CI=2.777~4.995); 2.607,(95% CI=1.779~3.822); 1.670,(95% CI=1.147~2.432).
     As a result, interactions were found between smoking and drinking. (OR=34.560,95% CI=25.528~46.789),
     From 1986 to 2006, the prevalence rate of congenital anomalies is increasing gradually in Fujian ,China. The main risk factors of birth defect are the season of androlepsis, abnormal in the duration of pregnancy, high women’s age aged 35 or over, and women with low education level.In order to decrease the rate of birth defect, serveral efficient and feasible ways can be fetched out as follows: raising resistance of illness, abstinence, away from poisonous chemicals, noise and ray , adjusting the occupation before pregnancy, accepting education, enlarging health education, making the knowledge of birth defect wild-spread and executing the three-stage protection against birth defect.
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