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    本文的研究目的就是努力为企业勾画出基于Internet/Intranet环境的企业危机管理模式。为此作者首先从系统工程的角度指出企业危机管理的概念,认为危机管理是企业的危机管理与企业的战略管理的融合(SM+CM)、企业的危机培训(CMT)、危机反应CMR)、危机评估CME)的整合。然后对基于Internet/Intranet环境下的企业危机管理的理论基础(信息不对称问题、基于知识共享的第五代管理理论、战略管理理论)进行了简要的论述。之后,结合Internet/Intranet环境的特点,按照实际处理的程序,分别对如何构筑信息化环境下的CMR, CMT ,CM+SM,CME模型进行了详细的论述,并给出了各自的模型图解。接着,还结合中国的现实,针对恒升笔记本事件、中美史克"PPA风波"两个案例,分析论述了基于Internet/Intranet 环境下的企业危机管理理论在中国的应用。
It is a focus to study corporate Crisis Management (CM). With the development of Internet/Intranet information, there are some new characteristics of corporate CM. Then how to carry it effectively is important for many corporate when crisis occurs.
    The purpose of the dissertation is to construct the corporate CM model based on Internet/Intranet information. It begins with the definition of corporate CM in System Engineering theory: the CM is an organic conception including CM+SM, CMT, CMR and CME. Then the fundamental theories of CM are discussed: asymmetric information, the V management based on knowledge sharing, Strategic management and so on. The models of CMR、CMT、CME、SM+CM are presented in detail, all of which are based on Internet/Intranet information. These are the main part of this article. After these works, author discusses the possible practice of above models in china. Finally, the author introduces two case studies: Maxstation pocketable-PC Crisis and PPA Crisis of SK&F Corporate.
    In this article, the author interprets the CM model and theory with many figures, including the general model of corporate CM, the CMR Model, the CMSS flow online, the CMT Model based on Internet/Intranet information, the CM+SM model and CME model.
    The article concludes that Corporate CM is a system-engineering concept; corporate CM is not only a response management, but also a combination with the strategic management. Constructing the models of corporate CM is based on Internet/Intranet information.
    The study is helpful to deal with any crisis for Chinese corporate in information environment.
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