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As an important part of the main content of the modern corporate governance theory, the key of the corporate control right theory is the power determining the company resources allocation. It is a question of system design including authority department structure, power base, power decomposition and power allocation and so on. Because of the relative separation of ownership and management in the company, many internal and external stakeholders have different objective functions, interest achievement means and governance participate levels in the enterprise. Through the analysis of corporate control rights, we can make the interaction mechanism clear among the stakeholders having direct contractual relationships with the enterprise.
     As China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "Equity Incentive Management of Listed Companies (Trial)", the operator equity incentive measures have gradually formed, and the equity incentive in our increasingly is becoming formalized and institutionalized. But because of institutional and historical reasons, there are many problems such as corporate governance structure inefficiency, the general meeting of shareholders' power weakening, board of supervisors performing practically no function and so on in China. The theories on the corporate governance model and control system are becoming more perfect, which depends on the balance of general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors and management, but managers have full control rights in the modern enterprise. As a rational economic man, the manager may meet their own private interest by dominion over property to others, in the absence of effective constraint mechanism. Allocation of control rights between the shareholders meeting, board of directors and managers affects the company's equity incentive preference and the effect of equity incentive. This article studied the equity incentive preference and the effect of equity incentive from the perspective of control rights allocation.
     Based on the all references, this paper divided the control rights allocation into three aspects including the shareholders meeting, board of directors and managers, and built the comprehensive control right allocation model through unifying the control rights. The paper analyzed the effect mechanism of control rights allocation on the equity incentive, and analyzed the impacts of control rights allocation on equity incentive preference by establishing the logit regression model, and analyzed the control rights allocation impact on the equity incentive by building the effect model of the equity incentive on the short-term and the long-term through the stochastic frontier model. The paper got the control rights allocation model on the optimal effect of equity incentive.
     The paper includes the following aspects:
     The first chapter is the introduction. This part described the research background, meaning, and defined the relevant concepts, and explained the main contents, the logical thinking and research methods, and summarized the expected innovation.
     The second chapter is a literature review. This chapter provided a theoretical basis for the analysis of future research chapters through collating and summarizing the relevant literature and research on the control right allocation, equity incentive and so on. Through the study on the control right allocation and equity incentive, we found that there were few direct literatures on the impacts of control right allocation on the equity incentive, the depth and breadth of existing research were obviously deficient. The relevance references study the effect of equity incentive used CAR and ROE, so the method has yet to be excavated, especially the application of econometric models.
     The third chapter is the theoretical analysis. As the theoretical study of the paper, this chapter explained the mechanism and application constraints of equity incentive in China. The objective function and utility function of business managers were not completely consistent with the shareholders', which made the managers ignore resources allocation signals from the capital markets in pursuit of maximizing the effectiveness. The equity incentive could integrate the interests between shareholders and managers, and improve resource allocation efficiency and optimize the governance structures; the equity incentive effect laid on the competitive market externally and internal governance mechanisms internally, and as the internal control right allocation, the governance structure played binding effect on the equity incentive effect. By establishing comprehensive model on control right allocation, the paper analyzed its impact on the equity incentive effect. In the board of directors in control of the major shareholders, with the control weakening of major shareholders, shareholder supervise impetus decreased, equity incentives appetite increased, and the equity incentive effect enhanced because of the right checks and balances; In the board of directors in control of the managers, because managers rights is too large and it is easily lead to internal people use equity incentive rent-seeking, so there is a strong preference for equity incentives, and equity incentive effect was weak; in the independent or balance board, with the proportion decline of large shareholders,"three rights separate control" situation is more stable because of right checks and balances, and equity incentive effect increased.
     The fourth chapter is the impact of control right allocation on equity incentive preference. Choosing2006-2012Shenzhen listed companies as samples, this chapter, using the logit model, empirical researched the impact of control right allocation on the equity incentive preference and lateral compare the preference differences of equity incentive under different control right allocation mode. The empirical results show that the shareholding proportion of the large shareholders and major shareholders controlling proportion in the board were negatively correlated to the equity incentives preference, and director proportion in control of the managers and manager proportion appointed directly or indirectly by the major shareholders were positively correlated to the equity incentives preference, and the impact of mode27on the equity incentive preference was the strongest. The results showed that while the large shareholder with more control rights, supervision and job threats, the equity incentive preference was lower; while the managers with relatively larger control rights, it was easy for managers using information superiority to do rent-seeking, and so the equity incentives preference is stronger.
     The fifth chapter is the short-term influence of control right allocation on equity incentive effect. Choosing the listed company in Shenzhen announcing draft equity incentive plan from January1,2006to December31,2012as the study sample, this chapter built equity incentive effect of short-term market models and factor analysis model using SFA means, and empirically researched the short-term influence of control right allocation on equity incentive effect, and tested the differences in short-term efficiency in different control right allocation mode using single-factor analysis of variance. The empirical results show:there was a significant negative correlation coefficient between the shareholders characteristics and equity incentive short-term market effect, and board structure and general state did not exist significantly effect on the equity incentive short-term market effect, and short-term effect of incentive options was optimal in the right balance allocation integrated model among the shareholders, the board directors and managers. The results show the larger control right of shareholders lead to conflicts between large shareholders and management, and the tensions between the two made equity incentive effect lower; board structure and the appointing way of general managers did not have a significant effect on the equity incentive influence. The integrated model of control right allocation in balance squeezed the rent-seeking ability and space of each individual subject, and the equity incentive effect is the most optimal at this time.
     The sixth chapter is the long-term effect of control right allocation on equity incentive effect. Taking ROE by industry and year adjusted for the long-term output, this chapter built equity incentive effect of short-term market models and factor analysis model using SFA means, and empirically researched the long-term impact of control right allocation on equity incentive effect, and tested the differences in long-term efficiency in different control right allocation mode using single-factor analysis of variance. The empirical results show:different from the short-term effect, the board in control of large shareholders has a negative impact on the long-term effect of equity incentives.
     The results show that the board in control of large shareholders did not have a significant impact on the equity incentive effect in the short term, but in the long term duo to the conflicts between shareholders and managers because of the control of large shareholders on the board, lead to the prominent influence on long-term equity incentive performance.
     The seventh chapter is the conclusion and outlook. This part summarized the main conclusions, and made a number of revelations, and analyzed the shortcomings of the study, and proposed the future research directions.
     The innovation of this paper focused on the following aspects:
     Firstly, the paper studied the equity incentive effect from the aspect of the control right allocation, and proposed the control right allocation integrated model; equity incentive and control right allocation mode should match, and equity incentive would not play the incentive effect, but become rent-seeking tools if the control rights were configured incorrectly.
     Secondly, taking into the inputs and outputs of equity incentive, this paper calculated the short-term market effect and long-term performance effect of incentive stock options incentives using the SFA means of the stochastic frontier model, and researched the influence of control right allocation on the equity incentive effect through the factor analysis model.
     Thirdly, this paper built the model of "control right allocation-preference behavior-effect ", firstly demonstrating the impacts of control right allocation on the preference behavior of the equity incentive, and then investigating the impact on its effect. The means made the conclusions more logical and convincing.
     Fourthly, the conclusion shows that equity incentive play incentive effect, by building "the shareholders meeting, board of directors, and managers" control allocation mode. The study found that equity incentive can play the best effect, if the independence of the board of directors is strong, and right is effective checks and balances. Therefore, enterprises need to optimize the control allocation mode, improve the equity incentive effect, by negotiating transfer, rationing, establishing an effective remuneration and appraisal committee and establishing an effective professional manager market.
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